My first farkle....

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CC member # 17,----- DUP member # 7, mensa club m
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
southern oregon
Sorry admins.....wasn't sure where to post this thread. It's not a's an accessory. Super glued to the top of the rear splash guard, right above the lower red light my own personal jack in the box "jack head". Would post a pic but I don't have the capabilities for that yet. You can only imagine. I have some space right above it to post something funny.....haven't figured that out yet. But, I am willing to hear some options. Hm....since most of my posts are completely unrelated topics....I may have posted in the wrong area.....but, it is my first farkle. Do I get credit for that? :huh:

I understood "farkle" to be a derivation of "functional" and "sparkle". The Jack head is functional how? Just wondering. ;)

It puts eyes in the back of my "bike". Keeps me in tune with whatever dumb ass is trailgaiting me.

Oh, it's pretty stupid looking, too. Stupid is as stupid some say......

You sure it's not an homage to your favorite FJR idol/manlove interest? :lol:

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Sorry admins.....wasn't sure where to post this thread. It's not a's an accessory. Super glued to the top of the rear splash guard, right above the lower red light my own personal jack in the box "jack head". Would post a pic but I don't have the capabilities for that yet. You can only imagine. I have some space right above it to post something funny.....haven't figured that out yet. But, I am willing to hear some options. Hm....since most of my posts are completely unrelated topics....I may have posted in the wrong area.....but, it is my first farkle. Do I get credit for that? :huh:
You picked the right area for a farkle, but you mean after 800+ posts you can't post or link to pics yet? Man, I guess we might have to think about a workshop at WFO or something. Maybe call it, FJRForum Image Posting, Thread Starting, and Admin Wrath Prevention Tips 101

If you get yourself an image somewhere on a hard drive and need some help shoot me a PM and we'll get you onboard with a little patience.


Matt...I admire your restraint....& ability to remain professional without a sarcastic reply to his love interest :rolleyes:

Matt...I admire your restraint....& ability to remain professional without a sarcastic reply to his love interest :rolleyes:
I was so overwhelmed with the notion that the right thread was chosen I completely skipped over what the hell a "jack head" is. Part of me wants to see the picture, but it's probably like wanting to see a naked picture of one's grandmother. .....very sorry once you do see it.

"jack head" - probably an antenna ball given out at the drive-thru at Jack-in-the-box....


but it's probably like wanting to see a naked picture of one's grandmother. .....very sorry once you do see it.

Has this actually been a problem for you?
& this interests you because????....why exactly....
I want to know how far away from Matt I need to stay during WFO so as to avoid any contact w/ pics of his granny.
You know of course...Matt is in charge of meal planning :blink: careful....very....very....careful....he has your FOOD in his to speak.... :D

Man I was afraid ta open this one... Was sure the heat got to odot an he finally had those pictures of Wayne Newton and Barry Manilow painted on his bike :wubsmiley:

Don't worry O, yer secrets safe with me but I think yer obsession is rather disturbing. :D


Ignacio... I never really had an interest in posting a pic until now. That and I don't have a digital camera to download onto computers. I imagine it's not that hard. As for the rest of you clowns...I was hoping for some input for some short, funny quote to paste right above "jack's" head....quippy, smart...even somewhat cryptic....

Ignacio... I never really had an interest in posting a pic until now. That and I don't have a digital camera to download onto computers. I imagine it's not that hard. As for the rest of you clowns...I was hoping for some input for some short, funny quote to paste right above "jack's" head....quippy, smart...even somewhat cryptic....


Let's see........

"I'm not in the box - he is ! "

"I may be Jack, but I'm no longer in the closet"

"Don't ask me how I got here."

"Jack Farkle"

"Beats having an antenna shoved up my butt"

"Help! - I can't stop!"

"I eat sploodge - what do you eat?"

"Everywhere I go, I've been there"

"BACK OFF OR I'LL.....!"

OK - I'm stretching things a bit here ..... :blink:

So - anyone else what to get creative with .5 oz of styrofoam?
