Motoport feedback

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
I know several folks here bought at WFO last year aned have time to test the products seasonality and hopefully not test the skidability of the product.

Insurance is covering my getoff gear pretty well. $420 for my jacket, $250 for my boots, and $70 foroverpants. I picked up my (same) boots off ebay for $170 NIB (they arrived today) -ASIDE- FWIW Gaernes fit folks with wide feet, triple E myself, and crash test well.

Anyway with the cash from the insurance I am looking heavily at Motoport and its claims of a one for all suit.

is it cool enough in Summer and warm in the winter (with liners of course)

I know its good stuff since its GP approved. my intrest here is comfort factor.

Did you get jacket, pants, liners, all of the above? Which one?

Would you do it again or get something else for the money?

Thanks in advance

FJRFencer, I will fess up. I bought the Air Mesh Kevlar short jacket and pants with all the liners in about Sept. of last year. I have without a doubt no regrets about purchasing the gear. I will be honest I have had not enough riding time to break in the gear and it is still stiff. And while it is stiff it feels bulky especially the pants but if this is a bother Wayne had said just put them in a dryer on low with a couple of tennis balls to soften the material up or just wear em and let them break in. While on the bike none of this is noticed and I usually take them off when I get off the bike anyway. The coldest I've ridden in was 29 degrees with no problems, wearing both liners in the jacket and the pants only come with the windbreaker liner but with longjohns was not a problem at all. I would personally reccomend if you ride in really cold weather get electric gear no matter what gear you wear. Just my HO.

The warmest I've ridden in is only in the high 80's so far but I know the hottest temps will not be a problem and my gear is black. Some just wear boxers or shorts under the pants and you are cooler yet. I use to wear a Joe Rocket mesh jacket and pants while that jacket pants was more comfortable and a bit cooler, the protection offered was not near as good IMO. Not even in the same league. But I really like the streach Kevlar material offered by Wayne though and will like to someday add a pair of the light Kevlar jeans to the collection. That stuff is really great but probablly too warm for summer use where I live in Nor Cal where temps get over 100 degrees. There have be some here who have unfortunately tested this gear and they will testify that this gear is unsurpassed by none for protection.

I like the armor and the construction is very solid and I can see wearing what I purchased for another 10 years easy if not longer if I make it that long. Would I do it again, yes, without a doubt. And some of those who did buy at WFO and have have been wearing their gear longer could probablly give a better report than me. CyclePort is standup in quality and customer support. What else could you want. And I am in no way affiliated with MotoPort. Hope this helped and good luck. PM. <>< :D

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I know several folks here bought at WFO last year aned have time to test the products seasonality and hopefully not test the skidability of the product.
MadMike recently tested the "Skidability" of his Air Mesh Kevlar suit.

is it cool enough in Summer and warm in the winter (with liners of course)
Did you get jacket, pants, liners, all of the above? Which one?
The only things I would do differently is get the high-vis colored jacket, and not buy the thermal jacket liner, as PolyFleece in different weights works much better for insulation under the waterproof liners. I don't need heated gear down to where there might be ice on the road, and I don't ride then anyway.

As for the hot, microfiber clothing underneath and a wet vest has kept me comfortable well past a hundred degrees for hours on end. That, and my dual Skyway hydration kits!

If there was better gear to be had, Wayne Boyer would be selling it.

I have been in the mesh Kevlar for about two weeks now.

90% percent of my riding is done with short and t-shirts under my gear. When I went to work yesterday I ran into some snow on the way to work and temps got as low as 26 degrees. I felt completely comfortable with the rain liner in the pants and the rain+thermal liner in the jacket. My normal riding puts me on the road with temps in the morning often below 10 degree and I have no concern that the MotoPort gear will not handle the temps.

My highest temps so far have been in the low 60s. This may sound weird, but I think this stuff is far cooler then my Joe Rocket mesh jacket and First Gear mesh pants. With my job rocket jacket there does not seem to be much air flow under the back armor. However, with the Motoport armor I do have airflow under the armor. I do have the upgraded MotoPort armor in my gear, so that might have something to do with it.

My only issue (my issue, not MotoPort) to this point is figuring out what cold weather gear to wear with the MotoPort gear. With my Tourmaster jacket I had to wear NECK DICKIE and a SKULLGAITER to keep the cold from getting to me. The first time I tried to use both these items with the MotoPort jacket it felt like I was being strangled. The rain liner fits the neck very snug and give very little room for the NECK DICKIE. It appears since the rain liner fits so well I don't need the NECK DICKIE. In addition, I do have a larger neck then normal, so it is not un-common for apparel to be snug around my neck.

I have no regrets getting the MotoPort gear. I will be writing up a review of my gear in the next week or so.

FJRFencer, I will fess up. I bought the Air Mesh Kevlar short jacket and pants with all the liners in about Sept. of last year. I have without a doubt no regrets about purchasing the gear. I will be honest I have had not enough riding time to break in the gear and it is still stiff. And while it is stiff it feels bulky especially the pants but if this is a bother Wayne had said just put them in a dryer on low with a couple of tennis balls to soften the material up or just wear em and let them break in. While on the bike none of this is noticed and I usually take them off when I get off the bike anyway. The coldest I've ridden in was 29 degrees with no problems, wearing both liners in the jacket and the pants only come with the windbreaker liner but with longjohns was not a problem at all. I would personally reccomend if you ride in really cold weather get electric gear no matter what gear you wear. Just my HO.
The warmest I've ridden in is only in the high 80's so far but I know the hottest temps will not be a problem and my gear is black. Some just wear boxers or shorts under the pants and you are cooler yet. I use to wear a Joe Rocket mesh jacket and pants while that jacket pants was more comfortable and a bit cooler, the protection offered was not near as good IMO. Not even in the same league. But I really like the streach Kevlar material offered by Wayne though and will like to someday add a pair of the light Kevlar jeans to the collection. That stuff is really great but probablly too warm for summer use where I live in Nor Cal where temps get over 100 degrees. There have be some here who have unfortunately tested this gear and they will testify that this gear is unsurpassed by none for protection.

I like the armor and the construction is very solid and I can see wearing what I purchased for another 10 years easy if not longer if I make it that long. Would I do it again, yes, without a doubt. And some of those who did buy at WFO and have have been wearing their gear longer could probablly give a better report than me. CyclePort is standup in quality and customer support. What else could you want. And I am in no way affiliated with MotoPort. Hope this helped and good luck. PM. <>< :D
I'm still trying to decide. You got any pics?

I have the mesh kevlar UltraII pants and jacket. Their mesh vents as well, if not better than, most off the rack gear.

But, alas, riding in 110+ in the summer, it's going to be f'ing hot no matter what....but not as hot as riding without the jacket.

I also have the police pants, 4-way stretch kevlar, which is good for me down to the 40's without liners.

I've got it, if you want to check it out in person.

Not only would I buy again, I won't ride without it.

[quote name='jekirby' post='374801' date='Friday, 22 February 2008'

I'm still trying to decide. You got any pics?

jekirby, no pics but if you go to the MotoPort site there are pics there and if requested Wayne will send you some better ones than on the website. PM. <>< :D dMotoPort.

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I bought a 3/4 length Kevlar mesh jacket and mesh pants back around August. I also got the rain liner and regular liner for both. Color = light grey.

I have used them in temps between 100 down to 38. I was plenty warm when it was 38 out. I would probably be ok down to 20, maybe even less.

In warm weather they pass the air through very well and are not too bad *as long as you're moving*. If you're at a stoplight for very long you will start getting pretty warm, but that wasn't a big problem for me. As soon as I started moving again, all was good. In the cooler temps, its been more than warm enough. I only use the rain liner down to about low 40s. After that, I will think about putting the warm liner in as well. However, with both liners in, I do start to look and feel like the Michelin Man. Arm movement feels a little limited just walking around, but I've never noticed any issues while on the bike.

My wife has they stretch Kevelar jacket and pants in black. She says it gets very hot while at a stop during the warm season, but its fine when moving. She hasn't tested hers down to lower temps yet.

Although the Motorport suit is the only protective gear I've ever had other than a leather jacket, I can certainly recomend it.

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I'm glad I bought mine....and was wearing it on the Aug. 18th KLR incident. Pavement diving: Not for the "faint of heart"!

Crash tested...strictly as a service for the FJR Forum members...

...and it really really works!

Riding home to Sacramento from Park City the long way (Through Northern UT, Southern ID, Eastern OR...all high desert, then South through the Central Valley of CA...was fine. Riding in temps down to 40 degrees have been fine...I do like my Gerbings liner and gloves!


I have the one-piece kevlar mesh. If you lose a buch of weight, you can come on down to Troy, pick it up, and try it out for a while!

Actually -- I don't recall if you tried it on when you were here, but it may fit you.

Trying it out for a while beats the heck out of others opinions.

I have the one-piece kevlar mesh. If you lose a bunch of weight, you can come on down to Troy, pick it up, and try it out for a while!
Thanks for the offer, but that would be a 50lb loss. while I like Subway, I can't stand Jarred :rolleyes:

So, Fencer... make a decision yet?
Yep, I mad the decision a while back.

I am gonna buy.

just as soon as these deadbeat clients of mine pay their tab :angry2:
might want to make a deposit or work out some terms with Wayne to get the current pricing before he raises it at the end of the week - supposedly going up 20%

Jaz has a good idea, no reason to pay more if ya don't have to.

If I had to order again, I'd get less pockets and more adjustment straps. I've got the 4 big pockets on the jacket, and I have only EVER used is the zipper chest pocket and one of the others. THe other pockets are just added bulk I don't need, and if I even send back for repairs or adjustment, the pockets are leaving.

Also, it would be nice to have some mid-arm snap or velcro adjustment tabs. The arms are kinda big without liners under, so in the summer though I'm nice and cool, the extra material in the arms tends to flap.

But, good choice. I commute with my stuff every day, and no real complaints.

Also, it would be nice to have some mid-arm snap or velcro adjustment tabs. The arms are kinda big without liners under, so in the summer though I'm nice and cool, the extra material in the arms tends to flap.

Not sure what jacket you have but mine (UltraII mesh) has adjustable straps at the forearm and elbow. Pulls the material in and makes it more form fitting.


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