Just got evacuated

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Damn dude! Really sorry to here this. I am sending as much positive mojo your way as I can muster.

Holy Shit!!! I just saw photos of the fires in today's papers. I was wondering if any of us were being affected. Hope everything turns out ok for you. Let us know, and especially let us know if there's anything you need. Were prayin' for you.

Was wondering if any of our SoCal brothers or sisters were going to be affected by that nastiness. Positive thoughts being sent from the windy city to the left coast. Give us an update whenever possible....

Wish me luck!
Wishing you all the luck in the world.

One of the nurses that I work with yesterday had to leave in a hurry, hoping to get home in time to rescue her dogs (she made it). During the rest of the day, we worked in a smokey atmosphere with itchy eyes and dry throats. This was INSIDE an air conditioned hospital, miles away from the fires.

After work, I went out to the covered parking structure and found my bike covered in a layer of ash. Andy was at home for the day and said that it got dark around 2pm, when the thick smoke blocked the sun.

Thoughts and prayers to all who find themselves in the path of the fires


Hope you don't lose anything and that you and your neighbors make out okay.

My Dad taught at Westmont College when I was born...So the first 2 years of my life were lived in some Westmont College faculty duplex...that place may be burned now...don't know.

Btw, my Dad remarried after my mom died and now lives in Goleta..just west of SB....several times during the fire last year TWN sent me info that helped me check on the fire near my dad...he also asked about my dad during NAFO...so he really did look out for others.

So you get yourself evacuated, get safe, and we'll be hopin that all goes the best for you. Let us know if you need anything...really. :clapping:

Best wishes everybody in the line of the fires. If you decide to evacuate do it early because when people wait too long is when they get hurt. For future reference, check out Firewise.Org for ways to prep your property and self. Above all, choose to be safe. You can replace your stuff but we can't replace you.


Best of luck to ya, Steve. I hope everything works out for you.

If you need anything, don't forget that I'm just over the mountains, up the hill, around the National Park, and over that other hill.

Hope you can save as much as possible, especially yourself and if any, loved ones

much luck sent your way


My wife's brother, and his family, were evacuated from Chino Hills (Freeway Fire -> Triangle Complex) last night.

Hoping the best for you both!!!
