new bike first real ride. windscreen

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Feb 4, 2011
Reaction score
Well purchased my new 05 in dec. Brought it home from tn a few weeks ago in the trailer. Read all the threads on windscreens. Opted for the xl calsci. One 250 mi shakedown ride and then on sunday departed on a 1000mi ironbutt ride from pa to fl. Where the bike is being shipped to germany.

Being 6'6" 250. Good but not quite perfect. Can't quite get the cone of silence. Seems the screen is a bit far away and I get wind on the top of the helmet. With the bike being gone I have some interesting options

Ship a screen to germany

Add rifle tuning block

Add an additional airflow aid.

Side wind effect was ok but think would have been better if the calsci did not neck injust above the mirror Stalks.

Seat : got a sheepskin pad. A bit nicer but custom seat prob needed.

Could prob use. Footpeg lowering and think the mco highway pegs might be good. Have a plan to test these on a forum members bike

Wish I had more time too fool with it but I had a shipping window I had to beat.

Why is the bike going to Germany without you???????????

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This summer I will be taking it from heidleburg to the north cape of finland

I've tried a few shields and they all helped a bit, but it was the windsheild spacer mod that did the most. No cone of silence, but it dramatically reduced buffeting which is fine (I wear earplugs).

I think you mean Nordkapp (North Cape) Norway, in the Barents Sea. Finland doesn't have a northern coast.

I did the tuning block thing with the CalSci tall shield, only did it the cheap way with washers or nuts with good results.

im 6' 3" and i run the V stream , it provides alot of coverage... im pretty happy with it...

i got the peg lowering kit as well , it works well on the long hauls but they tend to throw sparks in the tight stuff..

i installed a russell seat over the winter but dont have any saddle time on it yet , everyone says they are the answer tho...

Hey there Tekebird: I got the CeeBailey +4 (Height), +2+2 (sides). Works excellent for me with dead air and no buffeting. But, I'm only 5'9" however, and have the screen fully lowered while in flight, so I'm looking over 5-6" of the screen. Assuming you're a big guy, I would suggest the +4, +4+4 or even a +6, +4+4. Good Luck. I love dead air too. --Haar
