Nine Bars of Heat--I can't hear a fan--New owner Qs?

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
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Southern California
Took my new FJR out this evening with my wife. Bike has less than fifty miles on it. I wrote an earlier thead about "heat and my big feet." See below. Anyway, its a nice night in LA. About 70 degrees and we go cruising down Wilshire Blvd in West LA towards W. Hollywood. Its pretty much first to third gear stuff with a lot of lights. My heat guage is indicating like 9 bars--its hard to count them exactly, but the guage is around 2/3ds max. A lot of engine heat. I think that this can't be normal. I don't hear any cooling fan, but maybe its hard to hear. I am not wearing ear plugs and I was wearing half face helmet (which is not the norm for me). Anyway, I don't hear any fan. I am thinking that this bike is going to kill itself. I stop and check the coolant and the level is fine. We get on the freeway and cruise about 7-8 miles home at around 65mph and I am down to 5 or 6 bars. We get home, I turn off the bike. I hear nothing. I am not sure if the cooling fan will turn on if the engine and power are off like some cars do. Anyway, I start up the bike and listen carefully. I only hear engine noises as far as I can tell. Does all this seem normal?


Fans on the GenII's are fairly quiet. Typically, only indication fan is operating is you get an increase in heat radiating from the front of the bike and out the sides. As long as it didn't boil and loose coolant, you are OK. If you're concerned the fans aren't operating, leave the bike idle for a couple minutes when hot and the fans will come on at 7 - 8 bars.

Most GenII's run at 4 bars normally, with a corresponding temp increase in traffic. I have seen 5 - 6 bars at normal freeway speeds in traffic in warmer ambient temps when you're in dirty air close to lots of other vehicles. Once you clear traffic, normal temps resume.


dasadab, an easy way to check the fans is to let the bike idle while on the center stand. The fans should kick on shortly after 7 bars.

Another test would be to put the bike into DIAG mode and check for fan operation there. It's mode #51 on a Gen I bike. Don't know if it's the same on a Gen II.

At least you'll be able to determine if the fan relay and fan motor are working from the DIAG mode.

Perhaps someone with a Gen II can confirm if the fan relay test is #51 as it is on a Gen I.

Another test would be to put the bike into DIAG mode and check for fan operation there. It's mode #51 on a Gen I bike. Don't know if it's the same on a Gen II.
At least you'll be able to determine if the fan relay and fan motor are working from the DIAG mode.

Perhaps someone with a Gen II can confirm if the fan relay test is #51 as it is on a Gen I.
Same for GenII.

Gary in Fairbanks w/piles of melting snowmen

Thanks. Did DIAG test. Everything checked out okay. I not let bike run and heat to see if I can hear fans yet. It still seems odd to me that 70 degrees of stop and go traffic would put the temp. guage at 2/3rds the way up.

Thanks. Did DIAG test. Everything checked out okay. I not let bike run and heat to see if I can hear fans yet. It still seems odd to me that 70 degrees of stop and go traffic would put the temp. guage at 2/3rds the way up.
Not uncommon. Even in UK weather, it happens occasionally. As soon as the fans kick in, the temperature drops quite quickly.

I suspect yours never got hot enough for the fans to come in, there are 10 bars, if your "2/3" was 6 bars, they definitely won't, at 7 I don't think they do, I think it's at 8 bars. I'm sure all is well.

From the FJR Comparo

"Gen 2, 9 bars = 220 ‐ 234 F

230 ‐240 degrees is generally considered

approaching overheating "

So I'd say you are safe at 7 or 8 bars.

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It still seems odd to me that 70 degrees of stop and go traffic would put the temp. guage at 2/3rds the way up.
What you always have to remember is once air flow stops through the radiator, the exchange of heat slows way down. Even in slow moving traffic at 30 - 40 mph, the (GenII) temperature will still climb to 5 or 6 bars. What you will notice is cold temps allow the bike to cool much faster. After heat soaking in traffic it could take (depending on ambient temps) several miles to have 'normal' temp indication.

Sounds like all is well with yours.

