John Scottorn
Well-known member
Happy New Year to all.
I've been saving up to have a new front tyre fitted to my Gen2 2008.
At £130 (169USD) fitted it wasn't too painful.
The old Bridgestone Battlax was very old having been sat unused in Guernsey for many years. It had also been under inflated when ridden and so suffered from uneven wear.
Going round tight or fast corners was becoming a challenge and on the poor roads in the UK proving risky.
A new Battlax transformed the handling riding back from the tyre
shop. Set at 41psi it didn't 'drop its head' and attempt to over steer in tight slow corners and felt smooth on the fast curves.
I'm saving up for the rear tyre for next mont

I've been saving up to have a new front tyre fitted to my Gen2 2008.
At £130 (169USD) fitted it wasn't too painful.
The old Bridgestone Battlax was very old having been sat unused in Guernsey for many years. It had also been under inflated when ridden and so suffered from uneven wear.
Going round tight or fast corners was becoming a challenge and on the poor roads in the UK proving risky.
A new Battlax transformed the handling riding back from the tyre

I'm saving up for the rear tyre for next mont