Motorcycle Jack

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2006
Reaction score
Dunedin, FL
How come no one has a picture of an FJR on a regular motorcycle jack? Will they not work right for the FJR? I am curious because I was thinking of getting a motorcycle jack. (say like at Sears or Sam's CLub) Any info members have is appreciated. : :blink:

No, they work just fine. I used one that a gracious rallymaster owning a Goldwing staged for me in a rally.

I think most don't have them because they're dedicated jacks that cost a fair penny and any ol' leftover jack (say from a Volkwagen Rabbit from one's mis-spent youth) work just as well with a 2"x4" to support the headers.

Whatever money saved goes to buy another farkle.

If you do buy one, post up a picture for all of us to see. :D

(BTW, in an unusual case I don't think this thread is never-ending or pointless. Moving to Part and Accessories.)

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Because the FJR uses the engine as a stressed frame member, there is no traditional frame for a platform jack to contact. Like Iggy said, a fixture must be fabbed so the jack has a stable support base.

Because the FJR uses the engine as a stressed frame member, there is no traditional frame for a platform jack to contact. Like Iggy said, a fixture must be fabbed so the jack has a stable support base.
I guess I should be honest and say that I haven't fabbed anything, and have just been very careful to place a regular ol' 2"x4" under the headers (fairly close to the bend where they turn up) and jack smoothly. I probably should head over to the table saw and make this.

Er, me thinks he's talking about lifting the whole bike via bike lift vis a vis the jobbies they make for cruisers:


Er, me thinks he's talking about lifting the whole bike via bike lift vis a vis the jobbies they make for cruisers:
That would make some sense then. The one time I used this type of jack, I already had the rear up on the center stand and used just one of the rails to lift under the headers. If I had tried to use it to the lift the whole bike....I think I would have seriously bent something expensive and important :blink:

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Of course if you want to spend the $$$ you could get one of the hydraulic or pneumatic platform jacks that you roll the bike onto. They even have a removeable panel to make it easy to remove a wheel onc the bike is on the center stand.

Being a frugal person, I use a small seat with casters when I can, or just sit on the floor. And I use the center stand and scissor jack when I want to remove a wheel or two.

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I bought a Sears bike lift last year when I had a cruiser.

Took a look at the underside of the FJR and didn't think it would work without breaking something.

The lift is dusty, but I'll clean it off if a bright guy or gal can figure out a safe way to lift the bike with it. :)

We have enough creative and skilled people on this Forum that with a little imagineering and some shop confabulation that we can come up with The FJR Adaptor Table similar to this:



Hello, Fred?

And might there be a picture with said adapter holding and FJR way up in the air?
Looks like you are going to have to remain Grumpy. I was just throwing out the idea with an example of sorta, kinda how it might be done. If the blue bracket had the outer risers turned 90 degrees (and rubber bumpers) it would pick up the frame on each side of the headers. The rear would need a block for the rear pivot to rest on. Note there are eye hooks on the ends of the table for tie-downs. See my request for others to turn the idea into reality? I mean look, I tried to invoke the spirit of Fred-H! ;)
Right now there is no room left for a lift in my garage and I'm darn sorry about that too. We cleaned out my in-laws huge Victorian house, and it was the wrong thing to do, we should have had a fire instead. :eek:

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WTF???? Oh, it's still on the center stand. I think 'beam's onto the right path... bracket specific to the Feej combined with that cheapo Sears lift would be da berries, yo.

That pudgy guy with a clueless look, but wearing smashing footwear is yours truly and exactly what I was talking about using the centerstand and just one of the jack legs under the headers. IIRC, the other leg was farther back just holding up air. Overkill for the application when we could have probably gotten away with a few boards and no jack.

Promptly after I this I went to lunch with Rogue and lost my wallet. Fun stuff when you're supposed to go through Tech. Inspection at the Utah 1088 just a few hours later, but nevertheless a great source of amusement to the rally master.

Nothing like getting new tires right before the rally in the vain hope they'll last you the rally, the ride home, another ride back down to Ely, a 2K+ day for good measure, and then yet another ride home.
