Looking for a good first replacement tire

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2008
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North Central Texas
My ’08 has Metzeler Roadtec tires from the factory. I am by no means a “knee dragger” but they don’t seem to be very sticky to me. I probably put most of the mileage on my bike commuting but would like to have better performance in the corners. According to my search on this forum, the Avon’s seem to be highly regarded but I’m afraid they might wear too quickly. Would be interested in hearing opinions as to what’s the best tire for my style of riding?

My ’08 has Metzeler Roadtec tires from the factory. I am by no means a “knee dragger” but they don’t seem to be very sticky to me. I probably put most of the mileage on my bike commuting but would like to have better performance in the corners. According to my search on this forum, the Avon’s seem to be highly regarded but I’m afraid they might wear too quickly. Would be interested in hearing opinions as to what’s the best tire for my style of riding?

Pilot Road 2.......... To me the best tire I've had on my 04. And a noticable differance to the Metz roadtec on my 08.

How many miles did you get on the Roadtecs?

You will probably want a dual compound tire, (rear). This means BT-021s, Pilot Road 2s and ME-880Rs. Possibly Dulop Road Smarts, not sure if they are also dual compound. Dual compound tires have stickier sides and harder middles for better wear on those boring commuting miles, yet still some fun traction in the twisties.

My personal experience with two sets of BT-021s was 7k and 10k from the rear, but, and this is a big but, the fronts wear uneven and cup badly. The fronts on both sets were trashed when the rear was done, and had been causing bumpy handling, even though they do transition well when worn. The rear did last longer than I thought it would on the second set. In hindsight, the first may have gone farther, but it was to the wear bars and that's where I like to change my tires.

The ME880R also went 10k in the rear, but the front squared off like the rear and I didn't really feel that the harder compound was worth it since it didn't really last any longer than the others I've used. ME880s are hyped as longer lasting touring tires, and most will agree that they don't have as much traction as the other Sport-Touring tires used on the FJR.

The Avon Storms only went 6k for me. I got 10k out of the Avon Azarros consistently, but the Storms just don't last as long. GREAT traction though. Wet and dry is outstanding, just not tire life.

The Pilot Roads have been getting some good reviews, but the PR2s are spendy, pushing $300 for a set as opposed to the $250 you can get a set of almost anything else, www.SWMoto.com.

I have a set of the Road Smarts to go on next, and they also have been getting good reviews, but mileage is unknown at this point.

Hope that helps your decision process. If 6-7k is acceptable mileage for you, give the Avon Storms a shot, you should like the traction and handling. If more mileage is key, consider the PR2s or perhaps a BT-021 rear and something else in front.

What he ^ said, plus:

Road Smarts. Priced right, great mileage, above average stick, superior gravel ability and, what the hell, they're TWN

What he ^ said, plus:
Road Smarts. Priced right, great mileage, above average stick, superior gravel ability and, what the hell, they're TWN
Hey TWN, what mileage have you gotten from a set of Road Smarts?

I have almost 6k on this set. Outside of some screwy wear at the 2,500 mile mark en route from NAFO, they've been great. I'm guessing by the remaining tread that this set should go to 8k - maybe 9k. That would be a high watermark for me.

I really, really like these tires. :good:

Spooned on a set of PR2's just prior to NAFO. The tires now have 4500 miles on them, with the rear just beginning to flatten out. These genuinely look to be 8 -9000 mile tires...and the rain traction is excellent. Although they are a little more up front, they look to be a good buy. Don't forget your local riding conditions and right hand make a huge difference in expected mileage.

Good Luck


A fellow rider once gave me some sage advice:

"Tires are a wear item, why not try them all?" Thanks to Jeff @ Bike Effects (a very nice man and a great vendor) I've tried many brands of tires since then. I've even had some great results to balance the poor mileage I've gotten with some brands.

I like the Michelin PRs (The originals) and I like the PR%2s I mounted for Nafo...currently @ 4K and going strong. Haulin'Ashe (our resident tire tester/evaluator) has filed good reports about the Dunlop Road Smarts.

You could use Google and search for yourself (using the following examples):

road smart site:fjrforum.com

PR2 site:fjrforum.com

Or you could go here: Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads and scroll through the pages checking for "Tire" topics....

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Pilot Road 2's. Nuff said B)

Got a little over 1k on mine and these things ROCK. Once you get a little heat into the tire they stick like glue. I rock the feej pretty hard down the canyons here and these are by far the best tires I have had on the bike. 3 sets in 6 months.... :yahoo:

Pirelli Diablo Strada - wear great (9K+ miles rear), dual compund, stick great, welll priced. I'm on my 3rd set.

I use the FJR specific 'E' spec rear, there are those who will go for the tread and softer sidewalls of the 'non-E'.

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The standard rear Diablo Strada on my FJR has 11.6K miles and will be changed just before 12K miles. The front Strada has 10K miles and will easily go more than 11K miles. The front Strada has worn evenly and is still very symmetric.

The three sets of wear bars on the rear tire are very informative. It's amazing how much more wear has occurred on the left side of the tire. The tread has worn down near the left side bars but has a lot more wear remaining near the right side bars.

Pretty good tires. Don't think they're dual compound. The front Strada was a freebie except for the Pirelli $25 shipping fee. I'll be installing a RoadSmart on the rear.

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How many miles did you get on the Roadtecs?
I’ve only got a little over 1100 miles on my factory Metzelers. What I’m considering is to replace them while they still have a lot of life left in them and try to find someone who might be interested in them for their high mileage potential. Anyone have any experience selling used tires?
