Motovation sliders

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Aug 11, 2009
Reaction score
snohomish wa
There I was at the dealers and there they were so I bought a set. Seems like these have been one of the more frequently mentioned sliders on the web site. I have taken note of the warnings not to use any loctite? even though the instructions with the sliders advise you to use loctite? there are also several grades of loctite available. Any general advice from those who have installed this particular set would be read and appreciated. Thanks.

Jim -- Although I have GSG, the sliders mount the same way utilizing the lower engine mount bolt. I did use a small amount of blue loctite on the last half-dozen threads or so. I've had the RT side puck off and on a couple times and all I've done is to thoroughly clean the threads and use a small amount of locitie again... no big deal. YMMV


There I was at the dealers and there they were so I bought a set. Seems like these have been one of the more frequently mentioned sliders on the web site. I have taken note of the warnings not to use any loctite? even though the instructions with the sliders advise you to use loctite? there are also several grades of loctite available. Any general advice from those who have installed this particular set would be read and appreciated. Thanks.
I have them on my bike. Make sure to check them occasionally because they will loosen up. The dealer installed them so I am not sure if they have loctite or not. Most likely not. If i can turn them by hand I get out the wrenches and snug them up again. I occasionally push it pretty hard in the twisties so they may loosen up because of my riding style.

Fortunately I haven't had to put them into action yet.


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I have OES sliders installed and I used blue LocTite when I put them on. About 10k later, I was getting a bad vibration through my bike. Turned out, the sliders were loosening and re-torquing them got rid of the vibes. You don't wanna use red LocTite because you may never get the bolt off if you need to. I used blue, but I think the heat cycles in the engine block cause it to degrade and give up faster. Now I just check torque every oil change and no more problems.

I've had the Motovations on both FJRs, but regret I don't recall if I used loctite or not. I don't think I did for fear of over tightening "wet" threads.

Rather than checking torque all the time, I've found if I just make a dot on the bolt head with a black Sharpie at a given spot (like 6 or 12 o'clock) on the bolt head after torquing, I can eyeball it any time any place to see that it hasn't moved.

Has worked for me on all my bikes over the years.

