MSP Metro Area Get Together

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
Moab, UT
It has been awhile since the Twin Cities/Great Metro/Western Wisconsin FJR riders have gathered to partake in good food and bad lies. To that end there will be a gathering of Twin Cities/Great Metro/Western Wisconsin FJR riders on [SIZE=10pt]Saturday, September 20th, 2008 [/SIZE]in beautiful [SIZE=10pt]Lakeville, Minnesota at the MNFJR05 estate[/SIZE]. Hopefully the weather gods will smile on us and you can ride your FJR all day and come in for dinner with the event starting at 4:00pm. I shall provide burgers/brats/buns/chips & sodas. Alcoholic beverages will be on your tab.

The CFO crowd(Radman) should be back in town and they(he) can tell us tall tales of their(his) pillaging and plundering in the vast plains and Black Hills of South Dakota. New owners in the area can meet the "vintage" owners. I will crank up the slide show of my NAFO trip on the laptop for those who were unlucky enough not to attend. Maybe Rad can do a few carb syncs for those needing help.

Please [SIZE=10pt]add a reply here if you are planning on attending [/SIZE]so I can plan on having enough goodies. I will post a map to the MNFJR05 estate(just off Country Road 46 and Cedar Ave.) later.

[SIZE=12pt]Directions to the Twin Cities/Great Metro/Western Wisconsin FJR gathering.[/SIZE]

From 35W South take Cty Rd 46 East to Harmony Path.

Go right on Harmony Path to Harvard Lane.

Go right on Harvard Lane to Harvard Court.

Go left on Harvard Court all the way to the end of the cul-de-sac.

16208 is on the left at the end of the court.

From Cedar Ave(77) South take Cty Rd 46 West to Harmony Path.

Go left on Harmony Path to Harvard Lane.

Go right on Harvard Lane to Harvard Court.

Go left on Harvard Court all the way to the end of the cul-de-sac.

16208 is on the left at the end of the court.


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A bump, and a reminder. If anyone wants advise/tips or a how to demo concerning maintenance/repair, state the need here, will do my best to help. I live but a short ways from John, so tools are not an issue.

Still waiting on my Russell seat. Should be back to me soon!!?!??? If It doesn't get here by Sat., I'll have to skip this one. Build date was 9/5.

Still waiting on my Russell seat. Should be back to me soon!!?!??? If It doesn't get here by Sat., I'll have to skip this one. Build date was 9/5.
Use a rug, ya wuss. Ain't like were going twisty huntin'.......... :p

I'm sorry I can't make it. Oncall this weekend. Maybe one of these times the stars will align.


Still waiting on my Russell seat. Should be back to me soon!!?!??? If It doesn't get here by Sat., I'll have to skip this one. Build date was 9/5.
Use a rug, ya wuss. Ain't like were going twisty huntin'.......... :p
With my luck the rug would catch on fire. :blink:

Seriously though, I called Russell to see how my seat was progressing. They said its to be shipped out today :clapping: I paid the $80 for 2 day shipping, so I'm hoping It'll be here Fri, or Sat..

I seriously need a TBS.

Should I hold off on my G2 install til Sat. for expert help?
