New way to relive memories

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R.I.P. Our FJR Riding Friend
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Orangevale, CA
I just spent an hour revisiting places that I used to back pack to in Colorado with my family when I was a kid. I did this through google maps switching from map to satellite mode. I saw everything from parking spaces on dirt roads, one in particular that had a bed of flint rock where I could pick up my striking rocks allowing me to leave my matches in their little water tight container, to the lakes, creeks, trails, and memories of touching moments when nature let me know how small I am.

I told my wife about a foot bridge where weasels had dug their den on either side of the bridge therefore the bridge was theirs. I didn't know how aggressive weasels were about protecting their territory until I had to fight off Mrs and Mr weasel on that trip across the bridge. I was worried about rabies and my dad was busting a gut nearly rolling in dirt with his 50 lb back pack as I alternately charged and retreated from the ferocious beasties.

I cannot tell you how it feels to lay in the late night in early August in a bed of Columbine, belly full of Cutthroat trout at 10,589 feet and see an asteroid shower to beat all asteroid showers unleash its show for me. Resting next to a spring that brought water through rock so that I could drink at will the cleanest, coolest, best tasting water the earth has to offer. There are many heavens, and Colorado has quite a few of em.

I miss those days to the point of tears with a smile.

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Amen Brother. I love my Texas, but have to admit, the time I spent in Colorado was fine indeed. Many times I would find a spot, at some higher elevation, to just lay down and observe time pass. The only other hint of man was the occasional aircraft destined for the unknown. Almost spiritual.


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Those sound like some excellent memories. I genuinely hope I can create those same types of memories for my kids, and I think we're well on our way.

I don't know which part of Colorado you're familiar with, but any time you want to dig that ole' pack and rod out and give it another shot, by all means let me know. I can be ready to go in 15 minutes. And while it seems that good cut throat waters are getting harder and harder to find in Colorado, they do still exist. On the bright side -- brookies are good eatin' too.

O'vale, I've backpacked many times in the Weminuche Wilderness NE of Durango. Have many of the same memories you describe...cutthroat trout out of Granite Lake, meteor showers, critters rompin' and roamin' thru the campsite at night, afternoon thunderstorms, etc. It does bring back pleasant memories.

One night, as my friend and I sat around a small campfire (the wilderness TV), sippin' our "snake bite medicine," we saw the streak of a meteor...then, it abruptly changed direction and faded away. To this day, I don't know what we saw but guessed it was a meteor bouncing off the atmosphere.

We put an empty Tobasco bottle (used for flavoring freeze-dried meals) under a rock, near a tree beside the Pine River. I always said I'd go back someday to retrieve that bottle and frame it.

Thanx for conjuring up some many fond memories of good times.

Let's see...where did I put my slide projector....and, yes, I am that old!

You are right about some of the remote beauty here. I moved here from Delaware 37 years ago. It is too bad Denver is growing in a less than desirable direction. I hiked, dirt biked,& 4 wheeled all over these mtns. also. The climate is pretty good as well for a snow state. We don't get to ride as much as you do in Cali. though!

Sheesh... Don't get too sentimental on us you tree hugger!

Blah blah blah, save the environment! :p

Just kidding. I love hiking, camping, and the outdoors. Something today's generation has a lack of contact with. You see you have been to those places :) , many kids today have only seen the radar maps, as they hardly leave the comfort of their computer, t.v., or playstation. :glare:

many kids today have only seen the radar maps, as they hardly leave the comfort of their computer, t.v., or playstation. :glare:
For those that have kids, or grandkids, do them a favor and limit their time on the computer, internet, video games and TV. Can you imagine how boring their memories will be?

Our kids' fond memories???:

"Dude, do you remember when Tribes was like totally pixilized and on a flat screen instead of holographic?"


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