It has been so long now

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
This may sound strange.

Sept 29 2007 me and Bambi had a run in.

The bike is still at the shop.

After riding every day, well, ok, -4 days, over 2 years, this bike is now just a memory. Nothing less, nothing more.

Funny how the mind can let even the most precious values in life 'go'. Just disappear.

In Crzy8's absence, I've been trailering my Ultra Classic 1991 HD, 140k on the clock, to the pavement every day. A pain in the ass for sure.. Adds another 40 minutes to my daily trek. And I ride damn near every day.

But, I've fallen back in love with my Harley. Agreed, she's not fastest or agile girl in my stable. But, like the steady old friend, she is always up to the ride.

So rumor has it that Crzy8 will be 'whole' again this Monday. Or so sayeth the service manager. I don't, after all this time, believe a word of anything anymore. It's been too long.

I hope that after all this, getting Crzy8 back, that I'm as enamored and in love with her as when I first had the pleasure of setting my hands on her bars and going for the first ride. About 2 years and 41k miles later, 2 ss1k runs, and lots of fun chasing down and passing sport bikes, I hope the magic is still there.

Somehow, O'vales death, and just being without the FJR has, wierdly, affected me. At this moment in time, typing to the world to see, I somehow hope the magic of street riding strikes me again. Otherwise, I'll sell all and go back to my roots of dirt bikes.

Wierd post, huh?

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This may sound strange.Funny how the mind can let even the most precious values in life 'go'. Just disappear. Wierd post, huh?
Very strange indeed. You've just admitted to this forum that you're enjoying riding a Harley? after all the things you've seen posted about people who ride Harleys? And then in the next paragraph you mention parting with your FJR? Perhaps you had a previously unrecognized bump on the head when you met Bambi. It even seems to have affected your spelling (wierd, rather than weird).

Who knows? Maybe it is time to move on. Your feelings as a motorcyclist have taken two pretty big hits just lately. It might be time for a change. You're not going to know until you ride your FJR again. I well remember being sad about parting with my VStar and quite ambivalent about this new-to-me Yamaha, that was way too tall for me, and probably way too fast as well.

Life changes. People change.

I wish you well with whatever decision you come to (although I have a suspicion that you'll soon be tearing up the roads on the FJR again).


When the Feejer's back, go get some ice cream or a lunch. Buy it from a place a coupla hundred miles away, down the twistiest roads. When you get home you ought to be able to see the future better.



I know the feeling of not having my FJR for 2 months and I did not even have a Harley to ride. It was a struggle everyday to stay positive, however I endured and have my FJR back. I was my friendly kidself again. I am happy my doldrums are over and sure they will be for you soon.

Keep the Faith!

This may sound strange.
Sept 29 2007 Funny how the mind can let even the most precious values in life 'go'. Just disappear.
Ya think?!?!?! Aug. 18th on my end. I'm going more nutty than I already have been....

I walk in circles. :wacko: I talk to myself...and answer. :crazy: I look at my FJR in the garage and...[SIZE=10pt]heavy sigh[/SIZE]..whimper and complain to the sky. :cray:

There is a difference, I can't wait to get back on the bike after Jan 1! :yahoo:

But, I've fallen back in love with my Harley. Agreed, she's not fastest or agile girl in my stable. But, like the steady old friend, she is always up to the ride.
Isn't that why you kept her? That "love" you had is still there. It's more like a waltz than a rhumba, but its still sweet!

I hope that after all this, getting Crzy8 back, that I'm as enamored and in love with her as when I first had the pleasure of setting my hands on her bars and going for the first ride. About 2 years and 41k miles later, 2 ss1k runs, and lots of fun chasing down and passing sport bikes, I hope the magic is still there.
Somehow, O'vales death, and just being without the FJR has, wierdly, affected me. At this moment in time, typing to the world to see, I somehow hope the magic of street riding strikes me again.
You know, Andrews advice would be along these lines:

Have you lost the passion? (Rhetorically, because I think you still have it.) If you still have the smallest of "quiver", then get on the FJR and ride. Let the bike "light your fire". One trip around your exceptional local area will convince you of WHY you were assimilated into FJR ownership. Sure, you are bound to have some residual "mind pangs" because of the deer-slaying incident, but in your heart of hearts, you are a RIDER, and a street rider. You love the open road, the friends, the memories and the experiences of travelling on your FJR. The vehicle and technique may be in some doubt until your mind settles. Get on it and ride it!

Don't make me come down there and "Go Skyway" on yer....... :dribble:

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What's strange is I can relate Don on both accounts. But like it was said above, getting back on the FJR could be good medicine and might remind us of a peaceful time we had once missed and once again gets our minds right. At least it does for me...PM. <>< ;)

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Best wishes Don and I'll be waiting for your report after you get back on. And now that the snow is here I'll be waiting to get back on myself :(


Took a ride into the foothills between Porterville and Glennville yesterday and was reminded of the 229 in your neighborhood.


It was magical on the FJR. I can't imagine having that kind of feeling, on that kind of road, on the Ultra.

Look forward to hearing about your reunion ride on Crzy8!

I have a similar problem.

Only difference is the bikes are all here staring me in the face.

My first love is dirt riding, trails, cross country, and now highly technical trials type of riding we can find out here in Utah, and Colorado.

On long trips there is nothing I have found more comfortable than my BMW cruiser. So I am adding a 6 speed transmission to it, an auxiliary fuel tank, and replacing the stock springs and shocks.

I am also going to put plates on my wr426f to use it on short adventure rides.

But I have put more hours on the yz450f this year than anything else.

The 2 street bikes do not exhilarate me as much as the dirt bikes. They are getting to be just commuter bikes.

When touring on the street bikes I always look up or down the dirt roads and trails, wanting to ride up them and see what is there.

Did that once this year on the FJR and it got so packed with mud on the radiator, and it started to over heat. I also would hate to tare it up on these mountain jeep trails.

I have been looking at the Dual sport bikes, but most of them you wouldn't want to drop in the dirt. The other thing is I would like to keep the weight under 300lbs, and the power has to have the same hit as the 450 or 426.

Well like I tell my boys "you can want in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first".

I may have to make this one myself. I wonder how much weight a VMax engine would add to my WR frame? :D

This year has really flown by fast and in no time you will be back commuting on your FJR.

Though I see no problem with your roots.


I just saw the deer pics for the first time since I am a FNG. I have a good recipe for deer jerky...

Glad to know you can walk away from something like this and live to ride another day. We have really big moose out here in Utah. That's what scares me.

Part of the reality for us snowbound types is the "first dance" reunion every Spring after they finally get enough of the grit and salt off the roads to make it semi-safe to crack out the bike for the first ride of the year. After 41 years of those reunions I still get the same "damn this is fun" grin on my face every year. The problem for you Californicators is you never put your toys away!

Hope this finds you in a better space this AM Don. A lot of us have been fighting through a funk for the past month but life goes on and we are blessed - aren't we?

Good luck in whatever you choose. It's good to have a choice though. Don't forget,it's not what you ride, rather, it's THAT you ride! Hopefully, I'll be able to ride next w/o any f-ups like this year. The longer I go, the more I wonder if I should quit while I'm ahead.

My total ride time this year amounted to about 40 days in the saddle total because of all the accidents :glare: . At least one ride, Wyoming-Chicago, made it a good year anyway.

Don,Took a ride into the foothills between Porterville and Glennville yesterday and was reminded of the 229 in your neighborhood.


It was magical on the FJR. I can't imagine having that kind of feeling, on that kind of road, on the Ultra.

Look forward to hearing about your reunion ride on Crzy8!
Hey Jack what kind of tank bag is that?

DC, I think I know where your coming from with you doubts/questions. I had a Vulcan 750 and now a VFR 800, both are used primarily for commuting and short day trips, or in the case of the VFR if I'm just feeling a little bit squid. The though often crosses my mind that one bike is enough and the VFR would fill the need as a tour bike also, however as soon as I sit on the FJR punch the start button and twist that grip all those thoughts/doubts vanish as if they where never there.
