My butt has a new hero

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Add me to the list of happy Rick Mayer customers. Got my saddle on Friday, put about four hours on it today, and what a difference! No more tailbone hot spot. My buddy, also with an 05, likes it so much he's already placed an order for one of his own.

My best friend has a first's O S C A that what you were getting at, twn?

I like my R. Mayer seat too, but dang dude, a bit more care when typing in those thread headers, eh? :rofl:

The beads are next, groo.

Oh, how's the smog treatin' ya in houston?

Add me to the list of happy Rick Mayer customers. Got my saddle on Friday, put about four hours on it today, and what a difference! No more tailbone hot spot. My buddy, also with an 05, likes it so much he's already placed an order for one of his own.

You guys are brutal...dirty little minds. :rolleyes:
You gotta expect somebody to knock it out of the park if you're gonna lob softball pitches like that at us... :lol:

Smog isn't too bad lately odot... all the rain we're getting seems to cut it down...

I just had to laugh..

when I hit the reply button the header came up"Replying to My butt has a new hero" and I lost all train of thought :lol:

How bout the new movie "Broke-Backseat"
