New OCC Shuttle Tribute Bike

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The Endless Font of Useless Knowledge...
Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
Friendswood, TX
We've discussed the OCC choppers here in the past... and their plusses and minuses... but thought people might like to "see" the one they just unveiled on Monday down here at JSC... a tribute to the Space Shuttle and NASA... Pics taken by a friend of mine...

Shuttle bike

Not something I'd ever want to own or ride, but an interesting piece of rolling artwork. The build show will apparently be on TV in October.

As with most of their tribute bikes, it's a bit cheezy. I don't watch the show for purposes of seeing the end product, rather the humor leading up to it. Although it's getting kinda dull, and the fact that they're an hour and a half into their 15 minutes of fame, Mikey still cracks me up. Without him, that show would be uber boring.

The one thing the bike will never need concern itself with is tile erosion/loss ;)

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Yeah, unfortunately history repeats itself and parts will come off of THIS ride on BOTH launch and re-entry. And at much slower speeds. At least the real shuttle doesn't have oil leaks.

a tribute to the Space Shuttle and NASA
Did it have parts falling off of in while in motion and burst into flames?

Still no close ups of their welds, eh?

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That is the ugliest contraption I've ever seen from OCC....will their reign of terror ever end.....I must now wash my eyes...

Still no close ups of their welds, eh?
Took a look at the welds at a recent show. They had the recent spider bike (false tanks, etc). There were a ton of welds on it and they left a lot to be desired. There wasn't consitency - some were perfect and some looked like a glob of chewing gum.

No WONDER they keep have troubles with the shuttle--Mikey's working on it!

Haven't the Teutels FINALLY used up their 15 minutes of fame?????

As much as it will ruin my already non-existent credibility, I must admit I kinda like those guys and their TV show. I have no personal beef with the chopper crowd. If they can get rich and famous making stuff like that then more power to 'em. They're making a ton of money doing something they enjoy, more than most folks ever figure out how to do. I saw a display of their bikes at the Indy 500. Nothing I want to ride very far on, but they looked nice.

The space shuttle bike doesn't do much for me, but I guess they can't win 'em all. I can't wait to watch the hilarity while they build the thing. Beats the hell out of Nascar channel.

The only guy linked to OCC who has any talent is the painter named Justin. It takes major skill to cover up the metal fabrication those guys beat together. :D

Tell me it ain't so... Chrome pipes on the space shuttle!!!

I'm waiting for them to build a "Sewer Dept" theme bike. It would actually BE a piece of crap. They've covered just about everything else.

That is the only bike that I'd be more concerned at high speed riding then a Harley. <_<

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I read on a very reliable blog that they have a new dedication bike in the works. It's a tribute to "Harley Davidson". No word yet on how it will appear, but rumour mills are talkin' VTwin power. Should be pretty unique.

Tell me it ain't so... Chrome pipes on the space shuttle!!! I'm waiting for them to build a "Sewer Dept" theme bike. It would actually BE a piece of crap. They've covered just about everything else.
That would be up there with the New Microsoft Vacuum Cleaner:

"We finally bring you a product that doesn't suck!"

I can't wait to watch the hilarity while they build the thing. Beats the hell out of Nascar channel.
Well, there is that...if only I can get my wife to watch that instead of "What Not To Wear"... :blink:

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I read on a very reliable blog that they have a new dedication bike in the works. It's a tribute to "Harley Davidson".
Sheeat! Once Willie G. hears about that, he'll probably buy out OCC just to keep it from happening!
