MotoPort Gear:

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2005
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Middleton, ID.
What with the recent posts on those enquiring about the MotoPort riding gear a question has always seemed to hang, why is CyclePort gear not advertized like other riding gear? I know they have a website, but other than that I have never seen them anywhere else like magazines, or distributors. Since the gear is so good does it not need the exposure? Seems like it would be advantageous with more advertizing. Just throwing this out there...PM. <>< :unsure:

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Since the gear is so good does it not need the exposure
That'd be my guess. There seems to be no shortage of business or customers. You can ask Wayne Boyer himself at NAFO, as he's planning to be there.

From talking to him, I get the feeling he makes enough money to get by comfortably, but he's passionate about protecting his fellow riders as best as he can.

I am a small cabinetmaker and do not advertise myself. Geurilla Marketing and word of mouth are far more effective for the craftsman. You save a lot of money and get the clients that you want--the ones that want you. If you can survive the lean years while that customer base builds then you will be a lot happier in the future as your customers tend to happier. Mass marketing on an a product that is more expensive, takes longer to produce, a specialty, and the like only leads one to making commitments that one cannot meet. In the case of the small guy it is usually a time commitment. Think about most of the guys you all swear by for their service or product-they tend fall into the above description. It is also satisfying to do business with the small guy and you tend to get a better job/product anyway. I seek out these folks when possible. Besides many craftsman are not good salesmen anyway and it far better to let the product speak for itself--there can usually be no false impressions/expectations given or implied.

Like other people (I'm assuming here) picked up on MotorPort via "word of mouth" (this Forum). Wayne spent a good deal of time with me on the phone going over measurements. After 3 different calls, I desided (and this was the key selling point for me) to spend a good amount of coin on a product, sight unseen. Wayne never pressured me and always finished each conversation with "if it don't fit, I'll fix it" (my English not his).

This is the kind of service we all expect, especialy spending this amount of money, but rarely get in today's market place. His stye and the quality of product will lead to another sale when I visit San Deigo with my wife. He has made what every businessman seeks, a customer for life. His biggest problem (in my case anyway) is his gear will surely outlast me.

It just might be "the last suit you'll ever put on" Opps, wrong thead :unsure:

There seems to be no shortage of business or customers. You can ask Wayne Boyer himself at NAFO, as he's planning to be there. From talking to him, I get the feeling he makes enough money to get by comfortably, but he's passionate about protecting his fellow riders as best as he can.
That's the impression I got as well. Just thinking that the gear "is" so good, that more folks should know about it. And I would ask him at NAFO but I won't be able to attend....real bummer but my situation just won't allow me to do any big runs this year.

Mass marketing on an a product that is more expensive, takes longer to produce, a specialty, and the like only leads one to making commitments that one cannot meet. In the case of the small guy it is usually a time commitment. Besides many craftsman are not good salesmen anyway and it far better to let the product speak for itself--there can usually be no false impressions/expectations given or implied.
I agree with this and found this out to be true no matter what business you're in. A good product will speak louder than any words.

Like other people (I'm assuming here) picked up on MotorPort via "word of mouth" (this Forum). Wayne spent a good deal of time with me on the phone going over measurements. After 3 different calls, I desided (and this was the key selling point for me) to spend a good amount of coin on a product, sight unseen. Wayne never pressured me and always finished each conversation with "if it don't fit, I'll fix it" (my English not his).This is the kind of service we all expect, especialy spending this amount of money, but rarely get in today's market place. His stye and the quality of product will lead to another sale when I visit San Deigo with my wife. He has made what every businessman seeks, a customer for life. His biggest problem (in my case anyway) is his gear will surely outlast me.

It just might be "the last suit you'll ever put on" Opps, wrong thead :unsure:
Word of mouth is the best advertizement. And I did speak with Wayne at WFO6 and when I ordered my gear on the phone a few months later I got the same support. I figured I needed an extra large jacket from trying on the gear at Park City last year and after talking to Wayne and giving the measurements per the website and over the phone this gear fits me to a tee. Also it is really hard to find nowdays someone who knows their product inside and out as Wayne does. And I also feel it will out-last me and hopefully it won't be the last suit I ever put PM. <>< :D

I think I recall reading a quote from Wayne that said he was satisfied with the amount of business he had, so no advertising needed. I understand that and do that for my dirt bike accessory business.

But his pics really stink, and do a real disservice to potential customers. Basically, you are guessing and hoping in terms of the appearance of the garments.

I'd like to buy a set of Kevlar jeans, but the pics are so bad that I won't until I see some in person.

One of surest ways to destroy a small business is to effect causes that force it manage growth that comes faster than it can handle. Even a modicum of advertising could effectively cause Motoport to double it's current sales volumn. As aspect I'm sure Wayne has considered and subsequently dismissed as undesirable. Some companies have responded to such growth by shifting manufacturing offshore, often with disastruss results. Something else I'm sure Wayne has weighed heavily.

Would sacrificing personal attention and hands-on service be worth it to you? I hope not.

As it is, I'm glad there are still a few cottage industries left in this country where I can get what I pay for; in this case a truly premium product.

But his pics really stink, and do a real disservice to potential customers. Basically, you are guessing and hoping in terms of the appearance of the garments.
I'd like to buy a set of Kevlar jeans, but the pics are so bad that I won't until I see some in person.
When I was buying, I requested some better photos and he sent over a few pics but were baisically the same ones from the website but larger. I couldn't really see a closeup of the fabric. But I was ok with it because I had checked out the gear in Park City last year.

One of surest ways to destroy a small business is to effect causes that force it manage growth that comes faster than it can handle. Even a modicum of advertising could effectively cause Motoport to double it's current sales volumn. As aspect I'm sure Wayne has considered and subsequently dismissed as undesirable. Some companies have responded to such growth by shifting manufacturing offshore, often with disastruss results. Something else I'm sure Wayne has weighed heavily.Would sacrificing personal attention and hands-on service be worth it to you? I hope not.

As it is, I'm glad there are still a few cottage industries left in this country where I can get what I pay for; in this case a truly premium product.
As I understand it, most of his gear is now manufactured in China. Last year at WFO he did say this had happened. Still he has hands on the quality and the alterations and custom orders are done in SoCal as far as I know. PM. <>< :D

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One of surest ways to destroy a small business is to effect causes that force it manage growth that comes faster than it can handle. Even a modicum of advertising could effectively cause Motoport to double it's current sales volumn. As aspect I'm sure Wayne has considered and subsequently dismissed as undesirable. Some companies have responded to such growth by shifting manufacturing offshore, often with disastruss results. Something else I'm sure Wayne has weighed heavily.Would sacrificing personal attention and hands-on service be worth it to you? I hope not.

As it is, I'm glad there are still a few cottage industries left in this country where I can get what I pay for; in this case a truly premium product.
I don't recall but is was Rupert Murdoch or Donald Trump that said "More small business choke to death than starve to death."

Is he gonna be at the national meet this summer?

If so, it's just over the hill for me so I'll be sure to take a look.

As I understand it, most of his gear is now manufactured in China. Last year at WFO he did say this had happened. Still he has hands on the quality and the alterations and custom orders are done in SoCal as far as I know. PM. <>< :D

For stock sizes this is true. Custom sizes are made here on an as needed basis.

But if you think of Wayne as the company, then he is HERE, responding to customers and overseeing quality control.

This is indeed better than most companies whose only connection to the product is label on the garment.

As I understand it, most of his gear is now manufactured in China. Last year at WFO he did say this had happened. Still he has hands on the quality and the alterations and custom orders are done in SoCal as far as I know. PM. <>< :D
It is a shame that one has to resort to this (no matter to what extent) to be competative :glare:

What with the recent posts on those enquiring about the MotoPort riding gear a question has always seemed to hang, why is CyclePort gear not advertized like other riding gear?
Because dealing with the guy is a pain in the ass, and he's a major jerk?

I bought a Canyon II jacket at Bike Week a long time ago and absolutely loved it. It was full length, had nice rain & winter inserts, nice zippers, flaps, and wrist closures, plus it was very comfortable in the Florida heat despite not being mesh. However the website always said "out of stock - getting more soon". Finally I called and got nothing but a runaround. "we have other nice jackets" - no, none of them have the features I want. "we'll have more soon" - no, I've been waiting 18 months already, Eventually he said he could no longer get the same fabric.

From what I can tell, their website hasn't been updated in years.

I'm glad Tourmaster finally came out with their Draft & Intake jackets and I was able to retire my Canyon II. I steer as many people away from him as possible. As far as I'm concerned, the entire company and everyone in it can burn in hell. I'll buy 2nd-hand Joe Rocket & Icon garbage before I ever even consider Cycleport again.

What with the recent posts on those enquiring about the MotoPort riding gear a question has always seemed to hang, why is CyclePort gear not advertized like other riding gear?
Because dealing with the guy is a pain in the ass, and he's a major jerk?
Funny how Wayne affects different people, differently.

What with the recent posts on those enquiring about the MotoPort riding gear a question has always seemed to hang, why is CyclePort gear not advertized like other riding gear?
Because dealing with the guy is a pain in the ass, and he's a major jerk?

From what I can tell, their website hasn't been updated in years.

I steer as many people away from him as possible. As far as I'm concerned, the entire company and everyone in it can burn in hell. I'll buy 2nd-hand Joe Rocket & Icon garbage before I ever even consider Cycleport again.'re one major winer out of how many thousand.......or are you just having a bad day? Although, there is very little protection in a 2nd-hand Joe Rocket & Icon garbage. Better to go with the MotoPort gear really and play it smart. PM. <>< :lol:
