Mirror-Mounted LED Turn Signal Flashers

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Not Safe For Work
Nov 5, 2007
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Sacramento, CA (honest)
I noticed a while back how well the flashing turn indicators show up on vehicle outside mirrors--usually big pickups and SUVs. I was thinking they'd be great on a bike where the more people can see your intentions the better. There are some on the market, I found, but they all had disadvantages for me. I wanted to be able to use my own mirrors; why buy a whole new set to get this extra feature? And many were brand and model specific. I couldn't find any made for the FJR. The ones I saw were expensive. I'm cheap. What to do?

So I went to the bike show in San Mateo last month, and I found some LED strips from these folks. (They cater to the "Cruise Night" set with the colored lights illuminating all the chrome.) But they're very bright and came in several lengths and colors. They're wired on both ends, so if you want to, you can cut a strip in two and connect each one separately. They mount with peel-off adhesive strips. They looked like just what I wanted for the outside edges of my mirrors. I bought a single 10" strip of yellow lights for $20, cut them into two 5" pieces, and finished mounting them today. I think they're great; just what I wanted.

The worst of it was, I had to take off ALL the fairings to access the wire leading to the front turn signals. A real PITA, but still doable. Here's the plug to those lights--an easy disconnect so the fairing can be moved out of the way once removed.


Just poke the two leads into the three holes in the plug while the blinker's on to tell you which wire the red lead connects to. Black to black--that's the easy one. Then connect up under the four dash panels. You could do what I did, and connect them twice, or just put the heat shrink tubing on first and thread it through the hole you'll have to (gasp!) drill in the plastic by your mirror, unless you think of a better way to mount it.


By the way, I used these "Posi-Tap" connectors. Best way to tap into a wire I've ever seen.


It looked like this when I got the right side hooked up.


A little electrical tape to make it look nice:


The left side was just the same, only harder. (WHY is the left side so damn hard to get off?) I couldn't access the wiring harness on the left side from above to save my life, so I wired in some extensions from the bottom--just below the left side connector itself, and ran it up to within easy reach from above and wired the left LED wire to it the easy way.

After that, and all the buttoning up, I just cleaned the outside edges of the mirrors with acetone, peeled off the backing for the sticky tape on the light strips, and ran a heat gun over everything for a while to warm up the mirrors and the glue strips (recommended to make the bond stronger and more permanent). Stuck the lights to the edge of the mirrors and ran some zip ties around the mirror stems. I'm pretty sure Paul Teutel couldn't have done any better. Junior OR Senior. Or even Mikey!


My limited photographic skills do NOT do justice to the brightness of these lights (Hell, the brightest thing in either picture is the camera flash in the reflectors). From the side, or from just ahead or behind in the next lane especially, they show up MUCH better than the stock turn signal lights. They're also noticeable from dead ahead or directly behind, so I'm sure they give me at least a little better chance of being seen than without. I've noticed that they also are much more in my own line of sight than the green indicators on the dash, so I'm going to spend lots less time riding down the road signalling phantom turns.



Walt--Flying Junior--and I each bought multiple strips of these in the red color that we're both planning to stick on the back end for extra visibility. We'll each put one 5" strip connected to the running light, and two 5" strips connected to the brake light. That should wake somebody up. Maybe we'll be posting about that one of these days.

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Good job on that one.

Been thinking about led's on the tail/brake myself, going around the trunk and bags; will be waiting the post up of when you guys get it done. If I don't do it first.

Maybe you could get someone to snap a pic from behind you using the signal; just to see where the illumination will be and how other drivers can see as well....if time permits.

Otherwise, cool it is and thanks for sharing.

Very very cool. I'm all about improving my night visibility and getting people to look at me so they don't run me over.

It looks like from your pics that you've tapped the brown wire, the 'run' part of the light. This basically gave you some 'glow' around the mirror edge, right? I'm interested in your thoughts on how well these puppies would work when tapped into the 'blinker' wire.

Very cool idea SacMike! I like this one alot. Especially since you can get these lights in a variety of colors, even


Schweet farkle! Very nicely done.

Thanks for documenting and sharing!


BTW - Admore makes light kits for the tail of the bike, both a Givi-based solution and a LED solution that sticks to the side bags.

Very well done and only $20. I have been wanted to do this type of mod for some time, thanks for the info and motivation.

It looks like from your pics that you've tapped the brown wire, the 'run' part of the light. This basically gave you some 'glow' around the mirror edge, right? I'm interested in your thoughts on how well these puppies would work when tapped into the 'blinker' wire.
I did tap into the blinker wire, so they're off until the turn signal's on (or the 4-way flashers). Don't even recall which color wire it was--but not the "always on" one.

P.S. How are you with clutches? :rolleyes:
I know how to operate one. :huh:

BTW - Admore makes light kits for the tail of the bike, both a Givi-based solution and a LED solution that sticks to the side bags.
When I do the rear end lighting I'm planning to mount them either somewhere on the fender or the license plate frame, since I don't want to wire the bags to the bike. Hmmm, I might think about getting some of those quick-disconnect plugs like the ones shown in my first pic though. . .

Oh, and Merry Christmas, everybody! :santasmiley:

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I did tap into the blinker wire, so they're off until the turn signal's on (or the 4-way flashers). Don't even recall which color wire it was--but not the "always on" one.
Youre right, I couldn't remember what color the 'run' wire is, but since they looked like they were on in your pics, I assumed I just remembered it backwards.

I really really like this idea now. Might be ordering some after the holidays.

How well does the adhesive work on the plastic?

How well does the adhesive work on the plastic?
So far--one day--holding fast. They "tell" me it's a permanent mount. It was actually another guy whose opinion I respect a lot who suggested heating before mounting to improve the bond, and he agreed it should hold. Since it's on black plastic and not paint, no problem if I ever want to remove them and clean the surface with acetone. I suppose I could re-bond them onto a replacement mirror if the bike should ever happen to fall over for any reason . . . :rolleyes:

(BTW, I had my son take pictures with the blinkers flashing until he happened to catch one with the LEDs "on.")

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Nice job-I did something similar but used stick on turn signal arrows fron Advance, about $15. Ran the wire behind the mirror glass, stuck it on the underside of the mirror stalk with RTV, and since no way could I bring myself to drill a hole I loosened the mirror and snaked the wire under the gasket between the mirror and the fairing. I sprayed the exposed part of the wire with blue rattle can and it is almost invisible. Besides increased visibility, another benefit is that the old fart doesn't forget to turn off the signal...

on my cruiser yahoo group, someone posted how to install a "wig wag" circuit when adding side lights (led marker lights for trailers in my case) to integrate them into the turn signals circuit. The side lights would be on as running lights just like the bike's amber always on or running light filament and when the turn signal blinking filament is activated, the side lights blinks...but opposite the turn signal itself...when the turn signal filament turns off, the side lite is on and vice versa making a wig wag effect between that side, side lite led and the turn signal filament.

it's like this effect on this car:

I'm going this way cause my cruiser was made even more safe and visible, and it really is a cool, impressive effect.

I downloaded from that forum and modified the instructions as best I can to apply to my Feej.

The link to a video actually showing it on a bike was inoperable and I couldn't find another vid for a bike anywhere yet.

I'll keep looking.

Here's the instructions...let me know if anyone is interested and if the instructions, etc. make sense.

I have a copy of the circuit itself somewhere around here in a file. I'll look for that, as well.

Maybe I'll start a new thread when I get this going for myself.

[SIZE=14pt]Installing WigWag turnsignals.[/SIZE]

How it works.... the sidelights will always be "ON" when the front orange running lights are "ON". They will blink "OFF" when the turn signals blink "ON" and then they will blink "ON" when the turn signals blink "OFF". etc.etc...WigWag or Ping-Pong. When you cancel the turn signals, the sidelights will again be "ON"

Each mirror light strip has two wires...a hot or positive and a ground or negative.

You will need (2) 5 pin automotive relays... The easiest place to find them are at truck stops. The kind of stops that sell all kinds of trucker sh.t... Be careful. You need the 5 pin relays that have an #87a and #87 terminal. I've found (not at truck stops) 5 pin relays with (2) # 87's... The deal on the relay is this. When #87a is "HOT" , #87 is "NOT".

Install the light strips on the mirrors and run the wires toward the turn signal units in the plastic.

BTW, I've keep both sides separate... What I did on the right side, I also did again on the left side...

Remove all the plastic except the nose itself.

Find the wires for each side marker light filament which is the side running light part...always on when key is on... I tapped into these (right or left) and ran the tap to terminal #30 of a relay.

Take the black wire from that same sides "NEW" light strip and attach it to terminal #87a of the relay.

Tap into the turn signal or blinking part of the FJR side light (right or left) and attach that tap to terminal #85 of that sides relay.

Maybe someone can post the colors of the wires for each side.I can't remember, but I think the right turn signal wire was grey and the left was green... possibly the other way around????

Attach a wire from a good ground from the bike or negative battery terminal to terminal #86 of the relay.

Need to find enough room both on the left and right sides to tuck in the relays and additional wires.

Terminal #87 is not used. But it could be if say you wanted to power another wigwag light somewhere else. Although this light would be "OFF" until the turn signal would be "ON", then it would be "ON" at the same time.

Relays cost about $8 to $10 approx ea. You can never have enough lights. Hehehe….

Found these Relays w/Sockets that seem appropriate...will be ordering two...

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Mike, you are a bastage...yes, here on Christmas Eve, a bastage, I say...
<just ordered lights and wire...my paypal account is red hot now>
I bet the neighbors complain when you start your bike. Not about noise, but waking them up with an early sunrise.

Just what you need LA Man... you're gonna fry your lectrics............

Are those FZ1 mirrors?
yep...very good bang for the buck IMHO

I'll be pulling off the plastic to install my Eastern Beaver H4 Dual Headlight Relay Kit

I'll gather the parts and pieces (relays and sockets) and do the mirror wig wag turn signal/running light mod as well

to save my stator some work and to fill the empty mirror mounts, I hope to have a set of Clearwater caliper lights and a set of their brand new running lights by Jan. Will be pulling plastic off again. Guess I'm getting good at it by now.

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

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Mike, you are a bastage...yes, here on Christmas Eve, a bastage, I say...
<just ordered lights and wire...my paypal account is red hot now>
I bet the neighbors complain when you start your bike. Not about noise, but waking them up with an early sunrise.

Just what you need LA Man... you're gonna fry your lectrics............
that's just what leds prevent from happening <so I've heard>

Great mod, Mike, thanks for sharing the install! Are those FZ1 mirrors?
I am waiting to hear back from Clearwater about the driving light special you let us know about. Since I'll have to have the fairings off for that, I might as well run this too.
Mine are FZ1 "type" mirrors I found on Ebay or somewhere. They do the job but it turned out there was a blemish in the glass that's disconcerting. I should have spent the extra dough, but as I mentioned, I'm cheap. It was better after I moved my fish-eye spot mirrors over from the bike's stock mirrors--they hid most of the "wavy" part. They take some getting used to, but give me a MUCH better view of the blind spot (which is no longer blind).

As to hearing back from Clearwater, be sure to leave a message with them. I don't know how they're staffing the shop during the holidays, but imagine he'll honor the deal price if you kind of "reserve" it timely. Glenn's off on an adventure in American Samoa till Jan fifth, the mutt!

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