LCD screen and gauges wont turn on

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2011
Reaction score
Cortland, NY
Just completed valve clearance and radiatior painting. Tested engine for leaks. All tight. Engine runs smooth. Lights at dashboard on but gauges wont turn to show rpms and lcd screen is blank. Went through connetions... all seem to be connected. Fuses? Am I missing somthing? Ecu tight too... any ideas?

Does it start?

Did you have the nose off the bike - might have jostled a connector somewhere?

No idea what you should look for other than connectors and fuses. Can't imagine what you could have done that would blow a fuse during a valve check. Seems to me that the Gen I has a big connector under the tank that has made for some problems due to corrosion. Someone with better Gen I knowledge should step in here.

Radiator painting!!?

It dies start and run very smooth. Did not remove the nose. Yes the radiator was really dirty and all the painting was sluffing off. Came up nice!

I'll keep looking for connectors thgay I may have left unconnected. Good news is that ticking is gone! A lot of valves out of specs at 45000mi!

It's like the meter assembly doesn't turn on when the bike turns on?

That sounds like maybe a ground is missing, but I don't think there's a separate ground for the lights as opposed to the meter panel.

The meter's connector is something you'd have had to remove the nose to get at, although connector C in the wiring diagram might be a candidate. I couldn't tell you where it is, probably right inside the frame behind the steering head, but there are only four wires in it, three of which go to the meter assembly. Thing is, the other one goes to the fuel injection relay, which obviously works.....

Connector A, with 14 wires, has a few to the meter, but also a lot of stuff other places on the bike, which if it was loose, the bike wouldn't run.

Excellent. Tried this am and all good. It may have been some water in some of the connections. I used destilled water as coolant to check for leaks in the cooling system.

Thanks all. It has been a busy winter. Fitted racetech gild valves, checked valve clearance, painted a few things like radiator, cylinder head cover, coolant pipe, fitted heated grips... all done. Almost ready to put the tuperware back on!
