Motor Cop Down, Backs-up Traffic

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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Carpinteria, CA
So, I'm watching the local news on NBC4 (LA) last night when they had a breaking story. Seems a motorcycle cop went down, got hit and supposedly died (initial reports), but the talking heads and the helo pilot/cameraman focused on the friggin' traffic jamb and the fact that thousands of people would be late for dinner!

Today I try and find out more about this incident and I'm coming up with nothing.

This is terrible news regarding the loss of the police officer.

What I never understand is when the motorcycle accidents make the news, nobody ever signs off on the story with:

"and although this is a terrible tragedy, or although this near miss could have been life threatening, or whatever, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR OTHER MOTORISTS, ESPECIALLY THE ONES ON TWO WHEELS WE SHARE OUR ROADS WITH"

How hard could that be??

Dumbass news people

What I never understand is when the motorcycle accidents make the news, nobody ever signs off on the story with:
"and although this is a terrible tragedy, or although this near miss could have been life threatening, or whatever, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR OTHER MOTORISTS, ESPECIALLY THE ONES ON TWO WHEELS WE SHARE OUR ROADS WITH"
Do they ever, for any accident? Cager gets munched by trucker, do they ever remind people to allow more room around a 40-ton vehicle that can't stop on a dime?

And why would they, anyway? It'd cut down on the blood & gore factor.

We had a local city motorcycle officer back in the spring go for a test ride on a friend/neighbors new cruiser bike, failed to negotiate the turn, hit the curb and you guessed it--------------------------he was NOT wearing a helmet!! last I heard he was alive--if you want to call it that--tax payers will be flippin the bill for the costs until his vegetative state ceases. Tragic situation for anyone--but a motorcycle cop----geezzz--please!!! :wacko:

I don't wish that on anyone, but not wearing head protection, especially when on NEW EQUIPMENT is just stupid.

Do they ever, for any accident? Cager gets munched by trucker, do they ever remind people to allow more room around a 40-ton vehicle that can't stop on a dime?
And why would they, anyway? It'd cut down on the blood & gore factor.

/Rant on/

I'll go one better: Do they ever act responsibly about anything? Do you remember during the Katrina aftermath, the mayor (an asshat if ever there was one) said that there could be 10,000 dead in the city, then the media latched onto that number as if it were a scientific fact?

Lately, I've heard them predicting that 2 million people would die in the bird flu pandemic that MAY hit the United States. This is not unlike the SARS pandemic that was about to sweep across the globe a couple of years ago. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly respectfully afraid of what an airborne virus could do, I just think that the feaking media clowns should stick to the facts.

Too bad they have 24 hours of airtime to fill with blather. They create their own news and then bloviate about it for weeks.

/Rant off/

Finally, I'm sorry to hear about the officer that went down.



News is great on mute.

Just read the typing or the ticker at the bottom and your done.

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from :

POSTED: 5:56 pm PDT October 13, 2005

UPDATED: 6:41 pm PDT October 13, 2005

LOS ANGELES -- A car struck a motorcycle officer Thursday afternoon in Santa Ana.

The Santa Ana Police Department officer was hit near Main Street and Memory Lane. Authorities said the officer suffered moderate injuries.

The crash occurred in a commercial area.

The crash was the third this week involving a motorcycle officer in Southern California.

Authorities said a deputy on a motorcycle was killed Tuesday afternoon after a collision with a motorist in Rancho Cucamonga. The San Bernardino County Sheriff's deputy was transported to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton, where he died, according to the sheriff's department.

The sheriff's department said the deputy, 35-year-old Danny Lobo, was a 12-year veteran. The father of three children had been a motorcycle officer for one year.

A Los Angeles Police Department motorcycle officer crashed Wednesday afternoon on the Hollywood Freeway. The officer was hospitalized with injuries that "do not appear to be that bad," said LAPD Officer Jason Lee.

from :pOSTED: 5:56 pm PDT October 13, 2005

UPDATED: 6:41 pm PDT October 13, 2005

LOS ANGELES -- A car struck a motorcycle officer Thursday afternoon in Santa Ana.

The Santa Ana Police Department officer was hit near Main Street and Memory Lane. Authorities said the officer suffered moderate injuries.

The crash occurred in a commercial area.

The crash was the third this week involving a motorcycle officer in Southern California.

Authorities said a deputy on a motorcycle was killed Tuesday afternoon after a collision with a motorist in Rancho Cucamonga. The San Bernardino County Sheriff's deputy was transported to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton, where he died, according to the sheriff's department.

The sheriff's department said the deputy, 35-year-old Danny Lobo, was a 12-year veteran. The father of three children had been a motorcycle officer for one year.

A Los Angeles Police Department motorcycle officer crashed Wednesday afternoon on the Hollywood Freeway. The officer was hospitalized with injuries that "do not appear to be that bad," said LAPD Officer Jason Lee.
This one was last night in LA I think in the 101/405 interchange area. Those two were also report separately. I think in the last few weeks we've lost 3 or 4 to cages...

They should outlaw motorcycle cops. ;) Not to discount the tragedy of it all but, in my line of work, you either joke about it or go insane. Imagine going to one or two funerals a week for 20 years, it takes its toll...

They should outlaw motorcycle cops. ;) Not to discount the tragedy of it all but, in my line of work, you either joke about it or go insane. Imagine going to one or two funerals a week for 20 years, it takes its toll...
Never thought of it that way. Kinda macabre, though. Still, I hate to see that shit.

They should outlaw motorcycle cops. ;) Not to discount the tragedy of it all but, in my line of work, you either joke about it or go insane. Imagine going to one or two funerals a week for 20 years, it takes its toll...
I don't know how those guys ride all day in short sleeve shirts and open face helmets.

I've heard that they sacrifice protection so that the public can identify with them better, not to mention mobility if a foot chase ensues, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to ride around ALL DAY in crazy MOFO Hell-Ay traffic in that gear.

Totally goes against ATGATT.

Not knocking, but maybe a policy change for better protection for the officers is in order.

My department put a motor unit back on the road after 20+ years without one. I'm still torn between "Someone thought it was a good idea in all the traffic backups" and "Man, don't those bikes look pretty?"

The officers do get some amazing training tho - I videotaped some of the inital training for our unit, and they do things on bikes that I don't think I'd ever try.

Back in the spring I particpated in a run to the Police Memorial wall - left from DE with an escort of 4 of our motors, were met near the Bay Bridge by 4 MSP motors, and then met in VA by motors from Alexandria County and City Police departments. Very cool to be in a big group with so many of them around.

Highways do chew officers up at a frightening rate tho - in the entire history of my department, there have been 18 Line of Duty Deaths. All but 4 were from accidents.

(And no, not an officer, I've been there 15 years, 7 as a dispatcher, and 8 as the.. computer guy. Right now I do Information Security and network architecture)

We all take risks. If I wanted to live life safely, I would stay the hell of the roads, on a bike or in a cage. It happens.

Each and every life taken on the roads is a tragedy. However, sorry to be so callous, those who ride without the propery gear are idiots. Those who ride beyond their limits, especially in traffic, are dangerous not only to themselves, but also to those around them.

I have a friend who refuses to ride with new people, due to stupid people.

There was a kid down the street. He was troubled, in many ways. He was Morman and went on his mission. He was sent home early. Then he got his girlfriend pregnant. This kid would come through the nieghborhood (a cul-de-sac) at high rates of speed with children around. He did broadies in the winter. He was just plainly reckless.

His parents bought him a motorcycle. Even knowing how reckless he was. Then, he borrowed a friends sportbike and went canyon cruising. I was on that road, later in the day. Went I returned from my trip, I learned that he died when he crossed the line and hit a truck head on. His stupidity will cause his daughter to grow up without her father.

Another guy was adjusting his carbs (I think), while riding. Biffed it and landed in a coma. No gear, just jeans and a t-shirt. He may have been drinking.

It is dangerous enough out there to take unneeded risks. If I want to go fast with minimal risk, I go to the track. Or I find back roads with noone around and good visibiility (easy in Utah). If I want to speed in a canyon, I scope it out first. I want to make sure there aren't any major obstacles to deal with (road debris, fallen rocks, sand, people, broken down vehicles, etc).

I like adrenaline. However, I don't believe in being stupid.

It's bad enough out there. Why add the risk without taking proper precautions?

Fatality on the 101 freeway here in Los Angeles today at 4:30 PM at Winnetka westbound lanes.

21 year old SV650 rider was hit, or hit a car, was thrown from motorcycle and run over by a truck that couldn't stop.

I was in the traffic coming home to Burbank that resulted in this horrible tragedy, on my FJR and couldn't but help think that someday that might be me.

Sobering moment.


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Just remember how often they showed rodney king getting best? Or any other time a cop does something "excessively" but when they get killed or hurt its usually only worth 10 seconds of print.You're a felon in the headlines but a retraction on page 13. Which stays longer? My fiancee' is CPD so i see and hear it all the time. Yet they don't care when "citizens" m#f them and throw shit at them. They even made a big deal out here about a cop pulling his gun out because some public official decided he was so impotant he had to get out of the car when his driver got pulled over and identify himself,what the didnt report was he pulled AFTER this idiots security detail of 4 pulled rught up to the scene and got out w/o telling the sgt they were also off duty cpd.But since it was only motivated by skin color and not fear and self preservation issue in a crime infested area it made the top story for at least a week.Only AFTER the details came out did the media shut up.Even one our black alderwomen told him to stay in the car next time. Sorry i just cant stand those manipulative bastards. And the lemmings the believe their every word!!!

:angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03:

Sorry about all the mispellings. This subject just pisses me off so much i drool everywhere and hit the wrong keys. :dribble:
