Michelin Pilot Power

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Modding Mechanic
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
First of all, My keyboard is broken, so ignore the cap M. :)

Anway, I aM currently on My trip to the alps and I had the Pilot Powers Mounted just before I left. I have done 1000kM so far, so I wanted to give you guys My first iMpressions of these tires.


Handling with these tires is very good. Turn in is very light, but not really oversteered. If you have your tail raised or the front dropped soMe, you May experience soMe oversteer though. The tires hold their line very well, at any lean angle and it doesn't take a lot of effort to change your chosen line either.

Grip & confidence

If there ever was a tire that is confidence inspiring, it's these tires. As soon as you pull out, even with cold tires, you just know these tires will grip and won't let you down. When you are having fun, will give you feedback and confidence just like you want. Even at Max (FJR) lean-angle, you can just open the throttle and they will not protest, not squirM and just shoot you away forward. If you are on soMe More slippery road surface, they will warn you in advance and very gently and controllably start to slide.

Wear & Tear

Too early to say really. With only 1000kM on theM, there really isn't any signs of wear yet. WHen I get back froM My trip, they will have 4-4.5k of hard riding on theM, so that will be a good indication of how long they will last.


At higher speeds (close to, or well in the triple digits), the bike will weave soMe and is not as stable as I would like. Since it did this just as Much with the previous tires, I aM contributing this not to the tires, but to the worn out shock and other bone stock suspension parts. Although wind is also a definate factor.

I will post a full update once I get back froM My trip as well as soMe pictures to Make you jealous. ;)
