March Madness

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
April delivery for the 06A, OK so I know March is a long month 31 days long, but does each day have to drag by so slowly. Will April ever get here.

It' enough to drive a person SANE.

As a 4 month waiter for an 03 back in '02, I feel your pain.

However...this will all be a distant memory. Hang in there, you'll proclaim after the first ride that the wait was worth it

The wait IS maddening!! I also had the 4 month wait for my 05 last year -- and to make matters worse, I figured I'd better put my Honda 750 Shadow up for sale (in December) thinking it might take 3 months to sell. Very next day after the ad appeared someone came and bought it. No ride until end of March!! And then I got the call that my 05 was in. :clap:

No words of wisdom to ease the pain. Just, hang in there. Your waiting will be well worth it. Trust me. The FJR is one great machine. Ride on! Jay

The wait IS maddening!! I also had the 4 month wait for my 05 last year -- and to make matters worse, I figured I'd better put my Honda 750 Shadow up for sale (in December) thinking it might take 3 months to sell. Very next day after the ad appeared someone came and bought it. No ride until end of March!! And then I got the call that my 05 was in. :clap:
No words of wisdom to ease the pain. Just, hang in there. Your waiting will be well worth it. Trust me. The FJR is one great machine. Ride on! Jay
I did the same thing with my FZ6 and it sold in a week and a half. Now I am doing yard work until the FJR arrives.

Yes, the wait is maddening! :angry: :(

And I keep finding myself inside various dealerships looking at the shiny bikes. Then I remind myself about the trump card that's coming my way. :D

Thanks Guys, I am not alone. Some of the waiting fristration is March just being such a goofy month, if the temps get high enough to ride(40+) we have rain an T-storms, if we get a clear day we get temps in the mid 20's.

According to my dealer's Yamaha rep, as of yesterday: no word on where the USofA bikes are...but NOT in the U.S. May be a supplier problem with lack of saddlebags, so said the rep. Of course the Dutch FJRs that were delivered @ 2 weeks ago had bags it would seem from the pic of the first happy '06 owner sitting on his bike. Baaahhh, humbug with this pdp BS program...6 months of waiting and the patience is thin, real thin. Good thing I have my '05 Suzook SM, modified '04 1200R and my good ol '74 BMW R75/6 or I would be out of patience! Still, it would be real nice to HAVE my new FJR...... DFO :angry:

That's it!

I figured out what this ORDER and WAIT program is all about! These bikes are probably all pieces of junk. If you rode it off the showroom floor you would turn around and bring it right back! Think about it, that's why you cannot demo ride one isn't it! You probably wouldn't want it.

But by the time you do all this waiting, build all this anticipation, pre-order farckles and all, you will end up having to like it even if it had square wheels.

That must be the reason! Tricky those people are. ;)

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The ship is still waiting outside the 12 mile no-enter zone leaking some kind of fluid. U.S. customs is still holding them out there as there are paperwork issues.

The king probably wanted to test ride the feejer since the dealers won't let anyone test ride them.
