Nice bike, Hudson. One of my friends has a similar Husky and loves it. She is a bit taller than me and on the limit of her reach with it, but it's well worth it for her to enjoy the bike.
I'm envious that you're in close range for the local trails. We trail our bikes to the desert, which takes 3 1/2hrs on a good day but took almost 6hrs last time.
My Honda is pretty much the same seat height as the FJR, but of course, a lot lighter. If your wife can reach the ground on the FJR, she'll be fine with the CRF. Do note that the dual sport is a lot lower than the pure off road version. I tried to get onto one of those and couldn't even get my leg over the seat.
Have fun with the Husky, and do let us know what you get for your wife. Pictures are expected, of course.