Lunch Spot in Grand Junction CO

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Chanhassen, MN
Bugnatr and I are going to meet in Grand Junction CO on the way to SW-FOG. He's coming from the west, me from the east and we're headed south form GJ on US-50 to CO-141 we're gonna be hungry and we need a place to meet anybody got a suggestion??

Palisade Cafe

113 W 3rd St

Palisade, CO

Quality of Food: Great

Quality of Service: Great

Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.): Yes

Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.): Eclectic

Alcohol Served?: Yes

Additional Comments: Beer on tap.

Best green chile I've ever tasted. However, read this Aug 26, 2010 post from

"This place is like any other bar and grill. Nothing special.

When I was sitting at the table, I saw a guy in the kitchen scratching his butt in the wrong place! Then I saw him make a salad. He threw all food in a container and put a lid on it and starting shaking it vigorously when the lid opened and some food flew out.

He saw me watching him and then he walked away to hide!

Then again I saw him scratching underside of his butt and then saw him chopping cilantro.

My girlfriend pulled out a hair from her water!

I guess this kind of unhygenic behavior is prevalent in many restaurants and I shouldn't be so concerned.

But I caught these people in action! So it makes me feel disgusted about eating there.

I don't even know if they wash their hands after visiting the restroom.... "

My take is:

1) The guy scratching his butt in the wrong place probably has a bike sitting in the back parking lot.

2) Maybe that's what makes the chile so good.

3) Is there a right place to scratch your butt?

4) Is there a top of butt somewhere I didn't know about?

5) I worked in restaurants for 10 years and if this makes you queezy, STOP EATING AT RESTAURANTS!

6) I haven't heard of anyone dying from ingesting dandruff.

7) Who the hell is going to order salad with green chile on the menu? Beemer riders, that's who!

8) Beemers and hemroids: assholes get them. Creyaz, you're the exception to the rule, so don't get all whiny on our next ride.

Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is that I'd go back, but caveat emptor.

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