
Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Seoul. Korea
This guy, the grandson of a famous Norton tuner, has spent three years developing his cutting-edge C1 Moto GP and has just launched a new engine, the Z-Line 4, a counter-rotating longitudinal twin crank, four-cylinder, triple overhead cam with a displacement of 990cc, a unique MotoCzysz creation and something the Japanese have even got round to contemplating.

Everything on this machine is completely new and engineered to the max. The front suspenion in amazing, and the trans is too much. A 990CC bike with 220 HP that weighs under 350 lbs...

Saw a show on Discovery about the creation of this masterpeice, and wanted to share. The show will be airing soon in the US...

for now, the web site...

Thanks for posting that -- some interesting reading there. Nice to see an update about where he's continuing to take this dream.

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I'm rolling coins right now. I should probably start looking for loose change somewhere besides my couch. That thing looks sweet.

More goodies

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I have a three step plan:

1) Start exercising again.

2) Various male enhancements .

3) Sell myself to the highest bidder!

Twin crank? Are all pistons connected to both cranks? Or is this just some fancy way to put two 2 cylinder engines inside one block?

Twin crank? Are all pistons connected to both cranks? Or is this just some fancy way to put two 2 cylinder engines inside one block?
You know they're based in downtown P-town, right? Let me know when you want to, and we'll go "investigate"


Twin crank? Are all pistons connected to both cranks? Or is this just some fancy way to put two 2 cylinder engines inside one block?
You know they're based in downtown P-town, right? Let me know when you want to, and we'll go "investigate"

Who woulda thunk it? Stump Town's the last place I'd expect a true performance bike to come from. Electric bike? Sure, but not this (or these folks over in Oregon City for that matter: Norton Motorcycles)

Twin crank? Are all pistons connected to both cranks? Or is this just some fancy way to put two 2 cylinder engines inside one block?
The latter....

If you're familiar with the Square-4 engine design (Ariel, Suzuki, and others) one of the benefits is geared-together crankshafts -- essentially balancing with equal and opposite forces (while not robbing too much, if any, power). The FJR crank drives balancers which contribute nothing (directly) to power output.

In the Czysz's case, instead of the "square" arrangement, the cylinders are in-line with geared together cranks. We'll have to wait-and-see if it's competetive and successful.

So its an intreaguing bike but will it ever race in GP? Will it ever become a production bike of any kind? I think these are the real questions.

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ahh yes...

What the real question is here is how many of these innovations will end up on consumer bikes....the one's that most of us can afford..

I can remember a time in the not to distant past where I paid about $400 for 128MB RAM you cannot even buy a 128MB RAM.

Many of us were riding in the 70's....remember the tires/brakes/suspensions/engines and trannies then?

I hope that you catch the show on Discovery about this. Many of the innovations are unbelievably simple, yet devastatingly effective. They have real world possibilities and applications that could be adopted very quickly, and in my view, would lower cost and improve performance. The small team is working unhindered by a large corporate bureaucracy, and this allows for this type of quantum leap. I know the guy seems like an egomaniac, but in this case, he might just be entitled.

Slap.....a picture would be great if you make it over there......I'd love to join you!
