It happened to me too.

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Pat C

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Thomaston, CT
Bike was at dealers for a week with electrical problems on my 07ae. Called today and they said they couldn't find anythind wrong they checked hardness under tank, battery, charging system rode tested and was fine. I left dealers went home on highway and got about 5 miles away when the abs light came on gauges and display went dead and then died. I tried to restart and nothing but click, click, click. I called dealer and they came with flat bed to pick it up. This is the 3rd time it happened now. I sold my HD so I wouldn't have these problems. Really pissed right about now. Any suggestions as to what could be wrong. Dealer done igntion recall back in April, and I have no accessories on bike.

Sound like the main power failed. Could be the switch. Now that it's completely dead they should be able to find the problem quickly.

I had a similar problem and it cost me a big ride in June. I had my mechanic replace the whole wiring harness and sub harnesses. About $1200. That was about 3 months and 9000 miles ago and I am back in love with the bike. Such is life.

I'm sticking with my original opinion of a ground issue, but one other good possibility that someone else mentioned is a faulty battery. If you're using a gel cell, they can give you odd symptoms as they fail. Unlike a traditional battery, you won't just find that the bike is cranking slower and the like; you can get weird error codes, lights flashing or even backfiring and whatnot until the battery finally goes bad enough that it just stops working. I have seen symptoms like that even while the battery tested good, static and under a load, and seemed to be charging fine. The fact that you are having the exact same series of events occur prior to the bike dying is what's throwing me off a little.

Pat - Really bummed you are having these issues. Not good. I have no clue why it would do this.

Did you buy the bike new form the dealer?

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Battery isn't likely to be the issue if it dies while actually underway.

Corroded spider/burned wiring at the left front uder-tank ground connector more likely

When is someone going to complain to the MHTSA?

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Battery isn't likely to be the issue if it dies while actually underway.
Corroded spider/burned wiring at the left front uder-tank ground connector more likely

When is someone going to complain to the MHTSA?

Agreed. When I had problems with that grounding cluster I had instrumentation problems. Along with other things.

Well, it could still be the battery (not saying it is but), an internal broken battery can cause this symptom. An intermittant open (between cells) can be arbitrary and elusive to discover; vibration and/or heat can set-up a battery to no longer conduct a current within itself, which can then self correct after conditions reverse thus eluding detection when static.

Often overlooked but a possible cause is loose battery terminal connections. Make sure the nuts are tight. Had the same problem a few years ago on the freeway (scary), went thru everything and sure enough the last thing I looked at was the terminals... loose nuts and the rings were just moving around enough to cause shut-off. Take a look.

I just want to let you guys know I got the bike back yesterday and made it home. The tech said they found a corroded connecter that goes from rectarfier to battery. I still don't trust her any more I was always looking down at my gauges waiting for her to shut down. I'm going a ride today hope everythings ok.


Having already been down this path with YamaF__K, I won't repeat my story but let's just say I had several of the problems you have had on my 2006 AE.

The bit of advice I would recommend if you don't already is a good TOW service. After my FJRPOS left me stranded several times and YamaF__K NEVER covers any of the bill, I wounded up upgrading my AAA to the Premier package. It is a little expensive, but it includes one 200 mile and a couple of 100 mile tows annually.

The last time my FJRPOS left me stranded, I was 400 miles from home.... I used my 200 mile tow + credit card to get home.

I hope your dealer fixed your bike. YamaF__K claimed victory on my electrical problems 7 or 8 times before I got smart and traded it in.

Best Regards,



I was one of many who followed your troubles and kept my fingers crossed for you. I'm truly sorry your experience with your FJR was such a disappointment and know if your problem had been fixed, you'd probably still be riding your FJR.

That all being said, and in full recognition of your disappointment, I got say you're starting to come across as a troll. You were a positive member and contributor to this forum before you traded, and again, I understand your frustration, but it's time to lay off being such an asshat about it.

How about dialing back the Yamahate just a touch, okay?

With the deepest understanding,



BMW(Got your beemer)

Still lurking to slam..

Nicely done Radiohowie...

I truly hate it when things go wrong for anyone when they drop their hard earned cash and precious expectations on something, expecially bike or car. But reality is' what it is. I always pray for my purchases; certianly my FJR, but if something goes wrong, I want it to be a failure I can talk/gripe about not one that takes me out.

Ride well all.

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I was one of many who followed your troubles and kept my fingers crossed for you. I'm truly sorry your experience with your FJR was such a disappointment and know if your problem had been fixed, you'd probably still be riding your FJR.

That all being said, and in full recognition of your disappointment, I got say you're starting to come across as a troll. You were a positive member and contributor to this forum before you traded, and again, I understand your frustration, but it's time to lay off being such an asshat about it.

How about dialing back the Yamahate just a touch, okay?

With the deepest understanding,

I won't mention my problems again but I guarantee you if you have the "experience" I did, you would find that I have been pretty "positive" on it.

Any how, I still think my recommendation for AAA Premier is warranted because if he gets stranded AGAIN, the $200 for the AAA Premier will long CHEAP!

Best Regards,



I really don't think I have slammed the FJR. But Yamaha Customer Service leaves A LOT TO BE DESIRED!

But when I read about somebody who has had multiple electrical problems like I had and in the same sentence says they don't trust their bike, it brings up the experience I had - I really feel for the guy.

And YES I am still a little mad at Yamaha... I had almost $20,000 in my bike before it all happened.I figured I would be able to keep it for a lot more than 42,000 miles.

Any how, I will drop off the forum and wish all well!

Happy Riding!


I sent the following letter to Yamaha last week after they called and said my bike was ready to pick up. I have not gotten a response yet. I do not know what is wrong with the bike and have no skills as a mechanic. I only have a personal conceptual theory or hunch which I presented to them for discussion as shown below....

Tim and Christian

I believe that this will be my fifth ignition on this FJR in a little over twenty five thousand miles. Personally my theory is that the bike has an systemic imbalance in the electrical system that is burning up the wiring at the ignition. The distance between the last two igntion failures was approximately 6000 miles. I will try to work with Yamaha if the bike can be inspected every two thousand miles with me present. The inspection intervals will be 2k-4k-6k-8k-10k. In agreeing to give Yamaha this opportunity to make this bike good, I am not waiving any of my rights or claims under the Texas Lemon Laws, simply trying to be reasonable. I am concerned about the risk of personal injury associated with a bike that has shut down twice while in motion. I am relying on Yamaha to be certain that they are not putting me back on a motorcycle that has a known defect or concern and/or is a calculated corporate risk that jeopardes my life and safety.

If that is agreeable and understood, please make your paperwork reflect it.

Martin Lide

ps...I understand Shanes's frustration.

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Yamma Jamma,

Sounds as though you are being very reasonable in the discussion with Yamamama dealership! Keep us up to speed on what happens.

I posted months back about my engine; when warm will not start and reset the clock, but then next run it cranks up. Someone suggested battery, pulled it- had it prof. check- ok. So keep looking. Certainly hope that it doesn't develop into a more serious issue.

Customer Service appears to be the culprit here, and I am sure that any dealership is gonna not try to give up any of their dollars to fix it as well as Yama mamma.

I think that the forum is a place for questions and sharing so that we all can learn and appreciate the many opportunities that these bikes may present, but when we 'out of frustration' belittle the model, we discount the appreciation of others who are trying to enjoy and maintain positive vibes about their bike. Then it starts bad kharma.
