My '06 FJR might be totaled

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Mar 30, 2011
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Palm Springs, CA
Hi all,

A few days ago I returned my usual fall tour with my beloved FJR in the back of a rental truck. The ride had gone really well, and we had ridden through central Utah and the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument, Grand Teton/Yellowstone NPs, Beartooth Pass, Chief Joseph Scenic Highway, Glacier NP, up into Banff, the Icefields Parkway up to Jasper, back down to Kamloops, then back into Montana to start heading for home.

Everything was going well until Oct 1st, day #10, 4200 miles in. Leaving Lewiston ID, we were going up the Old Spiral Highway with me in the lead. Coming into a left sweeper, we came up behind a car with it's left turn signal on. He was slowing to turn into a driveway. With a big ditch to the right, and a left-turning car ahead, I had no choice but to lay heavily on the brakes. Those FJR brakes are awesome...I was almost at a stop with room to spare, but my buddy on his 2012 FJR was following too closely and apparently didn't notice the turn signal or my brake lights until it was too late. He plowed into the back of my bike (it was quite an impact) and we both went down. My bike slid down the road on it's right side, and his went down on it's left. Well, needless to say, the tour was over for us at that point. I have some rash on my elbow, and my buddy has some sore ribs and a big bruise on his hip. At least we walked away from it, no ambulance ride required. We loaded the bikes into the truck, and drove 20 hours straight to SoCal on Oct 2. Not exactly how I wanted to return home.

I have a question for those that know (and a forum search didn't turn up an answer) about how the insurance company will handle this. My buddy is at fault, and he has Progressive Insurance. I've added up the cost of parts that my bike needs to have replaced, and I came up with a retail (non-discounted) cost of $4022. I also priced the parts with a discounter (PartShark) and came up with a cost of $2747. That's a pretty substantial difference. When the insurance adjuster looks at the bike, what numbers does he use to decide whether the bike gets totaled or not? KBB shows my bike's trade-in value as $4600 with a suggested retail of $6700.

I'm just curious about whether I should expect my '06 to get repaired, or should I start shopping for a leftover 2012? If it gets totaled, I'm not really interested in buying it back and having a salvage title.

Thanks for any insight you can provide.

Adjusters will usually use retail price for parts. Regardless, the cost of installation is usually at least as much as the parts cost so if you were to double the discounted parts cost, you are still above the kbb value. I suggest you look online at similar (not wrecked) fjrs in you area and surrounding states so you know the actual value in addition to the kbb value. Insurance companies will try to low-ball you and doing your homework will help prepare you with ammo to counter their offer.

I had a similar situation where a buddy rear-ended my 05 on the way to the Rueben Run in 2012, impacting between the wheel and the muffler, ripping off the side case and damaging the rear plastics and subframe. Neither bike went down, but damage was substantial. The estimate was done by the insurance adjuster based on retail OEM parts replacement and shop rates for installation. It came up just short of total. They issued a check and the other rider paid his deductible. I obtained a replacement muffler and some plastic parts off the forum and bought a new saddlebag and reinforcing mount that goes under the plastic. I did all the work myself and saved quite a bit. My buddy's 2012 had a fair amount of front-end damage and was repaired 100% by the dealer.

That's the process. It could total, but you should carefully research what parts are likely affected and make sure some of the attachment and subframe pieces are not overlooked in the estimate. Given the way a bike is valued and damages estimated, this may be your best shot at a Gen III you will ever get. If you're sentimental about the bike, you have the option to fix it.

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Start shopping. It's been my experience that Progressive adjusters are very god at finding all the damage. I've had three in my shop this year that i thought I had found everything and they found more.

Another problem is that you can't see any hidden damage without taking it apart. A salvage title would hammer the value at least 30%.

In two accidents covered by Dairyland, the amount was way above what just about anyone could buy by themselves. For example, the stock exhaust silence for a Sprint RS was pushing $1000 but the Triumph Carbon Fiber Accessory Silencer was about $500. In both cases the examiner found way more stuff damaged than I had even considered. As long as you are below the value of the bike, you are golden.

I would start shopping for a new FJR. My experience with progressive and a deer strike on my Tenere last month is that they are quick to total the bike and give you high book value for your bike.

Progressive will cover up to $3000 for gear in addition to the cost of your bike. Not sure if you had any motorcycle gear on and/or if it was damaged. If your helmet took any kind of impact I would get a new one. Never use a helmet that's been in a get-off. Your bike is done. Time to start shopping!! Glad you guys are okay.

Take it to a shop for a estimate, if it is over 80% of the value it will be totaled.

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Really sorry to hear about the crash and your trip ending. It is great you two did not get hurt badly. I bike can be fixed or replaced. Still very unfortunate.

It got hit in the rear, went down and slid? Damaged enough to need a truck ride home? Just from what I know of insurance companies and the cost of repairs, I'd say your bike will be totaled. Start taking your extras off now.

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Thanks for all the good info, gentlemen! I did a forum search, but I really had no idea that there was an "Insurance" sub-forum. I guess I never scrolled that far down.

...impacting between the wheel and the muffler, ripping off the side case and damaging the rear plastics and subframe.
That sounds like my damage...when I hit the ground, I saw my right side case go sliding down the road next to the bike. Every right-side panel has some rash, the exhaust can is mangled, tail-light assembly is smashed (but the TailBlazers still work!). I thought initially that the subframe was bent, but after getting the bike home I discovered that the right frame rail is completely broken under the passenger seat.
Progressive will cover up to $3000 for gear in addition to the cost of your bike. Not sure if you had any motorcycle gear on and/or if it was damaged. If your helmet took any kind of impact I would get a new one. Never use a helmet that's been in a get-off. Your bike is done. Time to start shopping!! Glad you guys are okay.
That's really good to know about Progressive covering damaged gear. Luckily my helmet never touched the ground, so it's still good to go. Boots, gloves, good to go. My FirstGear jacket took a hit in the elbow, and the pavement wore through several layers of fabric all the way to the inner lining. That's a $225 item right there. There's a little rash on the overpants, but they're still usable. My buddy and I got lucky. I have a big bruise on my elbow, but no pain, and the abrasion itself was so minor that there was never any blood. The thing I'm most thankful for is that my wife wasn't riding on the back. We picked her up in Jackson Hole, and she rode with us for seven days. She caught a flight out of Lewiston for home the very morning we crashed. Dumb luck that. If she had been on the back, her right leg/ankle/foot would probably have gotten pretty messed up. Then her dad would be severely pissed at my buddy for crashing into me.
Really sorry to hear about the crash and your trip ending. It is great you two did not get hurt badly. I bike can be fixed or replaced. Still very unfortunate.
Yeah, it sucks to end the trip like we did. I hate to part ways with my '06. It was a great bike, set up exactly as I needed for touring. I put 30K miles on it, ands was hoping to see it well past 100K. I'm waiting to hear from the Progressive guy today, and depending on what he says, I might get a second opinion from my USAA guy. Then I can start shopping for a new bike. I know the Gen 3s are the dogs bollocks these days, but the 2013 and 2014 colors with black wheels just don't turn my crank. If I got a '13/'14, at the first tire change I'd have the wheels powder-coated silver. So for now, I'm looking at leftover 2012s. Cobalt Blue and silver wheels is my favorite color scheme. There are still some new ones out there at some pretty good just over $10K. It depends on how far I want to fly/ride.
But then again, when the 2015 is announced...if it's any shade of blue, or even if it has silver wheels...then I might be seriously tempted!

...Start taking your extras off now.
I got that covered...spent most of the day yesterday in the garage pulling off the accessories. It's as stock now as when I bought it...except for the OEM heated grip kit and 3M paint protectors. I had forgotten how much wiring goes into a FuzeBlock in the rear, extra lights up front, with a Powerlet plug in the middle! It's all in a box ready to be re-installed when the time comes.
I guess I'll soon be posting for sale a Power Commander V with a FuelMoto '06/'07 smoothness map. I shouldn't need it on the next bike, whatever it may be.

Start taking your extras off now.
Good advice HRZ
That could actually be bad advice. Progressive is going to pay you up to $3000 for gear and farkles. If you pull your farkles off to resell you will only get used price money. If you leave the farkle on, you will get full replacement cost. When I totaled my V-Strom I had a used Corbin seat on it. Could have sold it for $150-$200. Left it on the bike and progressive paid me $350. Having said that, if you want to sell the PCV send me a PM, I may want it. As much as I would like to buy it from you, if you leave it on, you will get $380 for it.

There is a great 2012 listed right now in St Louis, MO for $8900. Better jump on it quick or it will be gone...pronto.

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Well, the Progressive adjuster finally looked at the bike last week. The damage amount was a bit higher than what I had added up. Total parts and labor, $5822. Ouch. I thought that would make an instant decision to total the bike, but the rep had to submit the info and wait for the valuation of the bike to be determined. As it turns out, it was on the borderline between repair and total. The rep called me this afternoon and told me that they finally had the numbers worked out. It's a total loss, and they're paying me $7500. That's WAY more than I expected. I was thinking it would be in the mid-$6K range. You guys that mentioned Progressive paying a high book value were right. I sure can't complain!

As for my friend's 2012, the parts and labor added up to around $11,800. Of course we knew that was a total loss right on the spot. So he and I are now both shopping for leftover 2012 models. Cycletrader shows about 21 of them listed nationwide. We found one dealer that has a good price, and we might be able to work a package deal for two bikes. I'll find out about that tomorrow. It looks like I'll be doing a fly-n-ride in the next two weeks.

It sucks to lose my '06, but this might work out pretty well when it's all over.
