Louisville, KY to Big Bend, TX

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Active member
Jul 4, 2007
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New Albany, IN
Well my daughter was off to Paris, France for 9 days and the wife gave me permission to jet off on the FJR for a trip to visit my friend in San Antonio so we decided that I would ride to his house and then we would ride back to Arkansas to ride the Ozarks. He is a UPS pilot and was returning from a trip around the world and then needed to leave again the following week so we were limited as to what days were available.

Sunday March 23rd I leave from my Home in New Albany, IN just across the river from Louisville. It is 34 degrees that morning and I have my bike preped with a powerlet for my heated vest, tank bag that I have added a powerlet and 2 adapters for a radar detector and Sirius radio along with a Mix It 2 to integrate it all, I have added a Givi V46 Top Case which I had the body shop color match the lid to the bikes Black Cherry, Skyway Sliders, Hot Grips heated grips with a variable controller, and a Throttlemeister.

Here is the Bike Loaded for the 9 day trip.


60 Miles South of Louisville the 34 degree weather is getting the best of me and I decide to make a stop since it has started snowing. The palm of my hands are nice the toasty but my fingers are a bit white from the cold.


This first part of the trip is to get me the hell out of the cold so I drive south on I65 to Nashville and then head west on I40 to Memphis. After about 400 miles I need a break and head to see the KING.


I end the day in Little Rock just west of the city total mileage for the day was 580.

Monday March 24th.

Next I head to my brothers house in Dallas - surprise no pictures as there was nothing of interest along the way!!

Tuesday March 25th.

I have some time to get to San Antonio and so I decide not to take the highway through the middle of Dallas and head west to 281 and then south to San Antonio. This is the nice little ride except for the god aweful wind that I fight the whole way.

Seems that I see alot of this along the way with very little change.


Total Milage 1200.

Wednesday march 26th a day of rest.

Thursday March 27th.

Dressed and ready to ride. We have decided to change course to Big Bend National Park as the Midwest is raining and flooded. This allows me to drop the top case for this part of the ride. My friend has a 2002 K1150RT. We head for the TX Hill country on our way to Big Bend.


We stop in Bandera at a popular motorcycle gathering point on the weekends pictured here.


Along the way we pass 1 or 2 FJR's along the side of the road outside of Bandera. I know one was an 07 like mine did not really see the 2nd to ID it as an FJR but if it was, most likely an 05 or 06 blue.

I have ridden my friends RT through the hills and it is a nice ride but it is not an FJR. This is a fun ride with a lot of river crossings. However, in the middle of the night someone stole 5 miles of 337!


My Vstrom is a much better bike for this stuff.

This is one of the river crossings. I notice that in TX they don't worry about building bridges over rivers they just build them on the river and put a depth gage somewhere near the crossing so you can judge if it is safe.


After the Hill country we take 227 south to 377 to Del Rio then west on 90. We get gas in Del Rio for the trip since there does not appear to be much along the way. As we are riding we come up to this bridge over the Pecos River and nearly stop in the middle as we take it in. We circle back and head up to the overlook to get some pictures and meet 3 guys from Houston on 2 Harleys and a Kawasaki. Very nice group as we find out. They had seen us crossing the river and were betting we would come back as they saw us. They were right.

So as we are talking to these guys my buddy notices that there is oil on the strap of his camera. He goes and looks in his top case where he stored a quart of oil and about 1/2 has leaked out in the case. These guys (The Harley Guys) immediately go to their bikes and produce paper towles, bags and cloth to clean up the mess. As we find out later not all harley guys are as nice.

Here is the view.


As I had stated, we got gas in Del Rio. As we are heading west on 90 we pass a guy on the side of the road riding a K1200GT. We stop at this hole in the wall to get a drink and the BMW guy pulls up. Does not seem to be real friendly but has the CHiP pants on and custom ear buds etc. He asks us if we knew where there was gas at which we responded that we were sure that Marathon had gas but there was none where we were he says he has maybe 40 miles left in the tank. He goes inside and I go to my GPS and see there is gas 18 miles away. My buddy goes to look at his bike and sees that he has the fancy BMW GPS that apparently cannot be used to look for gas. I think it must say stop and ask people along the rode.


BTW the sign lies there is no gas at this stop!

We head to Marathon, TX and decide to get gas after passing a service station and so we circle and head back. When we passed there was no one at the station but as we approach we see 4 Harley guys on the right side blocking the pumps from that side and a pick up on the left blocking those pumps. So we sit there on our bikes and wait. The pickup starts to pump gas but the Harley guys just sit there and talk to the guys in the pickup. They never pump any gas but just block us from the pumps. Finally after 10 mins they leave! What morons.

We spend the night in Alpine, TX.

Total Milage ~ 1700

Will post up more later!

Awesome ride report, and great pictures.

But you better tell your friend his K bike is growing some big jugs sticking out the sides... ;)

We entered Big Bend from the North and the town of Marathon.

A map of the area can be found here: https://www.nps.gov/bibe/planyourvisit/uplo...E_map1_2007.pdf

Our first stop was at the Visitors Center where we learned that we were just past peak attendance and that now they "only see bikers". I guess that the park is very crowded during Spring Break. The temperature was already climbing when we made the turn to Rio Grande Village to the South East. I am guessing that we saw temperatures in the 90's at this time and eventually to the west we peaked at 97 degrees.

This road was somewhat unremarkable and we quickly reach the river.


Much of the riding in this area was like this.


We left this area and headed back to Panther Junction then on to the west to the Chisos Mountians and up in elevation. The temperature dropped in to the 70's at this time and was very pleasant. The ride to Chisos Mountian Lodge was short but nice as long as you were not stuck behind a car. This is bear and mountian lion country we were informed on the way in but the more dangerous species can be seen in the following:


This species often crosses into oncomming traffic at the most inappropriate times so beware!

There is a lodge at the end of this road and a very nice resturant. Call early for rooms at the lodge and I was told at peak season there are long lines to eat.

We then headed back out the way we came in then made the run to the river in the west on the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive. This is by far the best ride in the park and is 30 miles one way. It has lots of elevation changes and at one point you reach the Sotol Vista you should stop and take a look as you can see the whole basin out in front of you. Very impressive. Pictures cannot do this justice.


There is a store that closes at 6pm we were there at 5:50pm just in time to get some drinks (did I mention it was 97 degrees?).


We exited the park in the west and were out of time to make the run to Presidio which sounded good. The sign I read said many hills with 15% grades. This road is 60 mile to Presidio.


We this beat feet back to Alpine as darkness closed in and the wild life came to stand in the road. This is no place to be out after dark and the deer are plentiful.


The next morning we head North into the mountians and to Ft Davis on 118 to I10. This was also a spectacular ride with tempeartures dropping to 46 degrees and elevations reaching 6300 feet.


There are several other roads to ride in this area and it would be worth a day here alone if we did not need to get back to San Antonio.

On Sunday I started back to the Louisville area and went north to avoid rain and wind (I had 20 - 30 mph winds most of the trip).

I crossed the Mississippi where it joins the Ohio and the area was flooded as most of you are aware with all the rain the Midwest has seen. I dont think the Lewis and Clark would have been camping in this.


The water was so high that (I am guessing) river traffic was forced to tie up here are I saw alot of coal barges tied to what used to be the banks.

I arrived back to Louisville on Monday 9 days later with 3600 miles on the bike and one very worn rear tire.

Looks great! I'm heading out there over Memorial Day, with about a dozen folks from the Austin area. Staying a couple of nights at the Chisos Mountain Lodge. That road that was under construction is one of the three fabled "Twisted Sisters" in that area, (335, 336, 337).
