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YES...I think your response was from thin skin. You say you "...learned long ago to call BS when I see it...especially when it's attached to a newbie with 10 posts...",  Well, this is one case where you're mistaken. I am a "newbie" on this post because I am trying to figure out whether my next bike should be an FJR (or an ST1300--those are my options, IMO).  I do 1K+ days. I am in the IBA. I've been riding 30+ years with about 500K miles under my belt (which may not be as long, or as many as you have-- but that still puts me out of the 'BS' catagory.  A year ago, I ran into the back of a stalled sportscar on the I-210 in L.A.. I was doing about 70 mph. The sportscar was doing '0'. An SUV blocked my sight...them bailed, leaving me high and dry. A week in a coma. A month in ICU. LIver, kidney, spleen, bladder, urethra, upper intestine (all lacerated), five broken ribs, collapsed lung, water on brain, broken left tib/fib. I am just learning to walk again. BS?  I hope to be back in the saddle before years end.

My idea about 'Old School' designation was meant in all earnestness.  Again, it was not meant as a put-down to anyone in the IBA (again, I am in the IBA-- why would I try to 'poop' on it?-- I am not trying to do that).

My original post started in the 'new members' section - where I make it CLEAR that I do NOT own and FJR but that I joined this forum MAINLY to learn more from those who already own FJRs so that it can help me to decide whether I want my next m/c to be an FJR or and ST1300.  That is still my main focus here.

WHy not let's say we call a 'truce' to this issue I have raised about 'Old School' IBA designations.  It was not my intention to stir things up.  I will move to the IBR and LDRiders sites to try to promote this idea.

I appeciate your and everyone else's passion...even if we disagree on some things.
