Middle of the road($) Flip face helmet options...

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Wicked Webby

Right is Harder than Wrong.
Apr 24, 2007
Reaction score
Anoka, MN

A recent topic on the Nolan n102 has me curious. I was wondering what flip face(modular) helmets most use...And how you would rate um. I have heard complaints about the N102's having poor air flow and that the screen(s) never stay open.. I know a lot of the members really like the Shoei Multitec and I am sure it is really nice. I am just done with the whole $400+ helmet thing. I am too rough on um...dings....drops ect ect ect. I was just was wondering if anyone else had any experiences(opinions) with any other Mid priced(around $200range) flip face(modular) helmets. I have found quite a few different brands here(good prices too!):


Was wondering if any of you have had any of these lids (other than the Nolans and Shoeis)?? Or any other mid priced flip face(modular)?

Thanks for your input,


Since you asked... Here's my take on what I've owned...

First flip up - HJC Symax. It wasn't hateful at first, and it's the upgrade or better than model to the ClyMax or something else HJC makes.

Against the recommendations of many (on STN I think) at the time I bought it anyway. I heard that the visor won't stay open, won't stay shut, it leaks, blah, blah, blah.

It was just like they said, You could pass a truck on the highway and the damn thing would open. It wouldn't stay open either if you wanted it too, unless all they way open. That 1st 2nd notch you use to keep from fogging up, well that was useless to me, the slightest cross breeze closed it.

Had it for about 3 months, went on a training ride for my first Iron Butt (650 miles, don't laugh that was a long time ago). About 3 hours in, (It was cold as hell at least that's how I remember it and it was pre-electrics for me), I lifted the visor to scratch my nose on the highway and snap, off came the visor. I pulled over and retrieved it, ductaped it on and carried out the rest of my trip a bit upset.

Got a replacement, that new shield, didn't seal right and if it rained it leaked like a son of a bitch.

Then the interior started to fall apart. Kept it for about a year.

Picked up a Shoei Synchro lightly used from a buddy, but it didn't fit just right, not like my other Shoei's. My head isn't basketball shaped and the chin bar was far too close, so I flipped that on ebay. It was a nice helmet though, quieter than the HJC IMHO, but it just didn't fit my mellon.

Rode w/o a flip for a while, then used my dad's HJC Synchro to get me to the BMW rally in Vermont last year. I figured there I'd get a Synchro that fit, or something. Wanted to try the KBC but I have never found one to try on.

Ended up buying my Nolan on the last day of the show for a good price. I have the non-solid so at the time it was $300 retail? But I got it for $180 ish so it was a pretty good deal. It wasn't one that was tried on all weekend so I was happy.

On the ride home, I changed my mind. The visor to me was mostly useless. I already ride with sunglasses. In the up position it blocked the vents, and caught bugs so when you did flip the visor down you have bug guts on the inside and have to remove it to clean it. It's not hard but an extra step.

I eventually removed the visor altogether. While trying to open or close the top vent, can't remember which, I rubbed the rubber grip thing out of the top of the vent, so that was gone. A week later the helmet got a lot noiser, and I noticed one of the end caps was missing. Grr.....

Sent Nolan an email and they replaced all the stuff and mailed it to me so I was happy again.

The helmet fits me well, and is easy to use, it's just doesn't flow air. I may try to open the shell up a bit, but I am hesitant to mess with that much.

I'm now looking for the new Shoei to try on... I tried them at the motorcycle show last winter but wasn't as tired of my Nolan as I am now so I didn't jump. Show pricing wasn't that good to begin with.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

Rumor has it that Scorpion is making a flip up. That will be one to look for when it does ship.


I like my new N102. I had my visor flip down a few times till I figured out the right position to raise my windshield up to. ( I think that's one reason we BUY the FJR, functionality)! Now it just right. BTW.. I like NOT having to wear sunglasses to ride with since I have the shade visor.

If you decide on a Nolan N102 check my sale. https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?s...c=22026&hl= Can't blame a guy for trying. :D

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If Scorpion makes a flip-face helmet, I would definitely recommend it. I've had my Scorpion EXO-700 for a year, and I don't think I'd buy any other brand helmet. It is very quiet, fits well, is light, and won't fog up when it gets cool outside. I ordered diretly from them (nearest dealer is 90 miles away), and can's say enough about their customer service... it was the most pleasant experience I'd had with ANY company in quite a while. You also get a carrying bag included. My girlfriend is in the market for a new helmet right now, and will definitely get another Scorpion. I'll probably order a new photochromic shield at the same time for my helmet.

No, I have no affiliation with them, but was totally impressed with their service and product... especially for the price compared to the "big boys" (more expensive). Feel totally confident with a Scorpion helmet if they soon offer a flip-face.

Last year at the spring bike show I bought a Caberg Justissimo flip face helmet. I will admit I don't have much experience with any top of the line helmets or even anything fairly new but I must say I love this lid.

I had never heard of Caberg before but later research on the web found they seem to be pretty big in Europe, which makes sense since they are an Italian company. Their company web site has some really interesting and far out designs. but I don't think a lot of them are available here in the states. One helmet I saw looked like a fighter pilot helmet and had what looked like some huge vents on the top. That one looked like it would be great for the Atlanta summers!

But back to the flip face Justissimo...

The fit of this helmet is the best of any I have ever owned. I used to have an old Bell that while it seemed to fit ok would give me a headache after an hour or two. No problem there with the Caberg. Fits my head just right. Snug enough withough being too tight...doesn't press my cheeks into my teeth like some others I've tried. All in all very comfortable.

I can't really compare the wind noise to anything else, but reviews I read on the web say it's is one of the quietest of the flip face styles. It does seem to be noisy with the bikes windshield in the lowest position but that could be normal for all helmets as far as I know. Windshield up it gets whisper quiet. But I would think that's normal for any helmet. YMMV

The face shield on the helmet has very positive notches that have held the shield in the one notch open position at any speed I've been willing to go. And while I've had the chin bar drop down on me when I tried to ride with it open once (not recomended, per the manufacturer btw) the face shield has stayed in whatever position I put it in. The shield can be removed with no tools. There are some nice flush trim covers that pop right off with a little effort. They are so snug that I took the helmet back to the vendor at this years show just to make sure that was how they came off. I was afraid of breaking them they took so much force to pop off!! After the covers are off the shield is held in place by two gizmos that are removed by sliding a little lever to release the latch. Those gizmos come off followed by the face shield.

One addition to the face shield that I really like is the built in sun shade. It's a second dark tinted shield that slides up into the helmet when not in use with the flick of a slider on the left side of the helmet. Pretty neat idea but I will admit I saw it on a few other helmets at the show so it's not exclusive to the Caberg. It comes in really handy for those early morning commutes when the sun is just coming up and you round a bend to suddenly get a face full of sun. Just a quick flip with the left hand and you got your sunglasses on! It takes a bit more finnagling and a screwdriver to remove, but since it is protected more than a normal face shield you probably won't need to remove it that often.

hmmm..what else....the chin strap is a quick release latch, not the "D" rings...although it does have a ring so you can use it with a helmet lock. Vents are about what I'm used to with other helmets...not very noticible in Atlanta heat. There's one small chin vent but since I usually ride with the face shield cracked it doesn't do much for me. And there's a large vent on the top that is kind of triangle shaped. The plastic cover slides back to open up the vents and I think it is suppsoed to pull air out through the top. Again, in this Atlanta heat I don't notice much difference. Both operate ok with gloves on however, once you learn where they are.

As far a leaks...well...I got caught in the rain on the way home today. I figured I'd close up the shield all the way to keep out the rain. I don't know if it was because I had already ridden it a bit with the shield cracked open so all the seals were wet, but it leaked worse with the shield closed than with it cracked open one notch. Actually I really didn't get much water on me at all with the shield cracked so it wasn't really a problem. Got enough air to keep the shield fog free and no appreciable rain got in.

So, bottom line is I think this is a great helmet. It fits perfect, has great features, and the mechanisms work perfectly. Cost is $309.95 from www.gearupdirect.com. Great folks there btw. They even remembered me from last years show and I had only bought the helmet from them. Bought the Nitro mesh jacket from them this year.


I just bought the Caberg, too. Same model, in matte black. I've only worn it twice, but I'm liking it a lot. I was using a Shoei RF900 for the past few years. I really like the fit of the Shoei, but it was a bit noisy. I wear earplugs, so it's not a big issue. The Caberg is a little less noisy, not a huge difference, but I can tell. The Caberg fit is very good for my round Shoei head. I picked it up on vacation in Germany, for 245 Euros. Let's see, that comes to $329, so not quite so good a deal. And I had to hand carry it back.

But still over $100 less than I paid for the RF900. Removable lining, the Top Gun sun shield, and flip-up. I'm happy with it.

One thing I did notice was a bit of turbulence when the stock windshield is all the way up. The Shoei didn't do that. Maybe time to try the homemade tuning block?

A recent topic on the Nolan n102 has me curious. I was wondering what flip face(modular) helmets most use...And how you would rate um. I have heard complaints about the N102's having poor air flow and that the screen(s) never stay open.. I know a lot of the members really like the Shoei Multitec and I am sure it is really nice. I am just done with the whole $400+ helmet thing. I am too rough on um...dings....drops ect ect ect. I was just was wondering if anyone else had any experiences(opinions) with any other Mid priced(around $200range) flip face(modular) helmets. I have found quite a few different brands here(good prices too!):


Was wondering if any of you have had any of these lids (other than the Nolans and Shoeis)?? Or any other mid priced flip face(modular)?

Thanks for your input,

You placed several I own on that link you provided.Most modulars I have pwned always seem to lack something.Either poor venting or crappy shields.You might like the AGV GT-O model.I enjoyed mine a lot.The HJC is also very comfortable and vents well.It is my summer helmet.My Nolans are still my favorites.I have one N100E that has lots of battle scars.I have a new N102 which is similar to the N-Com.Works wery well with my bluetooth headset

My only advice:

I've spent a lot of money trying to save money and not buy an expensive product only to end up buying the expensive one later because none of the cheaper things worked as well.

That's very good advice, Vector !!

I personally use a Caberg Justissimo - and I know for a fact that they're worth the money -

Caberg Does it's job

I buy mine from Classic Cruiser - $283.75 with free shipping. I've now bought three from here.


As to comfort and use, I have a "Caberg" head - kind of like a bowling ball - and it fits very comfortably. Those of you with a football shaped head may find different. Venting is good - but the feature that really cinched it for me is the integrated sun visor. I have no need to keep sunglasses in my tank bag, and change them part way through the ride. Just flip the visor down, and I'm good. Absolutely ZERO optical distortion.

As to noise? Well, the last full face helmet I bought was one of the first Bell Stars - in 1968. I really don't have anything to compare it to - but I always wear ear plugs and/or ear phones - so the noise issue is moot.

I've got 16+K on mine in the last 14 months - have worn it on 2 SS1K's and 1 BBG and will be wearing it on my first B2B Insanity ride in a couple of weeks - and never had a problem with functionality nor comfort. 24 hour stretch? no problem. No need to remove it - just flip up the front to talk, eat, whatever. However, I have learned that I have to be careful opening reefer cases - with the front up it extends out a bit, and I keep hitting it with the glass doors. Clunk.

It dis-sasembles / reassembles easily - parts are easily available, quality, fit, and finish are excellent. And I know from personal experience that these helmets do what they are supposed to do. The keep your brains from liquefying during a get-off.

To clarify - this is simply my personal experience - and I don't have a large helmet experience base to draw from. What's interesting is that when it's time to replace this helmet (sometime in the next year most likely) I'll simply buy another Caberg. I can't think of a reason to look around. JMHO.

Best of luck.

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A recent topic on the Nolan n102 has me curious. I was wondering what flip face(modular) helmets most use...And how you would rate um. I have heard complaints about the N102's having poor air flow and that the screen(s) never stay open.. I know a lot of the members really like the Shoei Multitec and I am sure it is really nice. I am just done with the whole $400+ helmet thing. I am too rough on um...dings....drops ect ect ect. I was just was wondering if anyone else had any experiences(opinions) with any other Mid priced(around $200range) flip face(modular) helmets. I have found quite a few different brands here(good prices too!):


Was wondering if any of you have had any of these lids (other than the Nolans and Shoeis)?? Or any other mid priced flip face(modular)?

Thanks for your input,

For the money, I don't think you can beat the Vega Summit.


I also own a HJC Symax and like the features better on the Vega plus it is about $100.00 less. It was also well reviewed here.


Never heard of the Caberg, good writeup on the link though, along with KD's experience make it worth trying on sometime.

One of the main factors in buying my Nolan N102 was the steel locking mechanism for the flip portion, when MCN tested modulars a couple years ago tthe N102 was the only one with that feature. the rest were plastic.

The shield and visor do flip down too easily above 80 mph with the stock shield (no problem with the V stream).

I just bought the Caberg, too. Same model, in matte black. I've only worn it twice, but I'm liking it a lot. I was using a Shoei RF900 for the past few years. I really like the fit of the Shoei, but it was a bit noisy. I wear earplugs, so it's not a big issue. The Caberg is a little less noisy, not a huge difference, but I can tell. The Caberg fit is very good for my round Shoei head. I picked it up on vacation in Germany, for 245 Euros. Let's see, that comes to $329, so not quite so good a deal. And I had to hand carry it back.
I bought the silver one. At the time, I was still on my 84 Venture. It was cool when I got the silver 03 FJR to match the helmet. :lol: And speaking of cool....I would think that a color like silver would be much cooler on your head than a matte black model...at least down here in Hot-lanta.


I'm surprised noone has mentioned the Schuberth line of flip-ups. I had the original Concept1 for 4 years, removeable, washable interior, sizable cheek pads, extremely scratch resistant shield, internal flip-down sun visor, average airflow, noise, overall quality better than any but premium Japanese. Was $399 4 years ago.

Here's a link to a fairly unbiased site, with pros and cons. Read down to the manufacturers letter at the bottom. Not cheap, but neither's your head. I understand they did or still do make certain BMW helmets, not confirmed personally.


Don't trust the flip-ups... Just scared they'll come apart at the wrong time - like during an impact.

But it's your money and your choice. That said, I'd get the most "protective" one I could afford and don't look back.

In short - summarize all this info and buy the one you want. Just make sure it fits well, or you'll hate it!

I've got 2 different flip face helmets. I started with an open face or 3/4 helmet before I had the FJR. I was riding the Goldwing. I wanted a little better protection, just in case. So, I bought a HJC Symax. I have an after market windshield on the bike. The Symax works well with the Goldwing. It is a bit loud, but never droans or shakes my head.

When I bought the FJR, I started looking for a quieter helmet so I could enjoy XM radio thru ear plug speakers. I got a good deal on a Shoei Multitec. It works well with the FJR, XM, ear plug speakers and the std. windshield. :yahoo: I like it. But, when I try to wear the Shoei while riding the Goldwing, I can't do it. It shakes my head and droans loud. :angry2: Not a good thing. I have to wear the HJC on the 'wing, but it is louder than the Shoei...

