New TV show in production

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
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Portland, OR
I was going to keep this under wraps until I got final word on whether or not this was going to go into full production, but after tonight's events let everything out of the bag, I figure I'll go ahead and tell everyone now.

In my office at work, one of my detectives is also a professional stand up comedian. He has been acting and performing for many years, mostly in small clubs and in bit parts (commercials, etc). About three years ago, he had a chance encounter with a producer and they pitched an idea of having a quasi-reality based TV show on him, combining his work as a comedian and police officer. The idea was eventually panned by the mayor. However, not too long ago, the mayor changed his mind, and the show started production filming this past Monday in our office.

Like I said, I was going to keep it under wraps, but tonight, the production company, the folks in my office, my wife, and many close friends all conspired to throw me a surprise birthday party that will likely now be included in the show! No matter how detailed I get in trying to explain the format of the show, people still don't quite get the full picture. Below is a link to 3 minute teaser video of how the show will be formatted. This video was filmed about 3 years ago. The only people in this video that will be reprising their role will be Willie and Dan, two of my detectives.

I will let you know when the pilot episode is scheduled to be broadcast on the A & E Network, possibly in November. If the pilot tests well, it will get picked up for a full season. My role in the show is simply being their supervisor. But, it's been a lot of fun!

Let's hope it's a success!

Grats! Looks like an interesting show from the trailer! I'll watch it :)

Dude...that is frickin' funny! "I'm with him man...." and "Really Big Gun". :lol: It must be a fun place you all work...and Willy's gotta make you shake your head sometimes.

I could totally see this kind of show fitting into the A&E thing. Right between Family Jewels and Scott Baio is 45 and Single.

Good can bet if I ever want to get arrested and bust a gut at the same...I'm gonna want it in your division.

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Too cool Pony. We'll be looking forward to this one! I likey, bring it on. PM. <>< :D

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And to think, we all knew you before you were bigger than Britney Spears.


Have a good time with it all. Don't lose touch with reality (remember us little people).


Wasn't Willie the guy in the old COPS episodes running around in N. Portland being nice to the hookers?

I've been following this in the Oregonian for quite a while wondering if it was going to happen. Didn't Mayor Potter put the kebosh on this initially..?? Obviously, the "Cops" and "Bad Boys" purists are going to hate it because, well, it's funny (not that on occasion those shows aren't. I love watching drunk, loud-mouthed, redneck women getting busted!). Keep us posted. I'll definitely watch it!

Oh, man, are we in trouble now! Ponyfool is going to be on TV. I can see it now...Ponyfool, a.k.a. the reigning Queen of the Night, on or Perez Hilton, getting out of his unmarked, in front of the Portland paparazzi, commando....ewwwwwwwww.

Don't go getting famous on us now, Scott. I've got dirt on you! :lol:

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Wasn't Willie the guy in the old COPS episodes running around in N. Portland being nice to the hookers?
No. That was Harry Jackson. But, Harry Jackson is the reason Willie came to Portland instead of staying in his home state of Kansas. Willie saw him on TV and said, "That's where I want to be a cop." It was Willie's speech at Harry's retirement that caused the mayor to change his mind.
