Magnetic Signal Changers

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Fire Base Ripcord Association
Feb 24, 2007
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Did a search on this and came up with "magnetic" tank bags and other stuff...

Does anybody know if those magnetic signal light changers really work - would like to know as I almost got a ticket for running a turn lane light (didn't see the officer parked close by) - good thing the LEO was a Harley Rider and has had the same problems with his bike.

There are three methods used to trigger lights. The magnets will work with one, but not the other two.

Method #1 - Wire looms

These basically are magnets looking for large metal objects above them. Obviously a magnet will trip these, and it will work. From what I understand, this is still the most common method for triggering lights, but this may not be for too long.

Method #2 - Cameras

The new trend in traffic management is to use video camera based systems. These look at the road and basically trip when the picture changes. Since they dont use the magnetic fields to trip, the magnet will not work. However, camera based systems should pick up your bike. You are a big enough object out there to trip the sensor. Municipalities are going to this method because the wire loom method moves over time. You've seen how the white pedestrian lines get screwed up over time? Well the same thing happens with the wire looms under the asphalt. They then have to cut and redo the cabling. With cameras, they don't have to worry about this.

Method #3 - Time

Some more rual lights, and lights that are not connected to a TMC (traffic management center) usually are just programmed to change lights at set intervals. Sometimes they deliberately dont have the turn arrows set to go off, and sometimes they have them set to only go off every other time. Since there is nothing other than a preprogrammed sequence in it, your magnet will not work on these.

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If it's a magnetic loop and your bike isn't triggering it, lowering the center stand so it just touches the ground will usually do the trick if you're within the loop. Don't need no stinkin' magnet.

...Method #1 - Wire looms

These basically are magnets looking for large metal objects above them. Obviously a magnet will trip these, and it will work. From what I understand, this is still the most common method for triggering lights, but this may not be for too long.

Wire looms are not magnets. They are coiled wires that sense inductive changes by large amounts of ferrous metal around them. Specifically, they are sensitive to movement. So if your bike is not tripping it, roll your bike up and back a bit. The centerstand thing may help, but only in borderline cases.

The green light thingies may work, but I wouldn't go adding 10 pounds to my bike. If after trying to trip it with a reasonable effort and it doesn't - blow it. If you get caught, the cop should understand. Besides, the ticket would never get anywhere in traffic court. They would have to prove that the traffic signal was not faulty, and you are not required by law to carry extra equipment to make it work. Again - make a reasonable effort!


I had one similar to this on my Busa. It always worked on the light near my home. Before for I got one I always had to wait for another car to approach so I could make a legal left turn off of my street.


Used the magnet thingie on my Bonneville for about three years. Helped some, but not %100. Also tried aiming for the little cut lines in the pavement where DOT puts the sensors, moving back and forth, dropping the sidestand, and shutting off and restarting the motor (trying to create an additional magnetic fluctuation from the starter), and end up having to run some anyway. Traffic lights just ain't bike friendly.

I didn't think they'd be worth fooling with - but thought I'd ask.

I'd probably be better off getting off the bike, doing some kinda hip hop dance while swinging a dead chicken around my head...

I didn't think they'd be worth fooling with - but thought I'd ask.I'd probably be better off getting off the bike, doing some kinda hip hop dance while swinging a dead chicken around my head...

If someone watched you do that they wouldn't care if you ran the light, just as long as you left. :blink:
