I applaud the effort, since apparently no one else cares to actually teach people how to drive and make sure they learn it. We as a community, in the interest of self-protection, have to take it upon ourselves. At the risk of turning political, it always amazes me when people talk of the terrible tragedy of the hundreds of our boys losing their lives in Iraq, Aphganistan, and other places, and the news channels spend hour after hour on the counts, yet nobody bats an eye when they see 5-digit numbers for annual highway deaths.
There is an attitude of, "Oh, it's just a motorcycle," which runs in the same vein as "Oh, it's just a bicycle." or "Oh, it's just a pedestrian." If it's not big enough to hurt you, then its right-of-way doesn't really matter. In addition to trying to teach drivers that these things are out there and here's how to watch for them, they need to try to do something to teach that yes, these things DO matter and that bike at 45 MPH can't disappear because you want to make a right on red. It's mechanics AND attitude. I can teach someone how to see, I don't know how to teach them that they are not the center of the Universe and its rightful master. (I have 2 daughters, I've failed utterly at this with both of them.)