New FJR - First Take

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New member
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
Frisco, TX
I picked up an '08 FJR on Wednesday and drove it home from Longview, was about 150 miles to the house. Bike did very well, I was very comfortable except for numbness in my throttle hand. I expected the numbness due to an ongoing issue with Carpal Tunnel which has cause me lots of issues riding mountain bikes, and road bikes (bicycles). I've only got 200 miles so far and have a few minor issues I thought I'd get the boards take on.

1.) Lost front fork reflector on ride home, my buddy bought the same bike and shortly after I lost my reflector his went to the wind as well.

2.) Today, doing a little city riding my key cylinder on the right saddle bag fell out, and the nuts came loose as well. I haven't looked yet but I think I was able to find all of the parts.

3.) With the bike running and in Neutral on a slight incline, I have to push the bike forward about a foot before I can put it into 1st gear.

4.) When the bike is cold, and I start it and try to goose the throttle it sometimes bogs and dies.

5.) Sporatically, when I put the bike in first gear from neutral (with the kickstand put up) the bike kills like the kickstand was down.

Anyway, those are my small observations, not sure if these are common or what?

All that aside, the bike is great, very comfortable, fast, and plenty of room in the saddle bags.


Hey Ron,

I justed picked up my 08 and don't have these issues. As for the locks, I did read on this forum that some locktite needs to be applied for this to not happen but don't remember the details.


I picked up an '08 FJR on Wednesday and drove it home from Longview, was about 150 miles to the house. Bike did very well, I was very comfortable except for numbness in my throttle hand. I expected the numbness due to an ongoing issue with Carpal Tunnel which has cause me lots of issues riding mountain bikes, and road bikes (bicycles). I've only got 200 miles so far and have a few minor issues I thought I'd get the boards take on.
1.) Lost front fork reflector on ride home, my buddy bought the same bike and shortly after I lost my reflector his went to the wind as well.

2.) Today, doing a little city riding my key cylinder on the right saddle bag fell out, and the nuts came loose as well. I haven't looked yet but I think I was able to find all of the parts.

3.) With the bike running and in Neutral on a slight incline, I have to push the bike forward about a foot before I can put it into 1st gear.

4.) When the bike is cold, and I start it and try to goose the throttle it sometimes bogs and dies.

5.) Sporatically, when I put the bike in first gear from neutral (with the kickstand put up) the bike kills like the kickstand was down.

Anyway, those are my small observations, not sure if these are common or what?

All that aside, the bike is great, very comfortable, fast, and plenty of room in the saddle bags.


For issue #1 and 2, I'd call the dealer and have them fix it. Nothing has fallen off of my bike, and I don't think that is ever "normal".

Issue #3 is pretty normal. I'm not sure of the exact reason but it has to do with the way the gears mesh. Shouldn't be a problem and I am sure some of the mechanics here can expalin better.

4 is totally normal. I think the manuel even addresses it, but it has to do with warming up and running rich. The hesitation should stop once the bike is warm. If not, it may be an ecu issue, but I doubt it.

And 5 is a mystery to me. Sorry.

5.) Sporatically, when I put the bike in first gear from neutral (with the kickstand put up) the bike kills like the kickstand was down.
Hopefully some of the wiser members will come up with an explanation for all of the problems. I'm especially interested in this one, since my little Ninja has started to do this. It will also stall with the clutch fully pulled in, when it's cold.


Sounds to me like you bought from a crappy dealer who did not setup the bike right and check it out closely. My bike was as tight as fiddle when I rode it home and has stayed that way. No issues at all. Take it back to the dealer and tell them to go through the setup list.

I get 4 & 5 until the thermostat reads 2 bars, then everything is smooth as silk. Just have to let her warm up, get the fluids going and she is fine. Also 5 is happening less and less as I adjust to letting warm up, starting out slowly letting the oil get all over everything then I womp on it. :yahoo:

I picked up an '08 FJR on Wednesday and drove it home from Longview, was about 150 miles to the house. Bike did very well, I was very comfortable except for numbness in my throttle hand. I expected the numbness due to an ongoing issue with Carpal Tunnel which has cause me lots of issues riding mountain bikes, and road bikes (bicycles). I've only got 200 miles so far and have a few minor issues I thought I'd get the boards take on.
1.) Lost front fork reflector on ride home, my buddy bought the same bike and shortly after I lost my reflector his went to the wind as well.

2.) Today, doing a little city riding my key cylinder on the right saddle bag fell out, and the nuts came loose as well. I haven't looked yet but I think I was able to find all of the parts.

3.) With the bike running and in Neutral on a slight incline, I have to push the bike forward about a foot before I can put it into 1st gear.

4.) When the bike is cold, and I start it and try to goose the throttle it sometimes bogs and dies.

5.) Sporatically, when I put the bike in first gear from neutral (with the kickstand put up) the bike kills like the kickstand was down.

Anyway, those are my small observations, not sure if these are common or what?

All that aside, the bike is great, very comfortable, fast, and plenty of room in the saddle bags.

Ok here goes:

1 and 2> See dealer and bend ear (complain), these should not be loose etc.

3> Pull clutch lever all the way to handle bar, release, do the same again and apply pressure to gear shifter (I am assuming you have a manual clutch version). Gear box and clutch get smoother with more miles.

4> Make sure engine idle is set correctly, (at 600 miles ask and make sure throttle body sync is carried out) warm up to at least 2-3 bars and then drive off. During cold starts the emissions are "open circuit" (could be other way around) but in any event the bike needs to come off a "higher" idle once the engine is warm. Just listen to the engine as it warms up (make sure you are not in an enclosed space with garage DOOR OPEN) for the tone change in RPM!

5> Set procedure for starting: Ignition ON, side stand up, start (think this is correct).

Break the engine in according to the manual or whatever else suits you, but don't be shy and let her have some brief moments of higher RPM's, just don't get near the red line limit.

Lastly, congrats on a your new bike, hope you have many safe and happy miles :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Lazy ass dealers just want a sale. When I was shopping for mine a dealer didn't even know it had ABS, I argued with him and he told me just the AE had ABS. They no nothing about these bikes so how are they going to set them up right. Your dealer probably figured you live 150 miles away he would never see you again.


Lazy ass dealers just want a sale. When I was shopping for mine a dealer didn't even know it had ABS, I argued with him and he told me just the AE had ABS. They no nothing about these bikes so how are they going to set them up right. Your dealer probably figured you live 150 miles away he would never see you again.
Couldn't agree more about the dealers not knowing about the product. Kid who did the walkaround on the bike told me the spare lock was for the helmet. HUH? There is no where to lock the helmet to this bike, except in the rear bag. I did set him straight on what it was for, the blank offs, then I proceeded to introduce him to the bike. Then again, with all the makes and models this place had, how do you keep them all straight. They had all makes, except harley and every model they produce.

back on subj.

As for the hand numbing get some barends. Be amazed how that buzz just goes away. Also some sliders. Would go with the hard plastic ones. While the metal provides a nice farkle point I believe it would cause more harm than good if you ever needed it. Got mine from To the door in 3 days. Can't beat that.

Ride her, get some miles on the motor, get the 600 mile service. I let them do it, that way if anything happens it is on record they did the service. Takes most dealers about 3 hrs to git r done.

Ride safe, ride often.

I used to get significant tingling in my right hand after just a 15-mile ride to work. Now I have grip puppies and bar end weights - problem solved. Also, if this is your first sporty position bike, be sure not to lean down on the bars. Your arms should be loose.


#1, see the dealer (should be a warranty item; being brand new and all)

#2, the dealer was supposed to use locktite on those threads; again, see the dealer

#3, haven't heard of this one; new bike, see the dealer

#4, this is controlled by the ECM to prevent overrevving a cold engine; perfectly normal and designed to work this way

#5, sounds like the kickstand neutral switch is sticking; either see the dealer or try to free it up yourself

When my clutch "throw" was adjusted way down, I seemed to stall often at startups. I re-adjusted to a farther engagement distance, results are better.

My bike does "flame out" from time to time; it's probably a combination of break-in period (<300 miles on bike) and me getting use to the bike... idle is correctly set...


I picked up an '08 FJR on Wednesday and drove it home from Longview, was about 150 miles to the house. Bike did very well, I was very comfortable except for numbness in my throttle hand. I expected the numbness due to an ongoing issue with Carpal Tunnel which has cause me lots of issues riding mountain bikes, and road bikes (bicycles). I've only got 200 miles so far and have a few minor issues I thought I'd get the boards take on.
1.) Lost front fork reflector on ride home, my buddy bought the same bike and shortly after I lost my reflector his went to the wind as well.

2.) Today, doing a little city riding my key cylinder on the right saddle bag fell out, and the nuts came loose as well. I haven't looked yet but I think I was able to find all of the parts.

3.) With the bike running and in Neutral on a slight incline, I have to push the bike forward about a foot before I can put it into 1st gear.

4.) When the bike is cold, and I start it and try to goose the throttle it sometimes bogs and dies.

5.) Sporatically, when I put the bike in first gear from neutral (with the kickstand put up) the bike kills like the kickstand was down.

Anyway, those are my small observations, not sure if these are common or what?

All that aside, the bike is great, very comfortable, fast, and plenty of room in the saddle bags.

1. As per the bag locks, go to ACE Hardware and get some screws like these for the bag locks. They are bigger around edges. I also like them because whenever I want to check them, I just use the screwdriver in my tool bag. I think they were 1 x 3 or 1 x 6....Can't remember for sure. Also, stop by Advance Auto Parts and get some DRY Loctite for the screws.


2 When my bike is cold, I have the same throttle cutoff crap as you so just warm it up before expecting it not to do it.

3. Per Parking: Don't ever park your bike without: A. Putting it into gear. B. Don't use the clutch while allowing the bike to roll froward until the tranny stops it. These things have been known to fall over sometimes because of the slight play that you leave in the tranny when parking on a somewhat downhill lie.

"Couldn't agree more about the dealers not knowing about the product. Kid who did the walkaround on the bike told me the spare lock was for the helmet. HUH? There is no where to lock the helmet to this bike, except in the rear bag. I did set him straight on what it was for, the blank offs, then I proceeded to introduce him to the bike. Then again, with all the makes and models this place had, how do you keep them all straight. They had all makes, except harley and every model they produce."
It's a dealers responsibility to check and recheck every aspect of the bike before it leaves their care. In addition, it should not matter what they sell, or how many models are on their floor ... they should know the details of every one. I went to purchase and O8 from a larger dealer, and the sales guy didn't know crap about the FJR. (tried to BS me actually) I always be sure to ask questions I know the answers to as a check for this kind of thing. I ended up getting a better deal on an 07 from a place that knew the bike ... and I felt better. I work in surgery at a local hospital, and we do hundreds of different operations ... if my patients ask me specific questions about what we are doing, and how we are doing it, I feel its my job to have the correct and most up to date answers for them. Its common sense. I would be back at the dealer and have them go over your bike.
... I was very comfortable except for numbness in my throttle hand. ...Ron
If it's vibration causing the numbness, bar ends will help.

If it's having to grip hard, do the throttle spring release and improve the friction between grip and glove. All the pundits will say "grip puppies", I did my own thing (click here), which helped my weak wrist no end.

If you go for the throttle spring release, Rickster's excellent write-up leaves out a couple of points that are put in here.

Hope that helps.

Good luck, and enjoy.

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Thanks all for the advice. Here's what I've done...

1.) Lost front fork reflector on ride home, my buddy bought the same bike and shortly after I lost my reflector his went to the wind as well.

Removed the other reflector.

2.) Today, doing a little city riding my key cylinder on the right saddle bag fell out, and the nuts came loose as well. I haven't looked yet but I think I was able to find all of the parts.

Used the loctite trick, don't think the bolts will come out again.

3.) With the bike running and in Neutral on a slight incline, I have to push the bike forward about a foot before I can put it into 1st gear.

This still happens not to often though, I'll keep an eye on it and see if it improves

4.) When the bike is cold, and I start it and try to goose the throttle it sometimes bogs and dies.

The bike being cold makes sense.

5.) Sporatically, when I put the bike in first gear from neutral (with the kickstand put up) the bike kills like the kickstand was down.

Turned the kickstand switch toggle to see if sticking was an issue then checked the kickstand kill switch by holding the clutch in, idling the bike, then moving the kickstand down to check the engine kill sensitivity, seemed to be fine and haven't had the problem again. I'll have to keep an eye on it.

I picked up an '08 FJR on Wednesday
LOL Me too!

and drove it home from Longview
Texas? My wife is from Ft Worth and used to live in Longview.

Bike did very well, I was very comfortable except for numbness in my throttle hand.
I found mine to be "buzzy". Don't know if it's the bike (*very* buzzy at high rpm's) or just a matter of getting used to the higher revs.

I've only got 200 miles so far
I'm 2 miles short of 200 on mine. I'll get those later today. :)

1.) Lost front fork reflector on ride home, my buddy bought the same bike and shortly after I lost my reflector his went to the wind as well.
Either my dealer didn't put it on or didn't tighten it down becuase I lost one off my left saddlebag. The had to replace the *whole* saddlebag.

All that aside, the bike is great, very comfortable, fast, and plenty of room in the saddle bags.
Not as roomy as my previous bike but that's good - wife cant make me pick up groceries on the way home now. :)

Congrats on the new ride!

#5, sounds like the kickstand neutral switch is sticking; either see the dealer or try to free it up yourself
I have to hose the switch under the kickstand with WD40 from time to time or I get the same problem.


I got a call from the dealer over the weekend. They heard of my issues and have been very accomodating to make things right. When it comes down to it, I think a little loctite was all that was missing, they are going to go over the bike for me and perform the 1st maintenance free of charge for my buddy and I. I think that says a lot about the customer service from the dealer.
