Mag-Knight withdrawing color match for 2007

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, NC
I'm asking the Admins to please leave this post here. This is where I posted my original complaint and feel strongly that the vendor deserves a fair response.

Mag-Knight asked that I send them pictures of the 2007 color match kit. They said their product was developed against the show bike and that production colors often vary. So I obliged and took as many accurate digital pics as possible and sent them to Mag-Knight.

They responded by thanking me profusely for the pictures, withdrawing the 2007 color match product from their web site, offering me any substitute color at no additional charge, and are not requiring me to return the original color match set (and thus incur return postage).

The difference between vendors is not their products, it's how well they support their products. IMO Mag-Knight has stepped up to the plate and done the right thing. I appreciate it and would very much like to acknowledge their professional response and generosity.

Jeff Ashe

Jeesh Jeff, all they had to do was look at your siggie line... prunus seratona... :rolleyes:

Still, good on them.

hmmm. they should have received my returned product today. i wonder if they'll refund me the full price...

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why dont you send them the piece that covers the saddlebag holes so they can color match perfectly...

why dont you send them the piece that covers the saddlebag holes so they can color match perfectly...
That would be sure to cause some confusion, as the covers match the lower tail section. The passenger grab rail and luggage area are "prunus seratona" while the tailsection is silver. It would be nice if it were that simple. :)

In any case it is good to hear that the company is willing to stand behind their product.


Mag-Knight said that at this time, they do not have a material that will match the 2007 production color.

they contacted me yesterday and said they'd received my returned product, asked me what color i'd like (gloss black, flat black, carbon fiber), and even offered to throw in the top cover as well, a thirty-something dollar value. i thought about it and said i'd still just like my $ back, still waiting to see when they do it, as i paid with paypal and said they could just refund it the same way...

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i can't say i'm very happy with daniel at mag-knight. he emailed me on wednesday to advise they had received the tank bra. altho he didn't indicate when, i ups'ed it to them, should have arrived on monday. i replied the same day to request a refund instead of replacement. no response. i again emailed him yesterday, asking for the status of the refund, no response. i'm going to assume that the "company" is out for the weekend, and will try again on monday. i just think it's pretty lousy that he's had my money for a couple weeks, and now has his still-new product for 4 days, yet hasn't done anything about it other than an email asking if i'd like a replacement...

at 4p (eastern) today i finally looked up the phone number for mag-knight and called, as i still had not received a reply, nor a refund. spoke with dan, he advised he would be refunding via paypal today. got my _full_ refund a couple hours later---did not charge me the 15% restocking fee. nice of him to do that, considering i didn't ask for it, and even mentioned it in the original email to him that i didn't like the color match and was aware of the restocking fee. i guess they realize the color they have ain't gonna fly with the '07 fjr red.
