installed vstream

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Sep 30, 2007
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I installed a vstream windshield yesterday morning. When I took it out of the box I thought, damn that thing looks big and bulky, dont think I am going to like it. It took about 10 minutes to install it, being very careful. I put the OEM in the box and placed on a shelf in the garage, sure I would be putting it back on. In the afternoon, I met a salesman from work, his brother and brother inlaw. They rode a Fatboy, Electraglide, and Victory (bitch bike). We rode about 250 miles and I left my helmet visor up all day. I even had the windshield down at speeds below 50 mph. I am very impressed and pleased. :clapping: I am going to buy a open face helmet for riding when it gets warm out again.

I've been thinking about picking up a V-stream for winter riding, every review convinces me a bit more.

However, I would like to urge you to keep the full face helmet on your mellon. I had a get-off a few months ago and even though it was low speed, I'd have no face if I hadn' been wearing a full helmet. Don't want to sound preachy, I'm very much a "to each his own" guy, but I'd feel some personal dissapointment if I didn't say something.

That said, how well does the v-stream work at high speed? Lots of buffeting or any feel of being sucked into the front of the bike?

Not that happy with my V-Stream (I'm 6-3). I get a lot of helmet buffeting and, worst of all, negative pressure pulling me forward.

As for open-face helmet, just bear in mind the results of a helmet manufacturer's survey of helmet strikes. The results were displayed graphically on drawings of left and right profiles of a helmet. All around the helmet profiles were numbers representing the percentage of crashes where that part of the helmet took a hit.

The only double-digit percentages (10% of strikes or greater) were in two places: left and right front jaw. So that means you have a higher likelihood of saving your brain but breaking your jaw. I don't want to break my jaw, so I'm sticking with the full face.


I've been thinking about picking up a V-stream for winter riding, every review convinces me a bit more.
However, I would like to urge you to keep the full face helmet on your mellon. I had a get-off a few months ago and even though it was low speed, I'd have no face if I hadn' been wearing a full helmet. Don't want to sound preachy, I'm very much a "to each his own" guy, but I'd feel some personal dissapointment if I didn't say something.

That said, how well does the v-stream work at high speed? Lots of buffeting or any feel of being sucked into the front of the bike?
I am 6'1" at speeds around 90, very quiet, no buffeting or feelnig sucked into the front of the bike as you do with the OEM. I would suggest raising the OEM all the way up, duck behind it, that is what it is like!

As far as the full face helmet, never really thought of grinding my face off, sounds kind of grose. Maybe I will stick with what I have!

I installed a vstream windshield yesterday morning. When I took it out of the box I thought, damn that thing looks big and bulky, dont think I am going to like it. It took about 10 minutes to install it, being very careful. I put the OEM in the box and placed on a shelf in the garage, sure I would be putting it back on. In the afternoon, I met a salesman from work, his brother and brother inlaw. They rode a Fatboy, Electraglide, and Victory (bitch bike). We rode about 250 miles and I left my helmet visor up all day. I even had the windshield down at speeds below 50 mph. I am very impressed and pleased. :clapping: I am going to buy a open face helmet for riding when it gets warm out again.

Any pics? I'm interested in one but don't want something HUGE! Curious to see how they look on the bike. BTW don't give up the full helmet.


Cool, I'm only 6' so it sounds like the V-stream should work well. However, I can't experiment with the OEM shield as mine came with the CeeBailey sport sheild from the previous owner. I've seen several of the V-streams on fleebay as of late, so I might just snag one for winter riding.

I too have been considering getting a Vstream, but being as tall as I am ( 6'3" also ) I wasn't sure if I should go the V-Stream route or maybe with a Cee Bailey. I am considereing the small sportscreen from Cee Bailey for the summer, however, when riding slab to and from work I like the windshield up especially at night.


It's funny how many different variations of opinions we get on windshields. Just about as many as we do on seats. I also just purchased the V-Stream and while I haven't had much saddle time with it my observations are the window gives way more protection than stock of course but notice your hands are still completely exposed to the air. I'm almost 6'0" with the seat in the high position and when the window is all the way down you still get some air but would like a little more variation. I've also noticed the window when properly adjusted for me is the top of the window is level with the bridge of my nose and in that position there is no back pressure and very little air movement on the helmet, this is the sweet spot and is great for riding. If I put it up so I'm behind the shield there is virtually no air on the helmet but experience back pressure. Over all I like this window for cooler riding and unlike some I think it looks good on the bike. But looks over large when near or at the full up position. I am going to see how it works more as I ride more and will probably put the stock window back on in the summer. I just wish the window was about an inch and half shorter that would allow for more adjustment for different flows. Over all I'm glad I bought the window and would recommend it but I've not tried the Cee-Bailey and think that would be a good choice as well and the Bailey is available with different heights where as the V-Stream is not. I'm not sure how the Skyway spacers would affect the window but might help in getting more air in the lower position. :unsure: Just MO. PM. <>< :D

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I will post some pics in a day or two (have to wash it 1st). Had to take the boy to the doctor with asthma problems today.

I got over the bigger look 15 minutes into riding with it on. The thing that makes it look so much diffrent are the top corners are more "square" than the oem. It is only a couple of inches taller, just much wider at the top, if that makes sense. I will post pics in a day or two!


I'm 6'2" and the V-Stream with those funky Skyway spacers help A LOT over stock. Its still nooooot quite tall enough, but I'm glad I put it on. The spacers help the lean angle quite a bit and that makes it look sportier too. At least I can ride with my face shield open and not get any wind blowing at me. Its a nice change and certainly quieter.

ok, after a busy week, I got a chance to wash it, so here are the pics.

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