I have purchased two Nolan N102 helmets. One for me and one for my wife. I would like some experiences and setup info from anyone who has this helmet. I plan on using a cord to tie in my wifes helmet as the extra cost of bluetooth for her helmet is going to be a waste. She doesn't ride a lot as a new grandson keeps her attention from me. I can always add bluetooth to hers later anyway.
I have the Zumo 550 arriving this week and would like to use bluetooth features for cell phone and Zumo.
Yes I have ran the search but only sporadicly find N102 info. I would like to tie Nolan N102 info to this posting thread.
Thanks in advance.
Nolan (yes that's my first name but i don't own the company )
I have the Zumo 550 arriving this week and would like to use bluetooth features for cell phone and Zumo.
Yes I have ran the search but only sporadicly find N102 info. I would like to tie Nolan N102 info to this posting thread.
Thanks in advance.
Nolan (yes that's my first name but i don't own the company )