MP3 Players w/ Hard Drives...

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brazos parker

Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
Johnson City, TN
I read that GPS units w/ hard drives don't mix well w/ the vibrations on motorcycles.

Is the same true for MP3 players w/ hard drives? I was reading in a recent thread about someone who mounted a Creative Labs Zen Vision M on the handlebars. This is the MP3 player I'm considering and was planning to always use in from a jacket pocket instead of mounting to the bike.

Anyone w/ experience here? What say you?


I've never *hard* mounted my ipod, but have read reports of it locking up and causing problems in this type of mount.

I've run mine for hours at a time in my pocket with no problems.

It's the hard drive regardless of device it's attached to. It could include cameras as well.

Hard drive devices have moving parts. Memory devices do not have moving parts.

Putting in your shirt pocket does a very good job at isolating the natural vibration tendencies of a motorcycle, but what happens if you forget or decide to put it in the tank bag or some place less isolated?

May work forevor, may work for a long time, and may stop working tomorrow......or's stops working the day after the warranty expires.

Indvidual results will vary.

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My 60GB iPod works like a champ in my tank bag. If you mount it it will lock up in no time and not work.


I have two players, both Creative Zen's. A 20GB Zen Photo and 30GB Zen Jukebox. The Photo has logged about 7K and the Jukebox about 14K strapped to my Venture Royale and the FJR. Both are still in fine condition. The Juke is velcroed to the top of the cover that protects the Venture radio from rain, the Photo rides in my Manta tank bag. Only problem I ever had was the Photo shutting itself down in the 120+ temps we encountered in Utah on the way to WFO. I read the manual and 105 is all I am supposed to subject it to. My bad. I turned back on after a few minutes in the A/C hotel room. :D

My wife's Ipod locks up in my jacket pocket if I ride long enough and it's windy enough to make the jacket flap around, etc. YMMV with HD based devices, but flash-based are the safe bet.

MPIO 20GB player (MP3, OGG, WAV) with FM & microphone record. Used for 1 1/2 years in jacket pocket. No probs.

Replaced with iAudioX5 20GB (MP3, better OGG, WAV, FLAC) with FM, used for trip to Reno/Kali & back & about 70 + hours just on local riding. No probs.

The key is to insulate the unit from road vibrations. In a jacket pocket, only gets a gentle flap-flap instead of GRRRRRRRRRR-bump-bumpGRRRRRRRRRRRRR if it was mounted to the bars.

YMMV etc etc
