Is this the wireless communication system

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Fred W

1 Wheel Drive
FJR Supporter
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Eastern VT
BlueBike Premium

Looks like it. It appears you need to buy the "Basic" helmet headsets and then add the "Premium" hub to adapt all the do-dads.

No idea what all this costs.

[edit] Acck!! here are the prices: link Seems like a lot of euros...

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BlueBike Premium
Looks like it. It appears you need to buy the "Basic" helmet headsets and then add the "Premium" hub to adapt all the do-dads.

No idea what all this costs.

[edit] Acck!! here are the prices: link Seems like a lot of euros...

Very interesting. I've been a satisfied autocom user for some time, but am getting ready for an Edelweiss trip this summer and need a portable unit I can install in a tankbag and use to integrate Garmin 550 and Kenwood GMRS. Suggestions on what gear?

P.S. I noticed you have a Pegaso... I'm looking at a dual sport and a friend recently rode a Pegaso and raved about it. Do you like it?

BlueBike Premium
Looks like it. It appears you need to buy the "Basic" helmet headsets and then add the "Premium" hub to adapt all the do-dads.

No idea what all this costs.

[edit] Acck!! here are the prices: link Seems like a lot of euros...

Now were cookin with fire...or would that be bluetooth.

It sure does look like what we're all want'n, but at a $1,000USD, that's pretty steep! :blink:

Maybe when I retire in 20 years I'll be able to afford it :glare:

Very interesting. I've been a satisfied autocom user for some time, but am getting ready for an Edelweiss trip this summer and need a portable unit I can install in a tankbag and use to integrate Garmin 550 and Kenwood GMRS. Suggestions on what gear?
P.S. I noticed you have a Pegaso... I'm looking at a dual sport and a friend recently rode a Pegaso and raved about it. Do you like it?

I'm using an Autocom and am also very pleased with it. I have mounted mine under the seat as a semi permanent attachment. Is there any reason why you don't want it under the seat?

Yes, this is the ideal scenario (hub based mixer) that many of us are looking for. I also like the layout, haing the unit on the back of the helmet, being somewhat integrated looking.

But who knows about this brand?? and Cost??!?!?!

I think in the not-too-distant future there will be several players in this space. Autocomm just announced a discount on the current models, and that only happens historically when they are about to roll out some new stuff...


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Bluetooth headsets will not work with Zumo's XM feature. (just found that out)
That would be true for the BT from Zumo to Headset.

In this configuration (similar to the wired Autocom setup) you would hardwire the ZUMO to the "Premium" hub and then the BT from the Hub to the Helmet would be in sweet stereo, even the XM.

But that pricetag... yeeesh.

Yes, this is the ideal scenario (hub based mixer) that many of us are looking for. I also like the layout, haing the unit on the back of the helmet, being somewhat integrated looking.
But who knows about this brand?? and Cost??!?!?!

I think in the not-too-distant future there will be several players in this space. Autocomm just announced a discount on the current models, and that only happens historically when they are about to roll out some new stuff...


I sent a message to Autocom asking for status on their wireless headset that the talk about on their web page. Here's what they replied:

We have a wireless engineer on staff who is working on creating a reliable wireless headset however I don’t have a timeframe on availability. We will post more information to the website as soon as we have it.

Sounds like their solution is still a ways off...

Very interesting. I've been a satisfied autocom user for some time, but am getting ready for an Edelweiss trip this summer and need a portable unit I can install in a tankbag and use to integrate Garmin 550 and Kenwood GMRS. Suggestions on what gear?
P.S. I noticed you have a Pegaso... I'm looking at a dual sport and a friend recently rode a Pegaso and raved about it. Do you like it?

I'm using an Autocom and am also very pleased with it. I have mounted mine under the seat as a semi permanent attachment. Is there any reason why you don't want it under the seat?
My primary comm system is the one on my FJR. I have a pro-avi mounted under the seat. BUT, I now need a setup that's portable for mounting in a powered tankbag that I can move from bike to bike. It will get tested this summer on an ST-3 during an Edelweiss trip through Spain. The buddy I'm going with wants a bluetooth setup, but I'm fairly used to a wired arrangement.

Helmets and accessories (MP3-Player, Walkie-Talkie, Navigation System, Mobile etc.) are out of the skope of delivery.
Whats does this mean?

neat setup! But it would need to be in the $500 or less category for me to consider...

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Helmets and accessories (MP3-Player, Walkie-Talkie, Navigation System, Mobile etc.) are out of the skope of delivery.
Whats does this mean?
I think that's their way of saying they don't provide these. Doh!

neat setup! But it would need to be in the $500 or less category for me to consider...
Yeah, that would be my buy point too. But if these guys have done it, someone else should soon too, and then maybe the prices will come down to earth.

Too bad, cause the "BlueBike" name sort of fits my '05. Maybe the next one will be "BassBoatBluetooth"... ;)

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Their command of the English language is certainly not there. My primary concern with any bluetooth device like this has always been battery life. Here, they say "By proper using the Lithium-Ionen-battery has an operation time of at least 20 hours" - their words, not mine. If these are not rechargeable, it's going to get expensive awfully quickly!

Their command of the English language is certainly not there. My primary concern with any bluetooth device like this has always been battery life. Here, they say "By proper using the Lithium-Ionen-battery has an operation time of at least 20 hours" - their words, not mine. If these are not rechargeable, it's going to get expensive awfully quickly!
Lithium Ion batteries are rechargeable. It's what I have for my (newest) camera and they are great.

Don't go selling off your old Autocoms yet folks.

I just picked up a Bluetooth kit that I think will literally plug right in. And it has a display!

I'll post up after I play around with it this weekend. I think I might be on to something here.

Don't go selling off your old Autocoms yet folks.I just picked up a Bluetooth kit that I think will literally plug right in. And it has a display!

I'll post up after I play around with it this weekend. I think I might be on to something here.
If this is what I think it is, it is exactly what I am looking for. I am crossing my fingers that this will work out. Let us know Randy!


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