Mounting Mark Parnes RD Visual Alert

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
After mounting my new V1 on the right brake resevoir, I decided Mark Parnes' Visual Alert would be a good investment. I toyed with mounting locations including on top of the remote volume control and to the right of the speedo above the LCD. But I wanted it even more directly in my line of sight. So I decided on the upper center of the windshield.


The only problem I had was deciding how to secure the wire from the alert to the RD. After looking around the junk drawer in the shop I found some tubing.


I cut a couple of 4" lengths and sliced them down their length. Now the tube can be opened up to capture the wire and grab onto the edge of the windshield.


I did a 10 min road test tonight at 75-80mph and the tubing didn't budge.

And I think the tubing also provided a marked reduction in buffeting and a few extra MPH on the top end.*

The RD is stuck to the reservoir with Velcro and a Velcro strap secures it. The remote audio box is stuck on top of the RD with Velcro, and the Alert is stuck to the windshield with Velcro. That makes everything easy to remove and reinstall. If you look closely at the last photo, you'll notice there is Velcro on both the square face and the angled faces of the Alert. That allows me to mount it two ways: square end attached when the shield is down, angled end attached when the shield is fully up.

*This statement has yet to be verified in independent testing.



I had a Marc Parnes VA on my st1300 befroe I sold it. I liked it. One thing (and Marc drew me a diagram showing this) you can do, most of the backing of the unit can be modified with a belt sander or grinder of some sort.

This will allow for different angles and sizes to be made for different mounting positions. I found the ideal spot for me was on the very top of the dash but had to do some heavy modifyying to get the correct angle.

Well worth it though, nice product. Your's looks very good. They are good to have ;)

