My new hobby

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Feb 17, 2016
Reaction score
Portland, OR
So after my question the other day and an exchange with Ignacio, I've been cleared to post these. My wild dream is to get to the point where my writing and such pays for my hobby. Feel free to comment. I'm happy to take any criticism. It's just what I've started doing.

Here's my Youtube channel so far (more coming this week!):

Honestly, someday I'd like to fill the shoes of Canyon Chasers. I'd love to know why they stopped doing so much...

Interesting blog.

As I do frontend web UI/UX in my profession, I found the blog hard on the eyes due to the contrast. If you can make it dark text on light background, it will be more pleasant to read. Just my 2 cents.

Interesting blog.
As I do frontend web UI/UX in my profession, I found the blog hard on the eyes due to the contrast. If you can make it dark text on light background, it will be more pleasant to read. Just my 2 cents.
I have to agree. That setup is hard on the eyes.

Thanks for the feedback. That's interesting because, to my eye, dark background with light text is easier...go figure. I'm not a UX guy, but I know a bunch and tend to listen to 'em since most engineering is user antagonistic!

I've reverted to black on white, though my design side kinda hates it just now...eventually I'll figure out how to master wordpress and make it better. Again, thanks for the feedback!

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Wouldn't even come up for me. Then again I am at work and running old software even though we are a billion dollar a day company.

