Magnetic Tank Bag conflict with magnetic devices

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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Arlington, TX
I just bought a Cortech Mini magnetic tank bag and I didn't read this warning until I got the bag home.

The warning reads:


"...Do not store magnetic sensitive products in tank bag such as Credit Cards, VHS Tapes, Computer Disks, etc. ...."

The whole reason I bought the thing was to carry my wallet (with credit card), my PDA, mp3 player and my camera (all with Secure Digital memory and other memory), a toll tag (magnetic (I think)), mobile phone, and radios etc.

Has anyone had problems with various electronic or magnetic devics after storing them in a magnetic tank bag for a day or two or three ride?

I can't remember the last time I lost my memory.


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I can't remember the last time I lost my memory.
I've used a magnetic mini-tankbag for the past 18 months and have kept my cell phone, spare SD memory card (for the GPS), wallet, and GPS (during storage) and have yet to have a problem. I try to keep such items off of the bottom of the bag by laying them on top of spare gloves, microfiber cleaning cloth, etc. But that's more to protect them from vibration than anything else.

As with any item having magnetic memory, it's always good practice to keep a backup of the information it contains, if at all possible. GPS and cellphone info can be backed up on your PC or whatever. Merchants can key in credit card numbers if the mag stripe goes bad...

Be prudent and try to have a Plan B, but don't let the lawyer speak worry you unduely...

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My magnetic tank bag has become my 'purse' over the last two years, basically contains my life and travels with me even during the off season in the cage.

Contains my wallet with several magnetic stripe cards( credit, atm, work id etc.) a 20gig MP3 micro drive, cell phone, hearing aids when on the bike, digital camera with XD memory card + spare, various AA & AAA batteries... no issues with any of the above.

Same as everyone else. I just try to keep items as far from the magnets as possible. I have been using magnetic tank bags of one type or another for 5-6 years this way, and have yet to have a problem.

I think you're OK with flash memory based stuff like the camera and GPS. But I'd be hesitant with a magnetic stuff such as a harddrive based mp3 player. I have a magnetic bag and have never had any problems. I don't think I usually keep a wallet in there, but I'd have to think that I've occasionally thrown it in there.

You guys would be amazed how insensitive a hard-drive is to the presence of magenets. Take a failed hard drive apart some time and check out how powerful the magenet in the positioner mechanism is, and how close it is to the platters. So long as they remain inside the HD's case, you're not going to get the platters of a HD close enough to the magents in the tank bag's base to have any effect.

Ditto with the magnetic strips on credit cards in your wallet.

Digital cameras and memory cards are not magnetic memory to begin with.


I am snot totally sure but some bags have safe magnets that are sperated so they don't harm that kind of stuff. They only have magnetic pull to the down side. I have all my electronics in the bag and power seperated by a piece of plastic from Tap Plastics. Made a template and had them cut it. Then I put Ipod, radar detector phone, wallet etc in the bag. Been doing this for three years now and have not lost any memory.

I am snot totally sure but some bags have safe magnets that are sperated so they don't harm that kind of stuff. They only have magnetic pull to the down side.........

Yep. I have a Fieldsheer tank bag that you can not stick anything metal to the inside of the bag or

'outside" of the "ears" that come off the sides...the magnets are thus directional and can't have any effect on anything inside the bag.

You can test your bag by simply taking a metal object (that will be attracted by a magnet) like a beer cap, and seeing if the magnets in the bag will hold it on the inside. On mine, the part that faces the tank grabs the cap quickly and is hard to remove...the inside however , no sticking at all. So , no magnetic field to effect whatever..

Some of the early and cheaper bags do not use directional magnets, but I think most now use them. If in doubt, test yours.

As stated however, you need a fairly strong magnetic field to mess anything up, and the magnets they use in tank bags are not that strong..(although they seem to be)


I have had a variety of magnetic bags for the last 7 years and have never had any issues.

I think the label is just for liability protection in case someone does have something break and then comes and tries to blame the tank bag manufacturer. My Marsee, Motopak, and Cortech bags all had the same warning.

I've found that if I leave my pace maker in my magnetic tank bag for more than a couple hours that I need to get my sorry ass to a hospital to have my heart jump started.

But, now that defibrillators are starting to show up routinely at Brookstone, Sky Mall and others, I'm finding that nearly anywhere I ride there is someone with a unit.

Kewl ...

