junk box latch broke - anybody else had this happen?

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2006
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So Sunday I met up with **** and we rode up to Pisgah Lodge for lunch (420 round trip, beautiful day, BRP and surrounding roads great as always). That was all good. Then Tuesday AM I rolled her out for commuting duty and discovered that the latch for the junk box was broken. I keep the garage door opener in there when I ride and leave it open when I park so I can drop the opener back in the next time.

You can only buy the whole assembly so I ordered it from Ron Ayers ($75 :( ). The part that's attached to the lid that stick down into the latch mechanism is broken off and gone. Its not in the latch and its not in the box. I frequently put her in neutral rolling down the driveway and open the box to get to the opener so the missing piece is probably ground to dust in the driveway at this point.

Just wanted to share.

This is fairly common. I remember reading somewhere where the lid should be opened AND shut with the bike in neutral. I can see why - when I close it with the bike out of gear, it is stiffer to close than when in neutral. Obviously, neutral powers the solenoid, and obviously Gen II bikes need not worry as their solenoid unlatches with ignition.


The latch mechanism will fail if the cover is under strain. I ended up using a latch from a NEMA rated industrial computer cabinet. I drilled a hole in the cover. Dremeled a slot in the side of the glove box were the solinoid used to be and now I can open it whenever I please. Its a lot cheaper than bying a whole box.

Mine broke early on as well, but I found it and super glued it back on. So i'm real careful when opening & closing! It's held up for a couple of years now.

mine too - worked one minute, next it was broken... duct taped it until I can get a new box :dribble:

The locking mechanism on mine failed a month ago. I had my cell phone, garage door opener and keys in there and it wouldn't open. Had to break the latch to get my stuff out. I just got a new accessory box installed by the Yamaha dealer I bought the bike at. It was covered by Y.E.S. Whether or not it's covered by Y.E.S. seems to be a call made by the dealer. I went back and forth with them for several weeks, one week it was covered, the next it wasn't, etc... In the end, parts and labor were covered. The Y.E.S. contract does not actually list what parts on the bike are considered "covered parts" so it seems to be at the discretion of the dealer, at least it seemed that way in my case.

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The latch mechanism will fail if the cover is under strain. I ended up using a latch from a NEMA rated industrial computer cabinet. I drilled a hole in the cover. Dremeled a slot in the side of the glove box were the solinoid used to be and now I can open it whenever I please. Its a lot cheaper than bying a whole box.
Good job on that fix!
The whole latch assy. one of the most over engineered (AKA an ME's wet dream) pieces of crap I've seen! :angry2:


I just got a new accessory box installed by the Yamaha dealer I bought the bike at. It was covered by Y.E.S. Whether or not it's covered by Y.E.S. seems to be a call made by the dealer.
+1, but mine was not repaired at the point of purchase, or disputed as to Y.E.S. coverage. When I explained the problem to the service manager, he asked if I had YES, and when I said "yes", he said "No problem then." The new one works great so far, and they did the TPS recall while it was in there.

Yamaha 99 :good:

Other Fresno dealers, not so good.

my dealer broke mine so he could take the fairing off.

i asked, did you know it has to be key on and in neutral to open?

he does now.
