wish I could help...and called New Enough Customer Service as I have in the past to ask for a coupon to be emailed to me
Bad news folks...they have suspended the program and may start it up again next winter, but no guarantees
It was only done to stimulate business during the slow season which is winter
I advised them that the suspension is a bad decision in this bad/slow ecomony and I was very disappointed with it and would shop closely competively price purchases as opposed to my usual knee jerk impulse purchase from new enough automatically
I'm sure I'll still do some business with them, but I guess I'm a kid who just had his candy taken away for 9 months to wait to get it again
I'll be Googling hard for my replacement SIDI boots for total price (New Enough does not have a free shipping program, as well, like Motorcycle Superstore and others) instead of just purchasing from them with a coupon. I told them the same and wish I had access to the owners and voice my feelings. I might email to customer service with this info as I see it.
Granted they are a really good company with no complaints from me on sales and customer service. But I called them a GREAT company with the fringe benefit of the coupons to reward repeat buyers. Plus they are centrally located in Texas so shipping to me is faster than those folks who do business from the west coast.
Just my 1.5 cents and HO
Mike in Nawlins'