My D&H Experience

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2006
Reaction score
Lugoff, SC
Well, after 450 miles I am finally home. Had to trailer the bike home because my wife became ill. The folks at D&H are awesome. I arrived this morning at 8:30. By 8:45 I was signing the paperwork. Took her out for about 30 minutes around Cullman. Here are my first impressions. I am coming off a V-max.

1. The power is not as brutal as a v-max but it is still fast.

2. I heard no whistle at all like others.

3. I had trouble catching 3rd a couple of times but my boots are new.

4. Love the brakes.

5. I felt heat but not as much as the v-max

6. My paint is perfect.

7. I had pain in my right wrist also.

8. I cannot touch the ground flat footed. (5'7")

9. There is hesitation in the throttle.

10. Extremely smooth over 100mph.

So far I love it! Only rode it 30 miles or so.

There were 3 others picking theres up while I was there. One from New York, New Orleans, and Charlotte NC.


Gerald and Renae


Thanks for the great report!

One of the ones there is mine that I'm picking up this coming Wednesday. Can't wait.

Well, after 450 miles I am finally home. Had to trailer the bike home because my wife became ill. The folks at D&H are awesome. I arrived this morning at 8:30. By 8:45 I was signing the paperwork. Took her out for about 30 minutes around Cullman. Here are my first impressions. I am coming off a V-max.
1. The power is not as brutal as a v-max but it is still fast.

Do a first gear roll on with a vmax,you will see how much faster your FJR is. :yahoo:

Picked mine up from D & H the same day and I cannot say enough about the customer service there, my Fiance even commented about how nice everyone was. Two thumbs up for D & H.

I rode it to Birmingham for lunch and ended up Saturday in Atlanta. Let me tell you Atlanta is not my first choice for my bikes maiden voyage, those folks will run you over quick.

Sunday my fiance followed me the rest of the way to Charlotte. A long ride but I am very happy with my purchase.

Coming off of my last bike (VFR800) I was worried about handling a larger bike but I shouldn't have been. The FJR was a little slower with quick manuevers than the VFR but I soon got used to it.

I love the windshield, the temp dropped down to 50 degrees and having that windshield up helped to keep most of the cold wind off of me.

After two hours on the freeway my hands did get tingly as if they where asleep from the vibrations, I am going to have to find a fix for it.

Did I mention that it was a great bike?


I saw y'all there. I drove up from B'ham to get my bags and got to see all the new owners. Congrats!!

Saturday morning, here in Alabama, turned out to be a great day to ride. :D

Another tidbit that may or may not be true. Yamaha says the 17mpg will change as soon as the computer gets enough data built up. I was told that not a single bike D&H has seen has shown over 17mpg on the instant readout.

Hey that Renae is looking hotter every year. What great people to deal with can't wait to see them again.

Great report on you D&H experience nitelife. Thanks for sharing. Congrats on your new FJR.

Does anybody know how many FJRs D&H sold this year?

Does anybody know how many FJRs D&H sold this year?

Renaa told me some time ago. I believe it was 80 something.


The bike is shifting smoother and easier with miles. I do get a "Clunk" when shifting into first. Others report theirs is smooth.

I do not have any surging as others report.

Mine has not cut off yet at idle.

When the screen is in the full "up" position I can feel the backpressure pulling my head forward. I like the screen in about the middle.

I ordered Grip Puppies and a Throttle Rocker the releive some of the pain in the right wrist. I don't know if the two will work together but we will see.

Gonzo, How do you like yours?? Any complaints?

EIGHTY!? Holy crapola, that is a lot of FJR's! I bet my local dealer does good to sell eighty total bikes of all models! (and none are feejers) (They sell Yamaha, Honda, and Suzuki)

Okay, I don't know what it will be, but the next bike is definately coming from DH. You can't produce numbers like that without treating the customer right.

The only complaint that I can come up with is that my hands are falling asleep because of the buzz of the engine, it's not so bad on the bike but when I get off I have a loss of sensation in my hands. Any suggestions guys?

Renae told me that they sold around 68 this year.

They sold more than 100 last year because they had 2 PDP windows and that they have sold over 200 FJR's total.

when I get off I have a loss of sensation in my hands. Any suggestions guys?
I thought you could go blind... nevermind. B) As far as the right hand is conerned, If the '06's are like the '05's and earlier, there are 3 throttle return springs. They'll loosen up a little after a while. Some have gotten a little relief by disconnecting the middle one. A VistaCruise throttle lock, or full blown cruise control will give your right hand a break. Enjoy your new ride.