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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
I had been looking at the Autocom Active 7 Smart for a while, and was juuuuust about to buy it when... BAM! 1/2 off sale!

Are you kidding me?? $150 savings! Needless to say, got 'er done.

Put the microphone & speakers in my Scorpion EXO-700, which wasn't too difficult, other than the kit did not come with tape or glue. Not an issue, as I had what I needed anyway.

So, to make a long story short, what I hoped would work did. And very well. Tested to 90 mph without issue.

I connected my PocketPC phone to the Active 7. Since the headphone / microphone output is stereo, it uses a four-conductor plug. I didn't want to destroy the headset/mic it came with, so I procured a cable at DigiKey:


I had to make this cable, and it divides the microphone portion into a plug for the PHONE jack and the audio out portion into the MUSIC jacks of the Active-7 respectively.

I am making this a tankbag setup, so the Active-7 resides inside, it will be powered by my powerlet socket in the left fairing, and the PPC fits easily and comfortably in the map pocket of my tankbag:


I can now talk on the phone and listen to music in stereo perfectly. And when Media Player is playing my MP3's, it will pause when the phone rings, and resume automatically when the call ends. And if I add any other apps, they will play the audio right through it. Books on tape with Audible, anyone? How about a Bluetooth GPS receiver and navigation app? The list goes on. It is also cool that I can click the buttons or screen right through the clear plastic of the map pocket.

Now, what REALLY makes this set-up the CAT'S ASS is a little proggy called Voice Command by Microsoft. This app lets you talk to your PPC and tell it to do practically anything. You make it listen by pushing a button, and in my case that is the little Start button in the bottom left corner. Specifically, in this application I can use it to call any one of the 350 names in their contact list by saying for example, "Call John Smith on cell". Or to play music, I would say, "Play media", or "Play Crossfade". How about, "What time is it?" This program normally kicks ass, but it works surprisingly well on the bike, despite the background noise. Now to find a way to wire in a remote button to initiate Voice Command's listen mode...

Needless to say, I am thrilled. Of course, a 2 GB SD card is on order. That 256 MB just ain't gonna cut it...


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