My local dealer SUX!

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Mike P

Well-known member
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Chattanooga TN

Three days after buying my '06 from a non Yamaha dealer I went to the local Yamaha dealer to purchase an owners manual and shop manual since the bike came with nothing. Original owner even kept the bag liners......'tard. So with in 4 days the owners manual shows up which confused me because even on Yamaha's site the owners manual is "out of stock" and when I went to pick it up then inquired about the service manual the dude told me the owners manual was listed as "not available", okay whatever, I got one.

3 months later I still have not received my shop manual even though it listed as "in Stock" on the site. The dealer will not cancel my order and give me my money back so I can either order DIRECT from Yamaha not to mention all the ones I've seen go by on here and ( likely non-pirated ones) Ebay during these 3 months for a lot less than a new one.

If it wasn't for this site with all it's great info and "how to's", I wouldn't have made it this far.

Either way I'm pissed, especially since I can't cancel the order and get my 90 something bucks back.

:eek:ff the box:

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Well, your first mistake was going to a dealer to get one. I bought mine online direct from the source:

Oddly, I had back when I got my bike, and 06 also, asked the dealer to get me a service manual. They ordered it (they said) and in 2 weeks it arrived..but was the wrong one. I came here and got the link I just gave you and got in in the mail 5-6 days later. Meanwhile the dealer called and said they got the right manual...which I told them I did not need as I just got one. They told me that I did order it and I should have to pay for it as they can not return them.

I said you got the wrong one, I did not request you to order the right one, and I shouldn't have to buy anything.

They agreed . (they made their money off me selling me the bike anyway)

Moral of story..if you can find it online cheaper and quicker, avoid the dealer..even if they are an alright bunch of folks....



Not sure what the problem is. I ordered one and got it in 4 days.

You'd think that after 90 days the stealer would, in good faith, offer a full refund in light of your situation.

......and that, kids, is why they're called "stealerships".

Good luck!

Hey Mike P

Just tell all your friends not to purchase from that Dealer.

You can find just about everything for it on the Web for less money.

I'm a very mellow soul, and seldom publicly demonstrative, but if someone had my money for 3 months and hadn't delivered my product, and then had the arrogance to say that I COULDN'T cancel?!! I'd go sideways on 'em. That's ridiculous.

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Yeah - I just ordered mine direct from Yamaha. Came in a few days.

IIRC, the owners manuals may be available online on the Yamaha site.... but the service manual you need to order.

While I'm sympathetic to your dealer plight Mike seems it would have been far easier to read #9 on the Forum Guidelines. Not only would have seen the easiest way to order a service manual and not get in a beef with your would also have seen that you're not to be referencing pirated stuff on the likes eBay.

Also, it was discussed in this recent thread.

Thread closed.

And a reminder to anybody that also hasn't internalized #9 on the Forum Guidelines. No reference to pirated stuff on eBay.

Thank you.


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Let it be known here and wide that I jumped to a conclusion when I closed this thread.

Mike P did provide links to some paper manuals on eBay that may be legit....or at least ones that eBay didn't remove when asked if they were pirated or not.

As a result I've tweaked the guidelines a bit. I would still advised people be extremely cautious if they refer or link to manuals on eBay unless they feel quite sure they're legitimate.

The position of this forum remains that we have and remain in a position of influence to guide and help the much larger issues of the FJR like valve ticking, altitude issues, ignition switches, etc. Members of this forum have done good works to analyze issues and indirectly encourage Mama Yamaha to do the right thing and fix them. We have a good reputation. However, if we condone piracy we become hypocritical and jeopardize our influence.

However, sometime it's a tough line to draw.

So, Mike P I apologize. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. Also, than you for teaching me something new and help me redraw that line a bit. :clapping:

Therefore, I've edited slightly Mike P's post at the top (with his permission) to clarify what he meant the whole time, and ropened the thread.



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DEALERS JUST GENERALY SUCk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! car and motorcycle I will NEVER buy another new vehicle as long as i live............

But LOVE my 08 FJR :D
