North America (edit) Black Bird in Europe

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
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Alamogordo, New Mexico
So I am active duty Air Force and am putting in to be stationed in Germany and was wondering what conversions if any would have to be done to my Black Bird to legally drive over the pond?

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You'll be registering your bike with USAREUR plates once you get there, which means that you can bring over your US spec vehicle with no changes what so ever.

This includes all US spec vehicles that you'd be bringing over..

The only problem you may have is if you find a bad-ass Euro-spec vehicle (bike or car) while you're out there, and then you try to bring it back to the State's at the end of your tour.

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Make sure its in your orders, lol! BTW I spent a few years in Frankfurt V Corp. Loved it! Stay to the right on the autobahns until you get a feeling of German traffic conditions, i.e., speeds, traffic circles, speed limits where posted, as those signs aren't joking when they read 120 kmh limit. Also watch exits off autobahns which can be tricky after a few hours of high-speed travel.

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You do not need to make any alterations whatsoever to the bike, even if you'd need German license plates. As long as you import the bike and declare it as household goods you can import and register the bike without paying any import duty.


You do not need to make any alterations whatsoever to the bike, even if you'd need German license plates. As long as you import the bike and declare it as household goods you can import and register the bike without paying any import duty.
He won't need to do that because he is covered under the SOFA (status of forces agreement) between the US and Germany. As long as he has orders to be there, he doesn't have to mess with any kind of customs or duty stuff.

In fact, they are now starting to give US forces actual German license plates with the first letter of the city in which they are stationed. IE: Kelley Barracks is in Stuttgart, so they would get an "S" plate.

I left Germany 3 years ago, and they were still giving US forces the "AD" plates.. Although, they looked like German plates, most people knew that AD meant Armedforces Deutschland.. It was a plate that said "hey I'm an American"

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