My Fire Captain was Killed on his Motorcycle last Night

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2007
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St. George, UT
My fire Capt. here at LACoFD was killed last night as he was riding his Ultra Classic HD and a Car pulled out in front of him and he T-boned it. Very Sad reminder of how quickly your life can change. I know we all know the dangers of riding, but John had an extreme passion for motorcycles and has been riding for over 30 years. John was probably less than 3 months from retirement and we mourn his loss. He was not an FJR rider but had other bikes including a BMW sport touring bike. Like I said he was an avid rider and very safety consious but had an unfortunate accident... RIP.

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What sad news!

"But officer, I didn't see him!" sounds pretty lame considering the loss his family, friends and co-workers must deal with.

certainly his service will be missed. sounds like he was a great guy !

our blessings go out his friends and family.


Very sorry that this tragedy happened. It is a monumental and completely unnecessary loss to his family, the fire service, and all his friends.

Brother, I stand alongside you and your department in mourning your loss, and send my best wishes for gentle healing.

:rip_1: :bye2:

More sad news. My deepest condolences to the friends and family of the deceased. He spent his career taking care of others then the time for his to spend on himself was taken away.

Hopefully the legal process will remind the driver of the car that this was an unacceptable action, and the word will spread to others that you really have to LOOK when you make a turn.


This is the reason I support the AMA lobbying for stronger traffic laws with mandatory jail time for things like this, so that people will actually LOOK before they pull out.

I'm REAL tired of "oh you killed somebody, but you're a real nice guy and he was a nasty biker, so it's $80 and 50hrs community service" - I'd much rather hear "the mandatory minimum sentence is 2 years in jail"

In '92 or thereabouts I t-boned a Subaru that turned left in front of me. I got lucky and went over the car, and slid for 170ft. I was ATGATT then, and I'm even more ATGATT now, even in 102deg Florida heat. (plus I drive like a total asshole now, and they seem to see me now because it's obvious I intend to kill us both now. I don't obey speed limits, turn signals are just decorations, I lanesplit anywhere it's remotely possible, and I just go around people. I've only failed my cop-check once in 10 years.) :angry:

The good thing is the Subaru driver's husband is permanently in a wheelchair since the GS1100GL came through the passenger door crushed his pelvis. I think she'll remember to look next time.

We need more bikers on the road. Maybe if we are everywhere, people will look out for us. Sorry to hear about the loss of a great guy.

Very sad, that close to retirment too. I too have lost friends in MC collisions. I will pray for you and his family. I recently too was pretty close a bad wreck, and I know that the frustration when a stupid driver takes the life of someone close to you, does have an effect on you. So, be sure to talk to people close to you about whats on your mind.

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Fucking typical! A mate of mine had the same happen to him a few weeks back...I was working in my Town's ED When we revieved a call an unconscious Motorcyclist was coming in...I said Jeez I hope it's no one I know, because I ride with a lot of different people around the area...sure enough it was....same thing happened some fucking wrinkled tool pulled straight out in front of him on a bloody Highway no less! T boned him in the front quarter panel.

A neighbor of mine actually witnessed the whole event and said my friend was doing the speed limit when Mr. Tool came out, My friend tried to avoid the car but to no avail Somersaulted over the bonnet and lay unconscious for approx 5 minutes. He's an ATGATT saved him from some very serious injuries as he gear testifies! He would have been dead if nor for a fullface.

Anyhoo he didn't remember a thing I looked after him until the end of my shift. He was in good spirits then he went down hill that evening....the next day he had a small stroke. It will take him approx a year to fully recover if he ever does and is unable to ride in the time. All because some fuckstick didn't look!

My fire Capt. here at LACoFD was killed last night as he was riding his Ultra Classic HD and a Car pulled out in front of him and he T-boned it. Very Sad reminder of how quickly your life can change. I know we all know the dangers of riding, but John had an extreme passion for motorcycles and has been riding for over 30 years. John was probably less than 3 months from retirement and we mourn his loss. He was not an FJR rider but had other bikes including a BMW sport touring bike. Like I said he was an avid rider and very safety consious but had an unfortunate accident... RIP.

So very sorry to hear about your Capt.

Prayers and thoughts to him and his loved ones.

Godspeed to John on his ride into the Heaven's.


I agree with all. So sad people are so negligent on our roads. Seems like they often do everything while driving except drive. God bless his family and friends.

Negligent cagers that kill riders need to go to prison just like negligent people that kill pedestrians or other cagers. There was another thread on this subject recently where people on this board were falling all over themselves rationalizing the lack of legal repercussions. It's bullshit. We all know that people get off more often when they kill riders. I don't care if they're teenagers with their life in front of them, old farts who are otherwise nice people, or medical cases that probably shouldn't be driving. Until these fucksticks go to jail and everyone knows it the average cager is not going to have it stick in their mind to actually WATCH for motorcycles.
