Maybe the FJR ain't God's gift to motorcycles after all

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I Miss Beemerdons!
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Winter Haven, FL
I've been hanging out here since the new forum was created last year, so I don't have the history from the EZBoard days, but from my experience the last 14 months, something is fairly apparent...

1) There sure seems to be a lot of dissatisfied '06 owners

2) There sure seems to be a lot of whining going on.

Granted, NO motorcycle is perfect...and none ever will be everything to everybody. But DAMN!

"My grips sidestand footpegs throttle is too sensitive...the windshield is all (insert complaint here)." It's a never-ending diatribe of what's wrong with the FJR.

Is this the way it was over at EZBoard when the 04s and 05s came out? Or is the '06 a seemingly flawed motorcycle?

When I was ready to pull the trigger and buy an FJR, I started lurking over at EZBoard to get a feeling about the FJR. Unfortunately (or fortunately, as it turned out) that forum was in the throes of extinction and this one was being birthed, so over here I came.

Maybe it was the chaos of the old-to-new that seriously cut down on the number of posts complaining about the '05s, which were just hitting the streets about that time, but based on the number of complaints about SO many different facets of this bike, if I was going to make a decision on buying an FJR today, rather than a year ago, then based on the nit-picking I've read hear the last couple of months, I probably would have taken my business elsewhere.

I would have missed out on a terrific motorcycle had I done so, but either I'm much more forgiving with the faults and failures of my '04....

....or the '06 is a POS (or a vocal minority of new '06 owners are a bunch of chronic complainers)

Did I buy a better motorcycle? Did I get lucky and get a "good" one? Or is a bunch of pre-arthritic pussies who can't hold a throttle steady long enough to get to the corner store for a pack of smokes giving "our" bike a bad rap?


just to set the record straight - NOT ALL OF US ARE BITCHING..

If you pay attention, you will notice that when someone does bitch, there is a who slew of replies to the contrary.

My '05 FJR is the best all-around motorcycle I have ever owned..

just to set the record straight - NOT ALL OF US ARE BITCHING..
If you pay attention, you will notice that when someone does bitch, there is a who slew of replies to the contrary.

My '05 FJR is the best all-around motorcycle I have ever owned..
I think I was pretty clear in my original post that I didn't think "...ALL OF US ARE BITCHING..."

I even made it a point to say "a vocal minority".

I DO pay attention. Probably too much attention. And despite your "slew of replies to the contrary" you missed the entire point of the thread...

Are there just a bunch of complainers posting here....or is the '06 a suspect motorcycle?

Now if we didn't bitch, what would mamayama think - we've done it, perfection? You know the Japanese and the role of perfection in their culture. If mamayama thought they'd achieved perfection with the FJR, who knows: No need for further improvements? Stop making them altogether to maintain perfection? Jack the price up to rival a BMW?

I like mine. And I bitch because it could be better. Maybe when I'm ready to trade this one in the things we bitch about here might be improved. I can only hope. Not to mention that my wife won't listen to me bitch so I have to do it somewhere... :lol:

Dont equate "complaining" with "dissatisfied". Most of us love this bike for what it is and are constantly looking for ways to make it even better. I like to consider us "perfectionist" that are always looking for a "nirvanic" scoot. It is safe to say that there are a few downright unhappy 06 owners, but that would be a very small minority (and not all that unexpected with a bike that requires a PDP program). Most of the posts i've read all start or conclude with some statement like "love the bike" or "best sport tourer i've ever owned" , etc. etc...

I think the 06 requires a little more tweaking than what many expected. If your new to the farkle thing, this can be very discouraging. In its most unfarkled form, there were some issues with the 06 that may have expanded the wave of the "dissatisfied".

Even before (or After) a little farkling, Theres only a handful who would consider selling.


Too many crotchety old guys with too much free time and not enough sense I think....

<Waah> I can't figure out the centerstand. I think I threw out my back.

<Waah> I can't figure out to put my foot behind the sidestand and drag the bike back to lock it into position before setting it down. Why'd it fall over?

<Waah> I can't figure out where the mercury went when I hooked up my carb sticks. Why the bike stop running?

<Waah> I have poor throttle because I drink too much and have the D.T's.

<Waah> My crotch is too low, my bike is too high.

<Waah> My head is to beeg and is bouncing around in the wind like a giant dirigible.

<Waah> I don't really know how good I've got it when 99.99% of the rest of the world will never know how cool it is to own this bike, or any bike for that matter.

Bring yo flames ova'h here! :yahoo:

2) There sure seems to be a lot of whining going on. :****:
Ya got that right. I noticed that while waiting for my 2003 to arrive. It seems to have escellated every year since. Doesn't appear to be due to the bike. But it does seem that the bike draws more whiny gashes than the usual.

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Heck - I think lots of those who are complaining really don't have a clue or their bikes are misadjusted. Maybe they are expecting too much. This is by no means my first bike (probably number 10 or 12), so I've seen wat the competition has to offer.

I like my bike a lot, though the right mirror does vibrate a bit, and there is a bit of vibration from the drive line above 180 kph. Yamaha are cheap buggers for not supplying bag liners while overcharging us Canadians for our rides.

Nothing is perfect (as my wife keeps reminding me), but there isn't much I'd change on mine.

The bike starts and runs well. The engine pulls well, the grip doesn't require too much pull, the throttle isn't twitchy, the seat suits me just fine. The shield could be a bit taller at the top (I guess shorter Japanese people aren't in the buffet zone). It handles fine and the suspension is adjustable enough. The headlights are bright (a bright, modulated LED brake light would have been nice though).

I only wish I didn't have to scrap a tire with 3/4 of the tread left because I picked up a nail - but that's the road, not the bike).

One complaint I might have is the damage one suffers from a simple tip-over, even with sliders. Also, the paint is somewhat 'soft'. But knowing that I simply take care.

I'd LOVE to get hold of a bike with a twitchy throttle for a short run to see if it's the bike or the rider.

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Too many crotchety old guys with too much free time and not enough sense I think....
<Waah> I can't figure out the centerstand. I think I threw out my back.

<Waah> I can't figure out to put my foot behind the sidestand and drag the bike back to lock it into position before setting it down. Why'd it fall over?

<Waah> I can't figure out where the mercury went when I hooked up my carb sticks. Why the bike stop running?

<Waah> I have poor throttle because I drink too much and have the D.T's.

<Waah> My crotch is too low, my bike is too high.

<Waah> My head is to beeg and is bouncing around in the wind like a giant dirigible.

<Waah> I don't really know how good I've got it when 99.99% of the rest of the world will never know how cool it is to own this bike, or any bike for that matter.

Bring yo flames ova'h here! :yahoo:
Holy Crap that was funny! :lol:

Stick this one in there for the visual...


Too many crotchety old guys with too much free time and not enough sense I think....

Bring yo flames ova'h here! :yahoo:

Agreed. I like my '06.

If we didn't piss and moan, what would there to be to talk about? 'Hey, this bike is perfect." Well that doesn't go very far, does it? Nothing there to talk about. Therefore this forum would not have much of a point would it.

And I haven't even complained about that POS speedometer on my '06 that is 2.5 mph off. That's a downgrade from my '04... according to my GPS, anyway. <Waah> I want my speedometer perfect.

While we're at it, <Waah> I'm short, fat and losing my hair. <Waah>

Now RH, stop WHINING about all the WHINING! :lol:

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Spedboy- very funny reply. It does seem that there are always people willing to complain. Hell, thats part of why forums exist.

FWIW my two biggest complaints were seat and windshield, both easily fixed.

Vibration??? Hell, I had 3 Connies before this bike. The FJR is Jolie smooth.

Never an issue with side or centerstand.

But since this thread is about bitchin I'll bitch about the weather. Its 95/95 in Boston today. Too effing hot to ride comfortable; on any bike.

OK, done.

But since this thread is about bitchin I'll bitch about the weather. Its 95/95 in Boston today. Too effing hot to ride comfortable; on any bike.
OK, done.
Phuquing lightweight....

95/95 is April to October here in sunny FLA. Quitcherbitchin'.


I started out in 1967 on a 1966 Triumph(about 40HP) about vibration...batteries vibrated themselves to death, bulbs shattered, zenier diodes quit in the middle of nowhere, etc, etc.

Then I moved into the Harley mystique, a 1961 rigid Harley panhead(also probably about 40HP), can't even number the amount of problems with that one, but it was what it was.

Now we're in a new century and all these bikes without exception are a world apart from the old days. My last of two Ninjas were as hot as the FJR(which can be fixed) "buzzed" the same if not more at certain RPM's but was mechanically trouble free.

The problem seem is that the "newer" rider never had the pleasure of riding any of the older generation bikes and are expecting Lexus or Mercedes perfection in a motorcycle, they forget that the FJR is putting out 145HP from 1300cc, power is going to generate heat and obviously some vibration.

Guys, IT'S A MOTORCYCLE!, you're gonna get HOT, you're gonna get COLD, you're gonna get WET. The bikes we have today are powerful, handle beautifully, stop great and for the most part are mechanically dependable. If you gotta keep nitpicking about the little stuff maybe you should get a car.


Really tho I'm not being fair to the older guys,

I'd really like electronic cruse control.

And digital readout tire monitoring.

And a gear indicator.

And 6th.

And more time to ride my sweet ass bike.

And sharks with freaking lasers.

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