Knocked out the ss1000

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New member
Jul 26, 2006
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I finally knocked this ride out. Been thinking about it for a while and woke up one morning and just took off (I had the bike ready to go...just in case). My wife was laughing hysterically when I woke her up to sign the witness form - totaly cracking up (okay, maybe not completely on the same page as me regarding this thing). Anyway stopped at the local gas station in Temecula, Ca by my house...starting time 0320 10-30-06. I brought a camera and didn't take one picture. I was way to focused on time management. Ridiculous, yes, but I was out of my head on this issue. In fact, I would not climb off the bike unless absolutely necessary (gas-food). Headed north up the 215 to the 15 and hit Barstow around 0500. Gassed up, hit the head and split, there maybe 15 minutes. Head east on the 40 to Needles, long and boring with two construction zones that didn't slow me up too much. Needles at 0710. Same routine and continue stop Flagstaff. I hit Flagstaff at 1110 AZ time. Called my wife to let her know I'm fine, etc (she was still laughing by the way). Again, same routine, gas-head, I'm outta there. This time I head south on the 17 towards Phoenix. Great scenery on this road but, quite frankly, I wasn't paying much attention (I should have probably slowed up and enjoyed the ride more. Don't get me wrong, had a great time, nothing better than being on the bike, but again...focused). I reached Anthem, Az and stopped for some food. Ordered, ran into the bathroom, took off the warm weather clothes - it was in the 80's down there, 50's up in Flagstaff - got everything situated on the bike, ran back inside, ate and took off. Total time for lunch was 20 minutes. Continue south through Phoenix, pick up the 10 east and follow that to Casa Grande landing at 1427. Gas, diet coke, I'm out. Contiune on the 10 for a few miles and pick up the 8 east heading for Yuma, my next stop. Landed at 1651. No change here, but my body is starting to feel this ride. Can't really find a comfortable position and decide that I need to make more stops. I take off and continue east on the 8 to El Centro. Get off, change the visor from smoked to clear as the sun goes down. Stretch, make a phone call, grab a coke and take off again. As I'm heading up into the mountains on the E/B 8 that will take me down into San Diego, I get hit with a crosswind that really scares the shit out of me. Seriously, it came out of no where and almost took me off the road. I think it was about a 30 minute recovery before I lightened up my grip on the handle bars and I was able to relax. Slowed the pace way down. Up on top the temperature dropped 15-20 degrees. Finally had to stop and throw a few more layers on and ended up landing in La Mesa at 1852. Again, gas, phone, etc., continue east 8 to N/B 15 and jam the 50-60 miles back home landing at 1955. Finished 1097 miles in 16.5 hours. Great time, no major problems. Now that I have this under my belt, I think it would be cool to knock out another, or maybe the BB1500 with a group. Anyway, that's it, sorry no pictures.

Congratulations! Mean to do this next year before my 50th birthday as a present to myself. Plan to do it the same way -- wait for a day I'm just into it and feeling good and ride. What has held me up is the stock you have a custom saddle? Again, congrats!

You totally were focused....that's obvious. You planned a ride and rode your plan. Nothing more pure than that. It's just a different way to find enjoyment in a ride.

....and which I'm sure you're probably aware you were very much on a an extreme ride BBG pace.

I didn't get a custom seat until after at least my 5th or 6th IB-level ride.

Good on 'ya.!

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Congratulations! Mean to do this next year before my 50th birthday as a present to myself. Plan to do it the same way -- wait for a day I'm just into it and feeling good and ride. What has held me up is the stock you have a custom saddle? Again, congrats!

No on the custom saddle, but I haven't had any problems with the stock. I can move around and pretty much find relief if I start to feel a little sore. In fact, never had a custom one on any of my bikes, but would like to try one (hear so many good things).

do you have a custom saddle? Again, congrats!

No on the custom saddle, but I haven't had any problems with the stock. I can move around and pretty much find relief if I start to feel a little sore. In fact, never had a custom one on any of my bikes, but would like to try one (hear so many good things).
Ladies and gentelman, in case you haven't noticed, a real 'Iron Butt' has just entered the building. :eek:hno-smiley: :shok: :stunned:

Your statement really puts all these other candy ass custom seat girls in their place. :D

Good on ya dooker. ;)

do you have a custom saddle? Again, congrats!

No on the custom saddle, but I haven't had any problems with the stock. I can move around and pretty much find relief if I start to feel a little sore. In fact, never had a custom one on any of my bikes, but would like to try one (hear so many good things).
Ladies and gentelman, in case you haven't noticed, a real 'Iron Butt' has just entered the building. :eek:hno-smiley: :shok: :stunned:

Your statement really puts all these other candy ass custom seat girls in their place. :D

Good on ya dooker. ;)
Candy ass custom seat girl?


do you have a custom saddle? Again, congrats!

No on the custom saddle, but I haven't had any problems with the stock. I can move around and pretty much find relief if I start to feel a little sore. In fact, never had a custom one on any of my bikes, but would like to try one (hear so many good things).
Ladies and gentelman, in case you haven't noticed, a real 'Iron Butt' has just entered the building. :eek:hno-smiley: :shok: :stunned:

Your statement really puts all these other candy ass custom seat girls in their place. :D

Good on ya dooker. ;)

Damnit all to hell! Now I will have to try to do it on a stock saddle or be called a candy ass.......though some say my ass looks like the Michelin Man's..........Thanks a lot Skyway! :angry2: :p :D

Congratulations ! Man, you were focused weren't you ? No getting in this man's way !

As a rider that did two SS1K's on the stock seat last year, I can say proudly that I am now a candy ass with a Russell seat (and loving it)...


welcome to the Monkey House!

My first 1K day also went from Yuma ending in Sandy Eggo. I got hit not only with high wind, but then crippling fog just west of the Border Partol checkpoint. I was doing like 25 and hoping not to get some ass-love from a cage.

Thats a fun piece of interstate though.

Congrats on your ride. From your description, and as Ignacio has already intimated, you were cookin' along at BBG pace. Good job for a first ride. I took like 22 hours my first time, but then I wasn't on the FJR either.<G>

To all you who are on the fence or waiting for a birthday to knock out a 1K day, GET OFF YER ASS!

Time's a'wasting.

Great job Dooker.


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welcome to the Monkey House!

My first 1K day also went from Yuma ending in Sandy Eggo. I got hit not only with high wind, but then crippling fog just west of the Border Partol checkpoint. I was doing like 25 and hoping not to get some ass-love from a cage.

Thats a fun piece of interstate though.

Congrats on your ride. From your description, and as Ignacio has already intimated, you were cookin' along at BBG pace. Good job for a first ride. I took like 22 hours my first time, but then I wasn't on the FJR either.<G>

To all you who are on the fence or waiting for a birthday to knock out a 1K day, GET OFF YER ASS!

Time's a'wasting.

Great job Dooker.

I resemble that remark! :huh:

As one newbie soreass to another congrats dooker.

As for the custom seat thing,I had an Alaska sheepskin cover and found a nice little $5 cushion at wallyworld that I stuffed under the cover to protect my little candyass from getting to sore.

Good job!!!!!

Finished 1097 miles in 16.5 hours

Way to go that is great time and if you can keep it up that pace a BBG will be successful.

My most difficult run was not the BBG but the 100CCC Insanity from San Diego coast to Jacksonville Beach FL coast and back to SD in 96 hours of the 100 consecutive hours need to be certified. I did it with a buddy on his HD and I was on my 05 FJR. Problem was that we slept in on 5 of our 50 hours and had to do an INSANE thing riding coast to coast on a brief nap on a picnic table near Junction TX. The last 200 miles to SD was really tough. Won't do that kind of riding again, no way!

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Congrats ! I did an AZ In State 1K Oct 1st on secondary roads mostly and had to have 13 stops to prove route, did 1074 miles in 18 hrs 46 min. Love It at age 56 !

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