Need pics of 06 with risers installed

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2006
Reaction score
Orangeville, Ontario
Hi Folks.

A buddy is just about to make the FJR plunge, but is concerned about his back as it's not in the best shape. Now I remember seeing somewhere pictures of D Hines risers on an 06 showing the difference between the stock position and the riser modified one. Now for the life of me I can't find them.

Anyone have some pics , or links I can send to my buddy?


N Flyer

Sorry to bump this up.

Maybe I need to clarify. I could swear I saw some pictures here where D Hines posted pics of him sitting on the Feejr with the stock bars, then a picture of him with his risers ... all taken from the side profile highlighting how the risers give a more up right riding position.

I want to show my older buddy these pic because he took my Feejr out and the stock riding position on the 06 is too hard on his back. He absolutely loves the performance and handling, but the forward position aggravates an old injury of his. We talked about the D Hines risers as a possible fix so I was hoping to show him the pictures I saw.

Anyways .. Long winded, but I'd like to get my buddy into the Feejr world and this is the last hurdle.

Thanx folks
